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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Give up an a/c we know how to maintain, and acquire another that people across the border have been flying for donkeys' years? (yes, I saw the emoji).
We cannot teach an old dog new tricks?! :undecided:
they claim they're winning, so why the following actions:

1. Penal legions with released convicts
2. Arming random civilians like the Volkstrum
3. Breaking their own reservoir to flood an attack path
4. Asking for foreign volunteers and equipment
5. Asking for foreign intervention

None of these are signs of winning. Germans have done 1-2 when losing, Chinese have done 3-5 when losing.
The arming of civilians in an ethnically contested area will have disastrous result
Yugoslavia will look like a minor scuffle
Great point... I didn't think of this. But yes, definitely the Russians will arm to the teeth any opposition to Western misadventures in the middle East or any other region... They will not forget this....
Yes and will never forget it either. Goes both ways.
'circumventing' US sanction

reads better (pardon my venting, definitely preferable to my inciising).

Give up an a/c we know how to maintain, and acquire another that people across the border have been flying for donkeys' years? (yes, I saw the emoji).
Yeah, just told the other guy this is a autocorrect problem, I don't know why Samsung did this to me, I don't know why they change it to that word tho, I don't need another one.


By the way, that is not the most failed autocorrect of all time I had experienced. I once had a girl facebook me a message wanting to have an interc.....(The one mean sex) with me, when she was asking for an interview....
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Like Russian news are more accurate .
Show me a trustworthy news outlet if you can.
But all aside do you believe western media portrayal of the reason for the war is true ?
What about portrayal or more exactly lack of portrayal of what happened in Donetsk and lohansk in last 7 year ?
Putin probably came up with a new plan.
He can't, he has committed too deep into the original plan, he can change it, but he can't come up with a new plan.

The only way for him to implement a new plan is to pull every troop out, and then reset and plan for another operation. The Axis of attack, the use of force and the logistic commitment is already there, you can technically implementing a new plan but this will probably do more harm than good

Beside, what kind of plan did he have beside this? His plan is never a problem, the execution of said plan is.
He wanted to join NATO to prevent exactly that scenario . . .

And if he was in NATO this invasion would most likely would not have happened . . .

And the scenario happened because of his wanting to join NATO ?
Or let say his policy in eastern Ukraine and wanting to join NATO.

More importantly he wanted to join NATO to stop this scenario or to get a more free hand in dealing with Russian minority in Ukraine.
A question what aerial platforms will be provided to operators that only had experience with Soviet aircraft?
Possible Mig-29, Su-27 or Su-25.

Those are the one that ex-soviet bloc member had.

At this point, this talk about what ground was captured or not is pointless. Russia is many times more powerful than Ukraine, of course, it will win the war. However, I just can't see how the world after this war would be more advantageous for Russia. I just don't see it. Does Putin have some ace up his sleeve that we don't know about or has he really gone nuts?
Well, if Putin have some trick up in his sleeve, he is not showing.

And beside the economic stuff, everything I said WILL happen after Russia conquered and occupied Ukraine, which make people wonder why Putin is willing to do that.
Possible Mig-29, Su-27 or Su-25.

Those are the one that ex-soviet bloc member had.
Do countries outside of Russia still produce them or is the policy just to upgrade older platforms? I mean Germany is getting new F-35 just for the Russian threat will eastern Europe countries too get newer platforms?
Mod, I think that we have change this thread title to : Russian - Ukraine; Bickering and troll war. Because that title fit more than news & development. I come here to read the news and development of the war, but what I see is never ending troll wars and OOT in here.
lol........saw an local news article today, the editor spell "ruble" or "rouble" to rubble......
Well, if Putin have some trick up in his sleeve, he is not showing.

Mod, I think that we have change this thread title to : Russian - Ukraine; Bickering and troll war. Because that title fit more than news & development. I come here to read the news and development of the war, but what I see is never ending troll wars and OOT in here.
Most people have picked sides
Do countries outside of Russia still produce them or is the policy just to upgrade older platforms? I mean Germany is getting new F-35 just for the Russian threat will eastern Europe countries too get newer platforms?
Just older upgraded stuff, Russia had keep supplying parts to EU nation who flew them. There are a few of them are still frontline fighter (Bulgaria for example).

Germany is getting F-35 because they think they needed that to counter Russian threat, I don't think Germany still fly old Soviet AIrcraft, think they have Eurofighter for it and possibly some tornado. Poland, Bulgaria, Hungary probably still have legacy Soviet fighter in service.

Most people have picked sides
That did nothing but increase financial burden when they eventually captured those city (as they are going to need to rebuild it) and piss off the local population.

It's like American in Iraq and Afghanistan, the more you bomb the people, the more they hated you, and the more they resist, and in turn, you bomb them some more.....

There are going to be an insurgency we are looking at. That is almost certain at this point.
Possible Mig-29, Su-27 or Su-25.

Those are the one that ex-soviet bloc member had.
The question is how to gave them in enough number to have effect. Ukraine had many of those but it took two to three days for them to get neutralized.

And again I say what I believe you can't win against Russia by Russian weaponry and you can't win against USA by American weaponry and you can't win against china by Chinese weaponary.if you want to see effect you must send in western airplane and then pop up the bigger question of who gonna pilot them
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