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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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But the Russians...they claimed they shot down a handful of Ukrainian jets yesterday...
Don't play coy with me you very well knew right now Ukrainian air force is only consist of some flags and not operating bases
Well there is still the option of targeting civilians like how NATO do it and blame it on bad Intel . Hope it don't come to that and always there is the option of good old fashioned carpet bombing and interestingly Russia inventory of iron bombs are a lot more suitable for that approach.

I don't see them in sky so whatever happened to them they are effectively neutralized. Just like Saddam air force buried under sand
Are you in Ukraine? No? Then don't base your opinion on tweets and a handful of videos/pictures.
If you want to demoralizing Russia the way is popping them with sniper weapon antibacterial rifle ,atgm and Man-Pads that's what make an effective insurgency.
Sending airplanes that will get destroyed only increase the morals . Just think about the photos of destroyed western supplied airplanes on Russian medias . To me they act as moral booster . But even you capture 90 percent of those I said it won't increase moral as much they are just some guns in untrained eyes . But the casualties they can inflict are devastating to moral of the Frontline and back home.
Sending airplane NOW when there are still a conventional war going on. That in turn sap Russian morale when they carry into the insurgency...

Of course when you are dealing with an insurgency, you sent them C4 so they can make IED, AT weapon and Manpad is a must, which is also what they are giving to the Ukrainian now...
With all this ramping up of military spending i Eastern Europe it would be interesting to see which platforms they choose for modernization of their airforce as I dont think they can continue with older migs for long

Funny enough, they will start making or allowing weapons that Russia fear the most, IRBMs or ground based cruise missiles as well as drones and fighter jets.
Don't play coy with me you very well knew right now Ukrainian air force is only consist of some flags and not operating bases

Actually, Russia surprisingly did not destroy/capture many airfield, a lot of them are still intact, I have logged on Satellite feed last night and saw the Satellite image myself, I would have show you if I can find some commercial Satellite image (Can't show you those I saw)
Don't play coy with me you very well knew right now Ukrainian air force is only consist of some flags and not operating bases

This is the 8th time the Russians have completely neutralized the UkrAF since the war started, according to russophiles.
This is not about NATO or Russian perspective, this may work on the outside third party (like you and me) but it won't work in Ukraine, because you are bombing them, anything you said is going to be an excuse, would you think it is normal for Ukrainian look at the Russian after they bomb their apartment build and said "Aim better next time?"
The apartment bombing can be two edged sword it can rally your opponent it can destroy their morals it all come to the opponent itself .
It's a gamble one may take the result uncertain but it's a hypothetical option
With all this ramping up of military spending i Eastern Europe it would be interesting to see which platforms they choose for modernization of their airforce as I dont think they can continue with older migs for long

Yeah, that's why they are getting rid of those, but then it take time to train on Western fighter, so they may keep it for a little longer..

The irony of being NATO has made them complacent.
Yeah, as the BBC headline said

Russia has made NATO great again....
these old fighters wont defeat Russia all by themselves. But before they are destroyed they will cause some damage to Russia and prolog this thing a little longer. The aim is to drag this thing out until Russia collapses or gives up.
If they don't get ambushed before reaching Ukraine didn't you read the news Russia send s400 into ukraine
As far as I am concerned, the respect for Russian general staff is still there.

Our conclusions here are mostly based on whatever is available v on western media.

Equipment losses are in built in any war. Couple of tanks here, couple of aircraft there, c everyday, is always expected.

We have hardly seen any pics of Ukrainian dead, or their destroyed equipment. They say they are winning this. And every then, they are panicking.

Is not simple, it's not russia against Ukraine only. It's Russia against the whole NATO, look at the amount and quality of equipment and firepower being given to Ukrainians....

Hon @Joe Shearer @PanzerKiel @jhungary

I agree with the notion that we have been flooded with Pro Ukrainian propaganda and the West is doing everything in its power to promote the notion that Ukraine is winning and will be at the gates of Moscow soon. We know that's not true and eventually the Russians will win using brute force. I think this map is a great illustration that despite the Social Media, the Russian pincers are advancing and soon they will trap Ukraine's most battle hardened troops in the East and surround Kiev as well. They are setting up their FOB's near Kiev as we speak.

