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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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what did they gaing of this?

the only one who won is china, they will charge Russian for using ther bank account in china. And buy cheap oil and gas from Russia, other hand Pakistan will pay the double price for gas and oil :p: .

That is the major question. I am scratching my head too. I think its as simple as our politicians have miscalculated Russia and its determination to prevent Ukraine from becoming a NATO member.

Too often we think politicians are smarter og superior when it comes to strategies and descisions. But speaking from experience there is a tendency to overestimate how intelligent and wise people in power are in real. Sometimes all you need is sheer tenacity and luck to get rich or powerful. If they are suited to rule a nation is a completely different topic.

In democracy this is one of the major pitfalls, because people elect a likable and popular candidate, which not nessecarily means he or she is the most suitable candidate.
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I shared it here in the first days, maybe someone will remember. Even the most modern attack helicopters in Russia's hands do not even have exhaust suppressors that dissipate the thermal trace of the engine.
I think the one shot over Odessa today is a Mi24 with some sort of engine engine dissipator.

Interview from White House adviser to sanctions on Russia. He says that WH is considering steps to increase energy production from America. Hope this will mean Key Stone pipeline will be revived. Announcements are expected next week :cheers:
That would be wonderful if key stone get approve.
Russian strategic planning is deep and all western actions will have been considered and planned for. In addition, the cumulative effects of western sanctions are beginning to rebound on their authors.

- NASA is no longer a cutting edge technological concern. For years now it has relied on the import of high precision chip and circuit technologies from China and rocket engines from Russia. The US is so dependent on Russian rocket engines that these technologies have always been exempted from sanctions. Having exposed their dependency, the Russian response was obvious. Russia first announced that would no longer be cooperating with either NASA or the European Space Agencies. Both organizations rely on Russia to supply and man the International Space Station. This was followed by the announcement that Russia would no longer sell rocket engines to the US and Europe..

- Russia and Belorussia are the world's largest aluminum exporters. Due to the sanctions, aluminum prices have jumped on the London Futures Exchange to $1440 per ton. Aluminum is a critical resource in modern industry and construction.. This will cause more Inflation..
Also, according to research firm Techcet, Ukraine supplies more than 90% of the U.S.’s semiconductor-grade neon, a gas integral to the lasers used in the chip-making process, while Russia supplies 35% of the U.S.’s palladium supply, a rare metal that can be used to create semiconductors..Without Neon there is simply no semiconductor industry. Same for titanium sponge. This is the worst choke-point of them all..

- The US claims to be a net oil exporter, but this is not strictly correct. The US requires heavy oil from Russia which is mixed with Canadian and US crude in the refining process to manufacture the variety of petroleum products it consumes and exports, such as diesel.. 25% of US oil imports come from Russia who has announced it will no longer supply the US with oil. And with Europe now openly hostile, it's only a matter of time before Russia cuts off their oil and gas supply.. worsening the inflation rate..

- Another significant Russia and Belorussia exports to Europe is phosphates and fertilizers which are outputs of the Russian petrochemical industry. European agriculture is wholly depending on industrial fertilizers.. and that resource might be cut off too..hence creating a food crisis and yet, more inflation..

- On Day One of the Russian operation, gold and silver prices leapt upwards as investors sought safety and security. Both gold and silver prices are subject to active market suppression and prices returned to the status quo ante on Monday 28th February 2022. Suppression involves the massive purchase of gold futures to flood the market and thereby lower the price. This strategy only pumps up futures liabilities which will need to be repaid at some time in the future..With Russia sanctioned and cut out of SWIFT, we can expect Russia, which holds substantial physical gold reserves, will seek payment for exports in physical gold. The US has virtually no gold reserves.. so the pressure on physical gold prices can be expected to rise. If physical gold prices rise, when the gold futures come due, the higher spot price will apply.. and provoke inflation.. But not much for Russia.. Since the Russian Central Bank's decision to increase lending rates from 9% to 20% was a critically important move. Russia is prepared to weather the inevitable inflation this crisis will cause (inflation in Russia is running at 8% before the crisis). In the west, where near zero official interest rates have been maintained for nearly a decade, there is NO capacity to weather the inflationary storm. An increase of only 2 or 3% will send many national economies to the wall..

