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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The problem of this kind of analysis is that these assume that NATO was in process of disbanding , while in truth NATO is expanding ...

the basic of assumption of these kind of analysis is wrong , so it goes wrong to end with pretty logical explanation ...
Yes, NATO is expanding over time.

I am not sure what some members are thinking here.
Indians are such idiots. Their media is completely incompetent and full of Hindutva hate.

Host may be thinking of some call center Kumar pretending to be Mr. Mc. Adams so he will be comfortable with yelling.

Russian tank attacked with US anti-tank missile Javelin in battle — Defense Ministry​

MOSCOW, March 2. /TASS/. A Russian tank participating in the special operation in Ukraine has been attacked with a US Javelin anti-tank missile, the crew suffered a concussion but did not stop fighting, Russian Defense Ministry Spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday.
"A Russian tank was attacked with a US Javelin anti-tank guided missile during the battle. The crew sustained a concussion, but did not abandon the battle," he said adding that after making sure that the vehicle was in good working order, the tank crew destroyed two more enemy tanks with accurate fire.
Konashenkov added that the Russian Defense Ministry would continue to inform about Russian service members’ heroic acts.

I am surprised that many countries abstained in the UNGA vote. When it comes to voting against Israeli actions in Palestine, I have seen 180+ countries vote against Israel--even most European countries do that. But, we know, UNGA is meaningless. As is UNSC becoming meaningless. Russian invasion is patently illegal just as was American invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Might is Right. And power does flow from the barrel of a gun, to quote Mao.
Caricature of Brazilian artist Carlos Latuff
This is the only true face of wars. You leave everything behind. As people leaves their lands to the smell of blood and gunpowder, they feel inside either the sadness of past memories or the peace of eternal rest. There is no time for anything, neither to say goodbye nor to meet...

When other countries see war happening nearby they appreciate the peace they have currently.. It is divine decree so others can be grateful
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