View attachment 821204

But my point still remains, how could the Russians have underestimated the response of the Ukrainians? What happened to their logistics? Logistics at the end of the day wins wars, and we are seeing Russian troops looting super markets because they are short on food. Vehicles are being abandoned or convoys are stopped because their fuel supplies cannot keep up. The Russians couldn't even keep their basics straight, and as @jhungary pointed out, their Senior Generals are coming to the frontlines and exposing themselves to fire thus increasing danger to themselves.

Isn't this a good thing, from a common soldier's point of view?

And then is it only Russians who have lost Generals at the frontlines? There are other great nations as well.

As we peer through the fog of war (a not very popular Pakistani military analyst known for his acid tongue believes that this is caused by incompetent senior leadership, and has little to do with inevitability), certain trends seem to be emerging:
  1. The Russians are IN Ukraine;
  2. NATO and others sympathetic are OUTSIDE Ukraine;
  3. The Ukrainian armed forces have not pushed out any Russians; they have killed an admitted 500 and injured thrice that number, but the juggernaut keeps rolling over them;
  4. The south and the east of Ukraine are no longer being reported very much, and that probably means that the Russians no longer have organised resistance in those two sectors;
  5. NATO is trying to flood the Ukraine with weaponry, particularly individual soldiers' weaponry; they still haven't found Charlie Wilson;
  6. They still haven't realised that the Ukrainian is neither an Afghan nor a Chechen; that is not to strike a false religious note, nor to discount the fierce resistance put up by the Ukrainian SSR as a part of the USSR in their Great Patriotic War.
The prognosis:

  1. A Russian victory;
  2. A western media offensive fiercely denying that there has been any kind of victory;
  3. A contradictory western media offensive, illuminating the great resistance put up by brave Ukrainians against the failed Soviet effort, their non-victory (the Ukrainians need to sit down with Tibetan refugees over a mug of butter-tea);
  4. Intermittent hit-and-run raids that will be countered by vigilante action by Russian-speaking volunteers from the eastern provinces that have been declared independent;
  5. A thinning-out of the Russian military, and a significant increase in Russian air activity, as the Russians begin to traverse the same trajectory that the US and NATO followed in Afghanistan;
  6. The Ukraine in ruins; Russia in ruins; a few thousand Indian unfortunates beggared as their parents' financial sacrifices to give them professional educations are flushed down the drain.
The rest, after the clear-sighted insights offered by @notorious_eagle and @PanzerKiel, can only meaningfully extend to lessons to be learnt; in this case, lessons to be learnt by India.
The apartment bombing can be two edged sword it can rally your opponent it can destroy their morals it all come to the opponent itself .
It's a gamble one may take the result uncertain but it's a hypothetical option
That's just an random example.

When you destroy enough civilian infrastructure, people are going to stand against you, this is not an uncertainty, this is a guarantee, we saw that from every insurgency since the Trouble all the way to Taliban insurgency.
they claim they're winning, so why the following actions:

1. Penal legions with released convicts
2. Arming random civilians like the Volkstrum
3. Breaking their own reservoir to flood an attack path
4. Asking for foreign volunteers and equipment
5. Asking for foreign intervention

None of these are signs of winning. Germans have done 1-2 when losing, Chinese have done 3-5 when losing.
What do you expect?
Russia wages a war of annihilation. Putin wants to erase Ukraine from the map. Should the Ukrainians greet the invaders with flowers instead of Molotov cocktail? Ukraine wages a total war. That’s justified.
What if Japan invades China again?
What would you do?
Kiss the Japanese?
If you want to demoralizing Russia the way is popping them with sniper weapon antibacterial rifle ,atgm and Man-Pads that's what make an effective insurgency.
Sending airplanes that will get destroyed only increase the morals . Just think about the photos of destroyed western supplied airplanes on Russian medias . To me they act as moral booster . But even you capture 90 percent of those I said it won't increase moral as much they are just some guns in untrained eyes . But the casualties they can inflict are devastating to moral of the Frontline and back home.
We are already giving them all that.

every new mig 29 for Ukraine gives them a platform that can deliver 4,000 kg on target. Thats like 8 ballistic missiles that Iran boasts about, per mission.

How many columns of armour or trucks can that take out? So even if those migs fly one mission its worth it. Not to mention how many helicopters it can take out.

I would be surprised if NATO has the nerve to supply them with those new migs.
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