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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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How would America feel if Mexico allowed Chinese troops to be based in Mexico ? . How would America respond if the Mexican president dared to say no ???

According to this logic, Mexico wouldnt be attacked by USA if the mexicans had become a formal Chinese ally and had chinese IRBM and chinese troops. Because Americans wouldnt dare.
When your adversary starts banning cats and literary authors, you know that all retaliatory steps he has taken did not have the desired effect and has effectively extinguished all meaningful options to the degree that they are now illegally looting Russian citizens assets.

Regardless of the military losses that Russia might suffer, wether they are exaggerated or underreported, they are ultimately an insignificant price in return for neutralizing a potential nuclear Nato Ukraine, this is the nation that gave 20 million people in WW2, a few thousands personel and some vehicles is a non figure.
The hostile acts between the blocks are getting more intense day by day.

Soon both USA and Russia will have to decide if its worth or not, to declare a full spectrum warfare for the sake of Ukraine.
NATO already said it will not go to war with Russia over this. There is nothing more to decide.
As far as I am concerned, the respect for Russian general staff is still there.

Our conclusions here are mostly based on whatever is available v on western media.

Equipment losses are in built in any war. Couple of tanks here, couple of aircraft there, c everyday, is always expected.

We have hardly seen any pics of Ukrainian dead, or their destroyed equipment. They say they are winning this. And every then, they are panicking.

Is not simple, it's not russia against Ukraine only. It's Russia against the whole NATO, look at the amount and quality of equipment and firepower being given to Ukrainians....

Hon @Joe Shearer @PanzerKiel @jhungary

I agree with the notion that we have been flooded with Pro Ukrainian propaganda and the West is doing everything in its power to promote the notion that Ukraine is winning and will be at the gates of Moscow soon. We know that's not true and eventually the Russians will win using brute force. I think this map is a great illustration that despite the Social Media, the Russian pincers are advancing and soon they will trap Ukraine's most battle hardened troops in the East and surround Kiev as well. They are setting up their FOB's near Kiev as we speak.


But my point still remains, how could the Russians have underestimated the response of the Ukrainians? What happened to their logistics? Logistics at the end of the day wins wars, and we are seeing Russian troops looting super markets because they are short on food. Vehicles are being abandoned or convoys are stopped because their fuel supplies cannot keep up. The Russians couldn't even keep their basics straight, and as @jhungary pointed out, their Senior Generals are coming to the frontlines and exposing themselves to fire thus increasing danger to themselves.
How long before Russians are rounded up in concentration camps?
I would say there is a while to go yet. The Australian government has not even selected a location for the concentration camps yet.

A major consequence of this war not being discussed?

All these Nato countries openly supplying weapons that kill Russian soldiers.

Can look forward to nasty surprises the next iraq/afghanistan misadventure they go on.

I fully expect to see Russian atgms flooding the next war of aggression nato wages against some near defenceless country
ER=143217]@jhungary[/USER] pointed out, their Senior Generals are coming to the frontlines and exposing themselves to fire thus increasing danger to themselves.
Isn't this a good thing, from a common soldier's point of view?

And then is it only Russians who have lost Generals at the frontlines? There are other great nations as well.
Don't know about that, but we are definitely arming Latvia and Estonia, may not be nuclear tho, but we will see.
A question what aerial platforms will be provided to operators that only had experience with Soviet aircraft?
A major consequence of this war not being discussed?

All these Nato countries openly supplying weapons that kill Russian soldiers.

Can look forward to nasty surprises the next iraq/afghanistan misadventure they go on.

I fully expect to see Russian atgms flooding the next war of aggression nato wages against some near defenceless country
True, but until then and endless supply of ATGM's and stingers are on their way to Ukraine.
I gotta give it to the Western media and Ukrainian supporters . They have shamelessly propagate and peddled fake news like never before in the history .

Most of the videos are outright fake or exaggerated to say the least.

Western media created the fake news such as a 40 mile Russian convoy, which was once attacking Kiev , then bogged down , then ran out of fuel, then soldiers deserted and finally ambushed by the brave Ukrainians. The entire story is so outlandish and stupid that any one with an ounce of brain will not be able to stop shaking their heads in disbelief.

Western media deliberately created the hype that Russians are unable to take Kiev as if it was supposed to be a walk in the park. Ukraine had a large professional and well armed army. They are equally armed and trained as the Russians except they cannot match Russians in number . Ofcourse they were going to fight to death their equally trained and qualitatively equal army.

Why wouldn’t they ?

So the expectation Russia was to win the war in few days was a deliberate misinformation to create the sense that Russians are stalled and loosing.

They are neither stalled nor loosing. They are deliberately and methodically moving and capturing area. Their goal is not to just capture the territory but to destroy and disarm Ukrainian army infrastructure . That they are doing well and moving slowly in the process .

Yes in some places they are stalled but that is totally expected from a well armed enemy that is determined to defend their homeland .

The end is not in doubt. The question is how much Russians will destroy …. Both the military and civilian …. To teach their enemy a lesson.
So who is to say that is not fake news and propaganda from you? What if you are wrong?
Mariupol is in contest, it's not under Russian control. And should have been under control on day 1 due to its proximity.

Also, Russian aggression route is actually quite slow, because their battleplan as Lukashenko leaked some days ago. Was to cut off Southern Ukraine and annex Eastern Ukraine along the line between Mariupol to Dnipro to Kyiv along the Dnieper River. To do that, Russia would need to take Kyiv, Dnipro, Mariupol and Odessa, none of them felt.

And the Russian advance is on 11 days, it already committed all tactic reserve, and troop rotation is coming in at 28 days limit by then Russia would need to put in Strategic Reserve, which I don't know if they have any. And then couple to the fact that 11 days in and none of the major city felt to Russia, this time table is not going to be Russian fan.

I will not say Ukrainian is winning, but Russian is not winning either.
Putin probably came up with a new plan.
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