- So far the Russian military operation in Ukraine has been a reconnaissance in force preceded by the destruction of the supplies and headquarters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by standoff weapons. The object being to find out where the Ukrainian forces are, to surround them, to check existing Russian intelligence against reality and, at the same time, destroy known headquarters, air and naval assets, supplies and ammunition depots..
At the moment they are readying for the next phase. The long column that so obsessed the “experts” on CNN and other media is the preparation for the next phase.
What appears so far is that Russia has created three encirclements. Probably the most important one is the one around Mariupol where the main concentration of Azov, the principal nazi force, is.. Another is being established around the main concentration of the Ukrainian Armed Forces facing LDPR. And there appears to be another developing to the east of Kiev. A super encirclement combining all three is visible. The nazis will be exterminated and the ordinary Ukrainian soldier will be allowed to go home.. Azov battalion started as a battalion, but is not battalion size anymore. It was at least at brigade size when it was absorbed into the official Ukrainian military along with the smaller militias. However, its officers were spread throughout the Ukrainian military.


Different sources..
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The Russians killed incomparably more Muslims than any other imperial power(or imperial protected structures like Israel) and invaded more Muslim countries. But if you look at the general audience of the forum, Russians always lovable while other demonized. However, it is not the moral foundations that feed these feelings, but the conditions and interests of the countries. Russia is a 'distant threat' to many Muslim countries. The western bloc is an 'imminent threat' for some reasons.
Yes, its just mind boggling that someone who is a muslim can find the west more of a threat than Russia.

Yes I know Iraq happened, but I cant see how someone like Saddam is worth fighting for. Or any dictator.
Serious question: what’s the value of scrap metal these days? Ukrainians sitting on a potential gold mine right about now.
Even as a Pakistani I am saddened by this and disgusted by the embassy staff.
Sadly you and I both know this is a common mentality in South Asia, especially among CSS types. Oh how I hate CSS officers.
Russian strategic planning is deep and all western actions will have been considered and planned for. In addition, the cumulative effects of western sanctions are beginning to rebound on their authors.

- NASA is no longer a cutting edge technological concern. For years now it has relied on the import of high precision chip and circuit technologies from China and rocket engines from Russia. The US is so dependent on Russian rocket engines that these technologies have always been exempted from sanctions. Having exposed their dependency, the Russian response was obvious. Russia first announced that would no longer be cooperating with either NASA or the European Space Agencies. Both organizations rely on Russia to supply and man the International Space Station. This was followed by the announcement that Russia would no longer sell rocket engines to the US and Europe..

- Russia and Belorussia are the world's largest aluminum exporters. Due to the sanctions, aluminum prices have jumped on the London Futures Exchange to $1440 per ton. Aluminum is a critical resource in modern industry and construction.. This will cause more Inflation..
Also, according to research firm Techcet, Ukraine supplies more than 90% of the U.S.’s semiconductor-grade neon, a gas integral to the lasers used in the chip-making process, while Russia supplies 35% of the U.S.’s palladium supply, a rare metal that can be used to create semiconductors..Without Neon there is simply no semiconductor industry. Same for titanium sponge. This is the worst choke-point of them all..

- The US claims to be a net oil exporter, but this is not strictly correct. The US requires heavy oil from Russia which is mixed with Canadian and US crude in the refining process to manufacture the variety of petroleum products it consumes and exports, such as diesel.. 25% of US oil imports come from Russia who has announced it will no longer supply the US with oil. And with Europe now openly hostile, it's only a matter of time before Russia cuts off their oil and gas supply.. worsening the inflation rate..

- Another significant Russia and Belorussia exports to Europe is phosphates and fertilizers which are outputs of the Russian petrochemical industry. European agriculture is wholly depending on industrial fertilizers.. and that resource might be cut off too..hence creating a food crisis and yet, more inflation..

