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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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ANDSF vibes all around this conflict.

Drugs and media is the hallmark of this conflict. The aidor brigade or azoz is just like warlords during their last day's all over again and the proposed resistance/insurgency is going to end the same as it did with Saleh. ( depends how long US will support it).

All I can say is Ukraine is wasting time and it will cost the Ukrainian population dearly.
Hold my rooh afza

Keep it halal bro

No - Ukraine is the end of Russia - after this - it will become economically and politically irrelevant. Ukraine will kill of Russia's strength and help the west degrade Russia permanently now.

The economic effect of the sanctions are brutal and they will stay ...
Easily said then done. Russia has hard assets (wheat oil gas) that the rest of the world wants. EU and USA control the financial high ground but there position is slipping. QE money printing and weaponizing of financial controls.......all these hurt the western economic hegemony as well. From a practical prospective does a third country want Russian wheat oil gas or western e-printed currencies (which comes with sanctions risks)? In the era of massive fiat money printing Russia's hard assets have immense value.
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Russian modern fighters shot down because of out dated Ukrain airdefence lol. They are trying to avoid to fly low, but if you fly low you will be hunt down with MANPADS. What this means Russian weapon capabilities sucks, if you are not capable with SEAD or DEAD missions you should not go to war :p: .

Russian troll army on PDF experienced another faillure...

Interview from White House adviser to sanctions on Russia. He says that WH is considering steps to increase energy production from America. Hope this will mean Key Stone pipeline will be revived. Announcements are expected next week :cheers:

For the Americans but for the Europeans and the rest of the world its only going to be very expensive energy.

Its basic science RLNG through ship is more costly than pipeline and America will not be able to replace in full even if it doubles its capacity which will take alot of time.

Don't blindly believe what the white house says. With the growing energy consumption globally its only going to get worse.

You can save this tweet because Europe will be dependant on Russian gas for a long time. If they could they would have done it already instead of going for banning cats, fifa or IKEA.

China will gain as it will ensure its energy security at a much cheaper cost.
For the Americans but for the Europeans and the rest of the world its only going to be very expensive energy.

Its basic science RLNG through ship is more costly than pipeline and America will not be able to replace in full even if it doubles its capacity which will take alot of time.

Don't blindly believe what the white house says. With the growing energy consumption globally its only going to get worse.

You can save this tweet because Europe will be dependant on Russian gas for a long time. If they could they would have done it already instead of going for banning cats, fifa or IKEA.

China will gain as it will ensure its energy security at a much cheaper cost.
Europe cannot afford to ban Russian energy no matter how upset they get. That is a fact.
For the Americans but for the Europeans and the rest of the world its only going to be very expensive energy.

Its basic science RLNG through ship is more costly than pipeline and America will not be able to replace in full even if it doubles its capacity which will take alot of time.

Don't blindly believe what the white house says. With the growing energy consumption globally its only going to get worse.

You can save this tweet because Europe will be dependant on Russian gas for a long time. If they could they would have done it already instead of going for banning cats, fifa or IKEA.

China will gain as it will ensure its energy security at a much cheaper cost.
US imports a lot of oil from Middle East and Russia. If these imports are redistributed to countries in Europe, it will help.

It is well known and acknowledged that the switch from Russian energy will be slow. But strategically, it is an imperative now and will happen!
Man i really hope that you gave the culprits hell. Such scum should not be allowed to go back in the population, ever.

Summarily executed by soldiers and buried in mass graves, which would miss a few more corpses in that tragedy.
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