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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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So 269 Russian tanks lost according to pro-Zelensky newspaper The Kyiv Independent but 99 Russian tanks lost according to Oryx Twitter source. All of Zelensky's people are lying !


Oryx takes into account the visually confirmed losses (photos,videos) and he hasn't even completed his list as he told multiple times.

And how does Erdogan plan to get the drones to Zelensky ?

By air and by land,you do know that western Ukraine is still untouched and that Russia hasn't sealed off Ukrainian borders ?
Hold your beers guys : (other beverages are available)


Jeremy Clarkson is on his way to Ukraine

P.S: I’m joking obviously 😂
You cannot fight a war without any lost, if you are afraid of loses, you should not start a war in the first place.

Anyway, attacking NATO, even as small as Latvia will almost guarantee an Entire European War, set aside whether or not it will lead to Nuclear Exchange. it will trigger an attack in Russia in 3 fronts, and may even be from Finland and Nordic country. I don't think Russia can handle that kind of pressure, seeing how they fare with tiny Ukraine at the moment...this does not give me any confidence

you are talking about 2,300,000 to 900,000 troop (only counted active personnel) and over 500 million population in the West vs 150 million in Russia. I can honestly say the only thing can "save" Russia is their nuclear weapon...
this is a hypothetical war scenario , you said you are arming Estonia and Latvia . i assume you expect a war in that front in that case if it was me I'd have mined those fronts so even a fly could not pass them instead of sending troops there , then gave those countries equipment to fight Russians transport aircraft and helicopters and wat the hell they use to transport their forces behind the lines
What are the chances of NATO sending their anti aircraft batteries to Ukraine to help defend the skies? Would it be possible for Ukrainian military to learn his to work with this in a short time? Is this too expensive to consider?
this is a hypothetical war scenario , you said you are arming Estonia and Latvia . i assume you expect a war in that front in that case if it was me I'd have mined those fronts so even a fly could not pass them instead of sending troops there , then gave those countries equipment to fight Russians transport aircraft and helicopters and wat the hell they use to transport their forces behind the lines
Well, it's never going to be just in that front, there is a reason they join NATO, and if they are only ever just going to be fought in that front alone, then why bother??

If these two countries goes to war, the entire NATO goes to war..........

Note Before: I can’t verify the authenticity of this - just sharing as received —

Those ICRC box is too clean to be in a warzone......

and this is a video from 2018....

Killed by which party, I guess Ukr?

Video below is a good summary of recent history of Ukraine issue:

Welcome gift for Putin tanks

There's a very graphic video on youtube that shows how Russians responded to these "gifts".
Cocktails still by the sides of beheaded bodies.
And you may have seen one Ukrainian burning herself as she tried to throw a cocktail on Russian vehicle.

So don't encourage un-trained civilians to get into something they shouldn't.

Same guy who encouraged to kill Putin.

"Most of what comes out of Ukr is debunked as lies within 24-48 hours" :agree:
"Neutral Ukr will be good for BOTH us and Rus"

@5:25 +
He makes a good point about the resolve and how important Ukraine is to which party.

Additionally he said:
"We took the stick and poked the bear in the eye"
"Responsibility of Russians doing the dirty work is on US"

I think all hue and cry from so-called West is because they put so much effort and money into propping Ukr against Rus and they are seeing all that going down the drain.
In desperation they are squeaking. Paddling frantically right and left as their investment is drowning.
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So the CIA hired those Neo nazis
Yeah, with a Time Machine maybe

This video has been circulated since 2018....in Syria or not in Syria, I don't know...

Well, it's never going to be just in that front, there is a reason they join NATO, and if they are only ever just going to be fought in that front alone, then why bother??

If these two countries goes to war, the entire NATO goes to war..........

Those ICRC box is too clean to be in a warzone......

and this is a video from 2018....

And this is why I added the caveat. Thanks for the update 👍👌
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