- On Day One of the Russian operation, gold and silver prices leapt upwards as investors sought safety and security. Both gold and silver prices are subject to active market suppression and prices returned to the status quo ante on Monday 28th February 2022. Suppression involves the massive purchase of gold futures to flood the market and thereby lower the price. This strategy only pumps up futures liabilities which will need to be repaid at some time in the future..With Russia sanctioned and cut out of SWIFT, we can expect Russia, which holds substantial physical gold reserves, will seek payment for exports in physical gold. The US has virtually no gold reserves.. so the pressure on physical gold prices can be expected to rise. If physical gold prices rise, when the gold futures come due, the higher spot price will apply.. and provoke inflation.. But not much for Russia.. Since the Russian Central Bank's decision to increase lending rates from 9% to 20% was a critically important move. Russia is prepared to weather the inevitable inflation this crisis will cause (inflation in Russia is running at 8% before the crisis). In the west, where near zero official interest rates have been maintained for nearly a decade, there is NO capacity to weather the inflationary storm. An increase of only 2 or 3% will send many national economies to the wall..

- So far the Russian military operation in Ukraine has been a reconnaissance in force preceded by the destruction of the supplies and headquarters of the Ukrainian Armed Forces by standoff weapons. The object being to find out where the Ukrainian forces are, to surround them, to check existing Russian intelligence against reality and, at the same time, destroy known headquarters, air and naval assets, supplies and ammunition depots..
At the moment they are readying for the next phase. The long column that so obsessed the “experts” on CNN and other media is the preparation for the next phase.
What appears so far is that Russia has created three encirclements. Probably the most important one is the one around Mariupol where the main concentration of Azov, the principal nazi force, is.. Another is being established around the main concentration of the Ukrainian Armed Forces facing LDPR. And there appears to be another developing to the east of Kiev. A super encirclement combining all three is visible. The nazis will be exterminated and the ordinary Ukrainian soldier will be allowed to go home.. Azov battalion started as a battalion, but is not battalion size anymore. It was at least at brigade size when it was absorbed into the official Ukrainian military along with the smaller militias. However, its officers were spread throughout the Ukrainian military.

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Different sources..

What a BS, source is a PDF member.... :p:
Operations were well handed, but Iraq has dragged USA down. Despite huge resources invested that could have better spent at home. Your opinion might be different, these post 9/11 wars have impacted US economy and society in a negative way.
I agree with you on this.

It can be very difficult and expensive to invade and occupy some countries for long-term basis due to following factors:

1. Modern warfare is increasingly HYBRID in character (conventional model + insurgency model + cyber model).

2. Technologies are increasingly miniaturized, lethal and suitable for insurgency model of warfare.

3. Regional geopolitical environment - the country which is being subjected to invasion and occupation, might have allies to begin with or find support in neighboring countries. Other countries can choose to intervene and supply arms to the country which is trying to resist invading forces.

4. Costs of logistics, equipment maintenance, and managing a new government will balloon over time.

USA experienced all of the above in Iraq and to some extent in Afghanistan.

There was a discussion on these lines about China as well:

And u say u have military experience? Do they select low IQ dumbs in US military? Because since yesterday u cant seem to be able to understand a simple point.
Consider the US military is the most preeminent in the world, looks like our 'IQ dumbs' are smarter than the rest. You better petition the Pakistani Air Force to stop training with US because the USAF is filled with 'IQ dumbs' like myself.

I am saying this again,I never said it "compels" but it does give the "option", doesnt it?? So even if placing nukes isnt compulsory, it is an option, which means Ukraine joining NATO have the "option" of allowing NATO nukes on its land. Even having this option is enough reason for Russia to invade.
Then why not attack Turkey? Or any other NATO member near to Russia? Did you even researched on which NATO member hosts nuclear weapons in their countries.

Seriously i feel like arguing with a 5 yr old, though 5 yrs old may have more intelligence than u.
Then you better find a five yr old because you are not doing a good job.
what did they gaing of this?

the only one who won is china, they will charge Russian for using ther bank account in china. And buy cheap oil and gas from Russia, other hand Pakistan will pay the double price for gas and oil :p: .

The more things are unfolding, it seems the west really has forced Russia into suicide.

I saw an interview with Putin recently explaining why he had to act because nato was encroaching closer and closer.

He was left in a position damned if he does and damned if he doesn't. So he chose to go down fighting.

All in all, I believe now, it was a bit of a western masterclass. They pushed Putin into hara Kiri - and Russians get to look like the bad guys.

The effectiveness of sanctions is obvious on the Russian economy - it is obliterated. Despite many on this site saying sanctions are useless, already planned for, neutralised by China, etc. Putins declaration today that sanctions are an "act of war" prove that it is hurting badly.

Chinese miscalculated too and seem to have quietened down their involvement.
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