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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Screenshot 2022-03-05 at 19-09-57 odysee ( OdyseeTeam) Twitter.png

Wait are you justifying Russian action or denying it? What is your locus standi? If Putin didn't offer Crimea, does it mean the joker had a bargaining chip(in NATO)? If asking for NATO membership was the right thing then the resultant war and it's destruction must squarely be on the joker! No? Because otherwise NATO would join in like a knight in shining armor...
It means he was grandstanding and playing chicken while having no real card(s) in hand...
It means he brought his state and his peoole from relative freedom to no freedom(at least according to him)... the current standoff is utterly meaningless loss of life and destruction of property rought on by an absolute egomaniac, who can neither protect his peoples freedom, property nor a glorified death!
Instead he's become a damnation and indignation for his people.
Simultaneously, the fallacy of peddling security assurance of Budapest memorandum, a set of refrains and respects, on part of Russia and other guarantors... however, sideswipes completely any form of belligerence... antagonism, chauvinism or adventurism on part of the subject state(s) against guarantor(s)... while conveniently missing the fact that weapons in Ukraine were aimed at The U.S. and not Europe and couldn't be redirected to Russia but regions in far east. So, along with assurance(s), they were compensated.

Now what? What is the end goal? Be an Afghanistan for Russia? Break Russia up in many pieces? Hope NATO will finally realize their calling and join in...?
In fact, one thing seems certain... the supremacism and rampant racism boiling over in Poland, Hungary and Baltics will create a reason for NATO to enact article 5(by them instigating something to force the hand of NATO)... who does what and how it is done is yet to be seen... but remains highly likely.

So, I suggest you keep working on your narrative(s).

You mean Khomeini was a joker too who kept on fighting against Saddam Hussain and brought all the destruction of war upon his people and he is the killer of 1 million Iranians who died in the war?

According to International law, Putin is a war criminal.

You can keep on blaming the victim himself, but there are still people present there who could see the fallacy of your claims.
The losses last days are unbelievable.

How can a Su-34 be hit by a shoulder-fired missile, lets say one was shot, how can this mistake be repeated? It seems Russian jets are running bombing missions from low altitudes. This could indicates a problem with laser marking for example... It seems Pilots trying to bomb by seeing the target. Possibly for this reason MANPADS teams became a real problem for the Russian air force, as the aircraft did not have modern CM equipment.
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Well, what's gender equality have anything to do with military strength?

Israel is one of the first country that look at Gender Equality as an issue, maybe you need to ask the Arab world what about Israeli strength??

And you don't even need to ask, as long as you have a pair of eyes, you are able to see how comical this Russian invasion is........

The pictures i showed (and which were deleted by the mods) are pictures from the german Bundeswehr and have nothiing to do with gender. The "people" shown in the pictures are man, but "define" them self as "woman" and thus they wear wigs ect. while on duty. They even put great unicorns out of wood on the sides of their military vehicles. One of the pictures show the same in the "EU-Army" (lipgloss, earrings ect.). They also are called "Transvestites", what is a mental disorder.
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