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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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They have 5 Su57s which are 5th generation jets. If Russians are desperate they could use them and they must have targeting pods, guided bombs etc. They have 119 Su30s, 103 su35s. These all are modern 4+ generation jets. Its mysterious why their helicopters and planes are flying really low and getting shot down due to manpads. Also these advanced helicopters must be able pick up the person with manpad, a few errors could happen but not in greater numbers.
My guess is that Russian aviation is flying low to avoid engagements by Ukrainian medium-range SAM systems which however made them more vulnerable to MANPAD attacks.
TBH, I had a Bosnian girlfriend for a time, knew her parents, brothers and the sister and even her cousins, uncles, autns etc bc of family parties.
They were very secular, culture-"muslims" aka drinking, Haramlevel red, only no pork eating. :D
NON of them looked like eastern mongolic roots slavic (Putin moonface).
ALL looked more or less like Western European ergo - "German".
And I know - and thanks for the clarification - that many so called slavs were not really treated like described by Nazi propaganda.

Ok, sounds typical haramlevel. Yes, some Russians have that slight Eskimo or asian mixture, Putin is an excellent example of it. We obviously look more Central European because thats where we have lived for 800 years and we obviously mixed with germans and others in that part fo the world. But also other groups like turks and gypsies and Romanians and native balkan people who lived here before the slavs arrived. I have been all over Europe and noone would ever suspect I am a foreigner until I open my mouth. Except maybe in Norway or Portugal or Spain. I can say I don't look like the typical people in these two countries.

What is your ancestry?

You know, Felix Steiner, one of the main architects for the Waffen-SS had Armenians in his HQ working and allowed his soldiers to marry Ukrainian women.

Herr Steiner is certainly more tolerant than me, I would not let Armenians anywhere near my headquarters. But I would marry a Ukrainian. Of course I would.

But THERE are Neo-Nazis in Ukraine AND Russia.
Look at Wagner, they are often really "modern-right-wingers" who make Nazi signs in Mosques in Libya or killing Middle Easterns/Negroids even they are on their own side but did something where they are calling a traitor.

There is no doubt those Russian mercenaries are the worst kind of people and they certainly caused more death and destruction in the Middle East and North Africa than the real nazis ever did.

So Putins adventure is NOT because of
and because there are already 2 NATO states on Russias border NOT because of
"NATO" too near on border, especially if he takes over WHOLE Ukraine he will have even many MORE NATO countries on HIS (new) border. :D
But when he takes only western/middle part of Ukraine, he will have a buffer state in which partisan warfare will be rampant and weapons will go in, like Turkey/Syria as an example.

This is exactly right. His desire to recreate the Russian empire will be opposed by the whole Europe. Europe will not be divided along the Cold War lines, the line will be east of Ukraine or perhaps there should be no line at all, but before that can happen Russia has to become a normal country. This war will help them become that country.
"in down time"...but this pictures are while duty. And i do not want to be with such in battle, trying to survive, while such one tries to refresh their make up or their wig wind up with the cartridge belt of the MG. While still it is a mental disorder.
Depends on what do you mean by "On-Duty"

And I am pretty sure make up is banned in battlefield even for woman, enemy can spot the gloss and reflection and the red lips from miles away.

AS I said, if you give me your 100%, I don't really care what you do....
Another Su-34? For God's sake, What the hell is the Russian air force doing?

Under NATO, no country's air force with an acceptable military strength, except for its small states, would have made such gross doctrinal errors or revealed technical inadequacies. It's sad but that's the truth.
If the looses are great then they must change tactics. Are the generals asleep? Someone suggested they have no guided bombs, targeting pods.

The helicopter which was shot is flying really low, could down it with a stone.
You mean Khomeini was a joker too who kept on fighting against Saddam Hussain and brought all the destruction of war upon his people and he is the killer of 1 million Iranians who died in the war?

According to International law, Putin is a war criminal.

You can keep on blaming the victim himself, but there are still people present there who could see the fallacy of your claims.

Did you seriously equate Putin's Russia and Joker's Ukraine as peer competitors? No wonder your grasp over reality is so weak.
The position of two is enshrined in the kind of conventions both are a part off... Ukraine is and was never an equal.

It is perhaps people like you who the joker is listening to, and causing further harm to his people.
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My stock portfolio is in deep shit due to this war. What you guys think, how will this war span out. Any expert opinion please.
How long it will last and how will it end.
I can actually tell you the answer to all these questions. The war will end in a few months with a Ukrainian defeat and installation of a puppet government. Putin will declare victory and the insurgency will ensure that Russians have the about the same level of movement as the Americans did in Afghanistan. After 10 years, Russia will be bankrupt and disillusioned, and will leave Ukraine and Ukraine will be free. Russia may then reform.
Another Su-34? For God's sake, What the hell is the Russian air force doing?

Under NATO, no country's air force with an acceptable military strength, except for its small states, would have made such gross doctrinal errors or revealed technical inadequacies. It's sad but that's the truth.
It seems some neighboring country somehow managed to send some anti aircraft system in Ukrain.
If the looses are great then they must change tactics. Are the generals asleep? Someone suggested they have no guided bombs, targeting pods.

The helicopter which was shot is flying really low, could down it with a stone.
I shared it here in the first days, maybe someone will remember. Even the most modern attack helicopters in Russia's hands do not even have exhaust suppressors that dissipate the thermal trace of the engine. Strategic attack jets such as the Su-34 fly almost over apartments. Using a few clues, I can list at least 7-8 technical issues where the Russian army is extremely inadequate by NATO standards.

We've talked about it here before, there can be some advantages to flying low, especially in residential areas. But while the enemy had state of the art shoulder-launched missiles, your planes need a litle more than just Soviet era technology.
Really disturbing video. random thugs with guns are now stopping and interrogating civilians what could go wrong with that?????

They are not building a citizen militia like the Iranian Basij, or the Iranian created national defense forces of syria that played a huge role in the war.

Those units were armed, organized, and equipped by Iran. In a manner where Iran or Syria had more or less had control over their activities.

The west has just opened up the floodgates. They are literally handing out assault rifles to any random person on the street. they know they cant hold ukraine, so they just want to turn it into an ungovernable hell hole. They are absolutely using the ukrainians like toilet paper to achieve geopolitical aims..

I dont feel sorry for these stupid ukrainians who are too dumb to see how badly they are being played by the west. And behind all their cringe worthy "support ukraine' nonesense. the west is the biggest enemy of the Ukrainian people. Whether they are smart enough to realize it or not.
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