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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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More Russian pilots captured or killed today, expensive hardware like Su 30, Su-34, MIG helos burning. Looks like Russian SEAD worked real well. Now we know why the Russian AF was missing in action. Afraid of loosing the expensive airframes. Worse than the loss of the airframe is the capture/loss of the pilots including the fat dude who was a senior aviator in Syria. Guess bombing defenseless muslims in Syria is not equivalent to a real war with AD.

All of this on the day Putin claims all Ukrainian AF and AD assets dead.
it's not that simple...some places Russia has an edge, some places nato has an edge.
True, but NATO is far more capable in the aviation and EW regimes. Meaning? NATO can establish and enforce NO FLY ZONE over entire Ukraine if it wants to but it won't do this due to political factors - no obligation to shield Ukraine.

You should read following article:

It explains a lot about Russian military assets (and performance) in Syria.

There are some Russian technological advances to account for in the present but not much difference on a broader level.

Russian also have financial constraints.
you are talking about 2,300,000 to 900,000 troop (only counted active personnel) and over 500 million population in the West vs 150 million in Russia. I can honestly say the only thing can "save" Russia is their nuclear weapon...

Also we have to remember that the technological capabilities of the US are unparralleled. and the capabilities they have to prevent a full Russian nuclear launch would be tremendous.

I read or heard somewhere that during the Cold War the Americans pinged every Russian nuclear sub simultaneously to show them that they were aware of their location. Thats quite a scary capability. If true, they had the ability to eliminate one arm of the Russian nuclear triad in one moment using conventional means. With micro drones and hacking capabilities, the nuclear exchange almost seems winnable by the west.

Not saying its worth trying, but it gives the world a chance.
True, but NATO is far more capable in the aviation and EW regimes. Meaning? NATO can establish and enforce NO FLY ZONE over entire Ukraine if it wants to but it won't do this due to political factors - no obligation to shield Ukraine.

You should read following article:

It explains a lot about Russian military assets (and performance) in Syria.

There are some Russian technological advances to account for in the present but not much difference on a broader level.

Russian also have financial constraints.
NATO spends a combined $1 Trillion on Defense, out of which the US spends $800 billion. Only a fool would think the Russians even stand a chance in a conventional fight against NATO.

I am simply at a loss at how Russia executed this war. The entire Russian General Staff should be fired, and i used to have the highest amount of respect for the Russian General Staff.
NATO spends a combined $1 Trillion on Defense, out of which the US spends $800 billion. Only a fool would think the Russians even stand a chance in a conventional fight against NATO.

I am simply at a loss at how Russia executed this war. The entire Russian General Staff should be fired, and i used to have the highest amount of respect for the Russian General Staff.

Russia has won, its over. West dumped Ukraine already now unless India sends its special forces Ukraine cannot win.
No, I mean what I have always say on this forum: Do not jump to conclusion. But again, as I often said, I do not debate people to change their minds but to present an alternative viewpoint to the many unknown silent readers out there. Is it too much to wait for some more details, even incomplete details? You do not have to answer. That was a rhetorical question. The image I posted is evident enough that in the heat of combat, it is not always clear on what you see, or what you think you saw when you finally have time to rest and reflect. Embedded journalists, aka 'embeds', know the dangers of what they do, which includes being mistaken for an enemy soldier. I met a couple from Desert Storm.

I just asked a couple of questions it seems like you don't want to give answers. Not really interested in your anecdotes though.
NATO spends a combined $1 Trillion on Defense, out of which the US spends $800 billion. Only a fool would think the Russians even stand a chance in a conventional fight against NATO.

I am simply at a loss at how Russia executed this war. The entire Russian General Staff should be fired, and i used to have the highest amount of respect for the Russian General Staff.
Well at the rate they seem to be loosing some senior staff officers to snipers etc they may not have to be fired all at once. On a serious note, I guess this is the result of having civilians in positions of power. Putin does not wany any general getting too powerful. Additionally the corrupt nature of Russian society is laid bare where everone is skimming something. True reformers would have likely been sidelined as that would require curtalining corrupt officers and leaders.

Goes to show, you can't rely on corrupt organization for national defence. Read something somewhere that stated that the Russians are out of the Kalibr missiles and can't make too many more because 60% of the parts are foreign made. The sanctions are going to hurt...
Hon @Joe Shearer @PanzerKiel

Have you Gentlemen been following this war? Zhukov would be rolling in his grave right now seeing how the Russians have executed their battle plans. I used to have the highest amount of respect for the Russian General Staff, not anymore. Rather then using out of the box thinking and maneuvers, they seem to be now just relying on brute force to get through.

The amount of equipment that was abandoned on the road because they had not done the necessary maintenance is just making my head explode.

Would love to hear what you Gents think
Also we have to remember that the technological capabilities of the US are unparralleled. and the capabilities they have to prevent a full Russian nuclear launch would be tremendous.

I read or heard somewhere that during the Cold War the Americans pinged every Russian nuclear sub simultaneously to show them that they were aware of their location. Thats quite a scary capability. If true, they had the ability to eliminate one arm of the Russian nuclear triad in one moment using conventional means. With micro drones and hacking capabilities, the nuclear exchange almost seems winnable by the west.

Not saying its worth trying, but it gives the world a chance.
We learned their superior unparalleled retreat from Afghanistan barely a year ago, that hasty fleeing was epic.
Volnovakha: vladimir zhoga - Commander of the Pro Russian / Donbas SPARTA battalion (Motorola) has been killed by Ukrainian forces.


This last video shows him leading an operation in Volnkvakha.

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