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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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As far as I am concerned, the respect for Russian general staff is still there.

Our conclusions here are mostly based on whatever is available v on western media.

Equipment losses are in built in any war. Couple of tanks here, couple of aircraft there, c everyday, is always expected.

We have hardly seen any pics of Ukrainian dead, or their destroyed equipment. They say they are winning this. And every then, they are panicking.

Is not simple, it's not russia against Ukraine only. It's Russia against the whole NATO, look at the amount and quality of equipment and firepower being given to Ukrainians....
Ukrainians keep asking the West to implement an NFZ or to send them more aircraft - a big ask for a country that has in at least news media taken out half the applied Russian inventory. That in itself says a lot.
A major consequence of this war not being discussed?

All these Nato countries openly supplying weapons that kill Russian soldiers.

Can look forward to nasty surprises the next iraq/afghanistan misadventure they go on.

I fully expect to see Russian atgms flooding the next war of aggression nato wages against some near defenceless country

Great point... I didn't think of this. But yes, definitely the Russians will arm to the teeth any opposition to Western misadventures in the middle East or any other region... They will not forget this....
But this invasion is not about nuclear weapons and Russia is not making the 'potential' argument. As far as the Iraq issue, there are more evident of a nuclear weapons program, which the IAEA put under the category of nuclear weapons, than Ukraine is a neo-Nazi state.

So here is the list of justifications that Poutine is using:
  1. NATO membership
  2. Neo-Nazi
  3. Ethnic Russian oppression
  4. Ukraine is making fun of Russia
  5. Ukrainians are making fun of Poutine
  6. Zelensky is ugly
  7. Ukrainians chicks are hotter than Russian chicks
  8. Chicken Kyiv is better than borscht
  9. Ukrainian vodka is better than Russian vodka
  10. Ukrainian weather is better than Russian weather
Am pretty sure the top three are the main reasons, and Poutine considered the rest.
Agree on point 7
Ukrainians keep asking the West to implement an NFZ or to send them more aircraft - a big ask for a country that has in at least news media taken out half the applied Russian inventory. That in itself says a lot.
I read Russia now moving S400 inside Ukrain the area occupied and cleared by its forces that would be an interesting move if its true? Only realistic view came by Colonel MacGregor at fox about encirclement of 50/70K Ukrainain troops East of Dneiper by Russian forces
A major consequence of this war not being discussed?

All these Nato countries openly supplying weapons that kill Russian soldiers.

Can look forward to nasty surprises the next iraq/afghanistan misadventure they go on.

I fully expect to see Russian atgms flooding the next war of aggression nato wages against some near defenceless country

Had the Taliban been given konkurs atgm and mordern manpads imagine what would they have done to the so called coalition, given what they achieved with RPG's.
Not only that bro. It was Soviet Union who defeated colonialism. Thats a fact. Ask all Latin Americans and Africans. Even South Asia has a lot to thanks Soviet Union for when it comes to independence from colonialism.
Dude the Soviets raped and killed Musims right at our border and if you really want to give credit for decolonization give it to Nazis who weakened Britain so much that it had to let go
It seems like the West has gone bananas. They've raised tensions so high that now the public is demanding military action from NATO. The Canadian PM, Trudeau, had to go out of his way to explain why a No Fly Zone wasn't a good idea.

Western politicians have painted themselves into a corner. To stay in power they have to appear tough. To appear tough they have to keep adding more and more pressure on Russia. There's already a witch hunt going on against Russians. How long before Russians are rounded up in concentration camps?

All these announcements about delivering weapons and mercenaries to Ukraine. Do they think that Russians don't watch the news? That's practically a declaration of war. A cornered animal is dangerous.

Whatever happens now, whoever wins, the time to Armageddon has been reduced drastically. There will now be an all-out race by everyone to acquire weapons, including nuclear, and then there will be the final showdown, sooner rather than later.

I don't know where you live... But in the entire West there is an explosion of White Nationalist (i.e. Nazi) rebirth. The old white imperialism is reborn as racist backlash to the societal, economic, cultural, and moral decline of the White working class.

The Canadian Freedom Rally, the Trumpism in USA, the French Islamapbobic Far Right, the British Brexit and growing xenophobia, the Ukrainian Nazi Normalization, etc. Etc. Is a manifestation of the rise of the bloodthirsty imperialist Westerner.
Damn big for habibis to be saying this.

What the say is for fools to consume.... What they do is more important.... The Habbibis will pump more and and gas and give it at discounted rates to the White masters....

Don't listen to the words a slave screams when whipped... Just make sure he obeys....
circumcising US sanction
'circumventing' US sanction

reads better (pardon my venting, definitely preferable to my inciising).

US should offer the same deal to India as well :laugh:
Give up an a/c we know how to maintain, and acquire another that people across the border have been flying for donkeys' years? (yes, I saw the emoji).

Ukraine is the final delirium of our colossal and deadly empire

The terror suffered by the Ukrainians at the hands of the Bolsheviks and the terror suffered by the Yiddish people at the hands of the Ukrainians ...

... Now it becomes the nostalgics of the 14th Waffen SS encouraged by the State Department where the four main positions are grandchildren of Ukrainians, Russians and Poles ... and financed by a clan of "our colonial project" (Jabotinsky) in "the land of Canaan" where several Russian-Polish-Ukrainian terrorist groups succeeded
Isn't it ironic 75% of Bolshevik leadership was Jewish. In fact Lazar Kaganovitch, also known as the "Jewish Himmler" was responsible for the holocaust against Ukrainian people in 1930s.
Ukrainians keep asking the West to implement an NFZ or to send them more aircraft - a big ask for a country that has in at least news media taken out half the applied Russian inventory. That in itself says a lot.
they claim they're winning, so why the following actions:

1. Penal legions with released convicts
2. Arming random civilians like the Volkstrum
3. Breaking their own reservoir to flood an attack path
4. Asking for foreign volunteers and equipment
5. Asking for foreign intervention

None of these are signs of winning. Germans have done 1-2 when losing, Chinese have done 3-5 when losing.
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