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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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It has something to do with against who and what capability they have example back in 2003 the gap was great between US and Iraq and alot of people falsely base their measurement on that. Example if the US had engaged an Iraq that never saw the Saddam toppling in 2022 it would have been 100 times more hard all tho the Americans would get it done but it would come at a great cost and much slower and hack it took the Americans 1 year to take Mosul from freaking small ISIS hence it would have taken the Americans atleast 3-4 years to secure the country with a fairly great cost.

Example smaller countries could bloody the Americans and it all depends on what type of systems and weaponry they have example Poland, Algeria, South Korea, etc etc

You will notice substantial difference in force composition and battle tactics adopted for Operation Desert Storm in 1991 (vs. Iraq when it was at the top of its military strength and confidence in the region) and the same for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 (vs. Iraq when its military strength had eroded and embraced militias model). Both operations were brilliantly executed nevertheless.

NATO definitely understands the difference between a near-peer adversary and others.
Hon @Joe Shearer @PanzerKiel

Have you Gentlemen been following this war? Zhukov would be rolling in his grave right now seeing how the Russians have executed their battle plans. I used to have the highest amount of respect for the Russian General Staff, not anymore. Rather then using out of the box thinking and maneuvers, they seem to be now just relying on brute force to get through.

The amount of equipment that was abandoned on the road because they had not done the necessary maintenance is just making my head explode.

Would love to hear what you Gents think
I have been looking at this with some wonder, some anguish and some depressed conclusions about the French saying, 'Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.' The more things change, the more they stay the same.

On this, since you have invited @PanzerKeil to offer his comments, it seems appropriate to let him speak first.
Looks like the Ukrainians are operating Rus origin AA Manpads closer to the frontlines. Where are the stingers?? Any pics of captured stingers??
NATO definitely understands the difference between a near-peer adversary and others.

Timeline is key here brother.. You may ask why? We are experiencing explosion of technology. Example American carriers is almost useless nowadays and if not it will be completely useless in 5-10 years time. The technological explosion is going at much faster rate in every single sector.. You can call the era since 2005 the great technology explosion I mean in every single sector we advanced at greater speed then we anticipated.. Just look at how fast your phones have been changing in the last 15 years or your Tv's..

2 decades is a long time hence the measurement doesn't paint the picture for me because technically these were 2 different eras taking into account the speed which all sectors advanced and modernized

You will notice substantial difference in force composition and battle tactics adopted for Operation Desert Storm in 1991 (vs. Iraq when it was at the top of its military strength and confidence in the region) and the same for Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 (vs. Iraq when its military strength had eroded and embraced militias model). Both operations were brilliantly executed nevertheless.

NATO definitely understands the difference between a near-peer adversary and others.
Operations were well handed, but Iraq has dragged USA down. Despite huge resources invested that could have better spent at home. Your opinion might be different, these post 9/11 wars have impacted US economy and society in a negative way.
What a senile fool. He thinks 45 million ukranians are going to accept living under a tyrant when they have tasted freedom. Not gonna happen grandpa.
Haha... If i remember correctly from the video, he just talked/focused about/on destruction not "living"
Sergei - Squadron Leader/Commander - Operated from Crimea- Born far east Russia- something number 59882

Ukrainian interrogators had a long conversation with Major Krasnoruchev. The premise of the conversation as per the Krasnouruchev is that the orders are unclear- not enough time to study maps- Were told civilians evacuated- he does not support Russian political action- did not know where he was being sent.

Fishy statements by a veteran attack pilot.
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We learned their superior unparalleled retreat from Afghanistan barely a year ago, that hasty fleeing was epic.

Responses such as these are not helpful in conversations about conventional military technologies, tactics and doctrines of any country.

Limited-scale and largely COIN warfare witnessed in Afghanistan is a different topic.

NATO delivered heavy blows to Afghan Taliban in times of Bush administration but situation on the ground changed when Obama administration declared an end to major combat operations in the region in 2014 - NATO was no longer allowed to fight Afghan Taliban on a broader level after this decree. Talks with Afghan Taliban had commenced in times of Obama administration in fact. Biden administration did not give a shit about Afghanistan on the other hand - it called for unconditional withdrawal.

Afghan Taliban were not idiots either:

Conventional methods of warfare are not suitable for irregular methods of warfare from cost-benefit standpoint.
Russia has won, its over. West dumped Ukraine already now unless India sends its special forces Ukraine cannot win.

what did they gaing of this?

the only one who won is china, they will charge Russian for using ther bank account in china. And buy cheap oil and gas from Russia, other hand Pakistan will pay the double price for gas and oil :p: .
They're allowing ships that are apart of the black sea fleet, while denying those that aren't.

Turkey is doing all it can, outside of declaring war on Russia.
No it's that CBS put the Bosphorus area in the same colors as they show Greece on the map. And Turks were angry about it.
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