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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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France to send 4 Rafale fighters plus 2 fuel tankers to Poland.

Germany sends 2,700 of its Reserved Strela MANPADs to Ukraine along with an unknown number of Pantherfast anti armor ammunitions.

Estonia sends unknown number of FGM-148 anti armor to Ukraine.

USA will Upgrade 141 Taiwanese F-16 to V standard including a phased array radar. They have sent new V versions F-16 to Taiwan airforce. (note the coincidence)

well , they fear China does same thing to Taiwan ...
A in Volnovakha captured ukr soldier says in an audiomesssage, that his 24th brigade literally does not exist anymore, they lost the contact to the ukr military leadership and have no commands.

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It also shows that over 80% of the world's population supports Russia. Iran and Iraq along with 35 countries also abstained.

I am surprised that many countries abstained in the UNGA vote. When it comes to voting against Israeli actions in Palestine, I have seen 180+ countries vote against Israel--even most European countries do that. But, we know, UNGA is meaningless. As is UNSC becoming meaningless. Russian invasion is patently illegal just as was American invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Might is Right. And power does flow from the barrel of a gun, to quote Mao.
Ukraine war in a nutshell
An Estonian cargo ship sank after colliding with a mine off Odessa.

The Russian navy also opened fire on a Bangladesh flagged ship.
Russian military movement towards Kyiv is stalled for now.

But another wave of Russian troops is coming - from the sea this time.

Russian Amphibious Assault Ship Armada Seen Off Crimea As Fears Of Odessa Beach Landing Grow​

The Kremlin's invasion of Ukraine has now into its eighth day. The Russian military continues to face stiff resistance from Ukrainian forces units, as well as protests and civil disobedience from average civilians, but it has also made some gains. While its massive convoy north of Kyiv is stalled, it looks like a beach landing in the southern seaside city of Odessa may be imminent. Before getting into the latest news below, you can first get up to speed on previous developments in the conflict in our earlier rolling coverage here.

Dang - Ukraine has become a stress-test for Russia lately. Russia now feels the need to throw whatever it can into Ukraine.
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