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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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That reduce effectiveness a lot and Russian airplane maybe cheap to maintain (let say cheaper than American) but they are not that easy to maintain and tend to need somehow more fuel than western counterparts
Does it really matter tho?

In war, you skip a lot of stuff, sorties is what you wanted most, and as long as an aircraft can still fly, you don't want to sideline it, which essentially make "maintenance" issue secondary.

Only in good fun, and NOT a laughing stock.
I don't like the way you are being bullied.
lol, I know, I am just pulling your finger...

Well, I better watch what I type, especially to sensitive word like "finger" or "circumvent" or "circumstance" or "Interview"

Who knows what my phone are trying to take me.........
This guy John R. Schindler gave the most realistic assessment:

The military historian and former counterintelligence officer with the US National Security Agency, John R. Schindler, captured the state of Putin’s war timeline: “Per Twitter, the Russian military in Ukraine looks like a confused, disorganized rabble prone to drunkenness and looting. They were the same when they reached Paris in 1814 and took Berlin in 1945. Don't read too much into it just yet. Russians at war are like this, ever thus.”
So u have become so desperate that now u compare a so called superpower with a 3rd world country Pakistan lolz. I can understand ur hatred, afterall we shafted u good in Afghanistan and u didnt even realize it untill it was too late lolz, poor superpower lost in the woods.
You obviously lack common sense so its useless to argue with u. If today China or Russia gives cuba the "option" of having nukes, will the US allow it? Providing an "option" means opening a door to an opportunity, something not acceptable to Russia, or for that matter to any big power. What is the guarantee that Ukraine after joining NATO will not allow NATO nukes on its territory? You are doing nothing but embarrassing urself in this thread and jumping around like a propaganda zombie with zero facts or common sense. Anyways ur entertaining us atleast.
You are not as smart as you think.

When Cuba fell under Castro and gained closer ties to the Soviet Union, INSTANTLY to the option to have nukes in Cuba was there. And the US did nothing UNTIL the Soviet Union actually placed nukes there. Is Cuba friendly to US today? No. So Russia or China can promise Cuba anything, including placing nukes in Cuba. Except this time, we may actually invade Cuba and take those nukes. :lol:
Show me a trustworthy news outlet if you can.
But all aside do you believe western media portrayal of the reason for the war is true ?
What about portrayal or more exactly lack of portrayal of what happened in Donetsk and lohansk in last 7 year ?

MR , in Russia today you get arrested or beaten for demonstrating against the war , social media is blocked , and news agencies are closed if they fail to follow the official government line.

All this does nor happen in the west and is typical to a dictatorship ,like Russia has become.

Sure , all news reports today should be read with caution .

But between news agencies of a democracy and those of a dictatorship , i will choose those of a democracy every time.

You are talking of a totally different world when it comes to free press.

lol, i am glad i could be a laughing stock ...

Just ignore.
And please tell us how was life in Arctic Circle when you were serving in Submarine force there?

Would you call it better than your time serving at NASA launch site as a consultant? Did you have good interactions with Russian astronauts when you were serving in International Space Station?

Did those guys have any idea that Russia was going to invade Ukraine?

Apparently it is not the Russians blocking the Mariupol civilian evacuation despite the Ukrainian side claiming otherwise..

At 12PM local time the Russians will open a civilian evacuation corridor today on the second attempt of getting the civilian out

Russians claim they want to check people leaving the city, because many Azov people could try to sneak out.

Whereas Ukraine is refusing the checks and hence stopping people from leaving.

No idea, could be propoganda.
It's not important if the hanger and runways are intact honestly even USA can't destroy runways of a determined enemy . But an airfield is more than that what about radars ,refueling and maintenance facilities , weapons ?
I doubt you speak from personal experience in the air force.


What is a 'determined' enemy? it is a meaningless phrase. The default position is that all enemies are determined regardless of how much weapons they have, how many soldiers/airmen/sailors available, and so on. We CANNOT assume that the enemy is any less determined to defend than we are to attack. So your statement is meaningless to start.

But as far as the USAF go, if your airbase is designated, we WILL make it there. In the image above, one B-2 dropped six bombs at the Obvra airbase runway. The four runway-taxiway intersections were cratered to prevent aircraft movements. The two other craters neatly dissected the runways into segments too short to use by any aircraft except for helos. The result is that the runways will be out of operation for at least 1/2 day. In that time, we will see no threat from that base. The mission is called 'runway denial'. There is a science to this. Just because Iran does not have that knowledge does not mean no one else does.

A flying base without a functional runway is useless. Everything on a flying base is there to support the aircrafts. But if the runway is damaged, the entire base is useless. We can destroy runways, simple as that.
Just ignore.
And please tell us how was life in Arctic Circle when you were serving in Submarine force there?

Would you call it better than your time serving at NASA launch site as a consultant? Did you have good interactions with Russian astronauts when you were serving in International Space Station?
Employment situation in West seems to be much worse that acknowledged. People with high skill set and experience find it hard to gain meaningful employment and spend most of the time on qwerty keyboard of phone.
Visa and Mastercard suspend activity in Russia
Just ignore.
And please tell us how was life in Arctic Circle when you were serving in Submarine force there?

Would you call it better than your time serving at NASA launch site as a consultant? Did you have good interactions with Russian astronauts when you were serving in International Space Station?

Did those guys have any idea that Russia was going to invade Ukraine?

Russians claim they want to check people leaving the city, because many Azov people could try to sneak out.

Whereas Ukraine is refusing the checks and hence stopping people from leaving.

No idea, could be propoganda.

So this is what is keeping things from advancing further
As far as I am concerned, the respect for Russian general staff is still there.

Our conclusions here are mostly based on whatever is available v on western media.

Equipment losses are in built in any war. Couple of tanks here, couple of aircraft there, c everyday, is always expected.

We have hardly seen any pics of Ukrainian dead, or their destroyed equipment. They say they are winning this. And every then, they are panicking.

Is not simple, it's not russia against Ukraine only. It's Russia against the whole NATO, look at the amount and quality of equipment and firepower being given to Ukrainians....
The amount of Propaganda from the west is unbelievable to say the least, I mean I think it should open up people's eyes, even countries like Russia or China can't match the power of Propaganda so countries like Afghanistan, Iraq , Syria or Libya stand no chances.

Its funny that people are discussing War Strategies and Tactics here but forget that Russians also had this study, they know what they are getting into, calculated their losses, time frame and other parameters, but as the narrative building is in full swing the west is trying to show that Russians are losing and Ukrainians are pushing them back, why? maybe because they want to hide their own failures to intervene in the conflict ? of course people in West are asking the question that why Americans or UK is sending troops to Help Ukraine? but when it comes to invading any ME they are always ready with their War fighting machinery to invade or create a NFZ over the country... Russians must be having the time of their lives as they are not only fighting on ground, but also fight the narrative which is spread over internet, they are getting hit by sanctions, every major business or many companies are closing their businesses with Russians to mount the pressure, The world has not seen anything like that when Iraq and other MErn countries were invaded on false premises.
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