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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Looks like social media has given Ukraine a free hand in posting their propaganda and fake videos.

I have noticed Twitter , Instagram and Facebook pages actively shut down if they even mention Ukraine side losses.

I have lived through both gulf wars and other conflicts since then but the one sided and biased coverage this week sometimes made me mad but often made me laugh. The desperation and lack of objectivity and neutrality is unparalleled in our history.

Yesterday on CNN they spent few minutes talking about some heating pipeline that was blown up!!!!

I mean same CNN that showed us shock and awe campaign in Iraq was focusing on Russians blowing up heating pipes …..

You gotta give credit to the West for their nauseating hypocrisy ….

On the side note did someone notice our boy in Ukraine ?

An Estonian cargo ship sank after colliding with a mine off Odessa.

The Russian navy also opened fire on a Bangladesh flagged ship.

Not to forget two downed aircrafts one helicopter and MIG belonging to Romania...

Russia is on hyper-alert and the reason the MIG was taken out is because the Ukrainians used it to a great success hence it was mistaken for Ukrainian and the Helicopter was also showdown due to being mistaken for Ukrainian
Here in UK all Russian Media websites , Youtube channels and Cable TV channels have been taken down. RT.com is blocked.
Whatever happened of press freedom and freedom of opinion?

It's only freedom of speech that they think should be free. The rest is banned. This war has exposed Western hypocrisy for those who can see.
You don't have to be that much old to remember that. Those camps were there even around 2007-10.
You don’t know what it was like in 1986 with women and children in their droves suffering from dissentry.
Looks like social media has given Ukraine a free hand in posting their propaganda and fake videos.

I have noticed Twitter , Instagram and Facebook pages actively shut down if they even mention Ukraine side losses.

I have lived through both gulf wars and other conflicts since then but the one sided and biased coverage this week sometimes made me mad but often made me laugh. The desperation and lack of objectivity and neutrality is unparalleled in our history.

Yesterday on CNN they spent few minutes talking about some heating pipeline that was blown up!!!!

I mean same CNN that showed us shock and awe campaign in Iraq was focusing on Russians blowing up heating pipes …..

You gotta give credit to the West for their nauseating hypocrisy ….

On the side note did someone notice our boy in Ukraine ?

All those who are involved in this conflict in any capacity, are into misdirection, disinformation and propaganda in some way, shape or form. This is hardly news.

Fake news notwithstanding, credible sources have hinted that Russia has indeed suffered noticeable losses by now.

Russia has lost hundreds of tanks and armored vehicles and Russian casualties are now in triple digits. Russia have lost some fixed-wing aircraft as well. Details are slowly but surely surfacing. There is good amount of information in this thread as well.

Remember one thing - Ukraine did not had much of an army to begin with. Ukrainian resistance efforts are commendable on the other hand.

It is pointless to jump to conclusions so soon. Everything will become clear in time.
Not to forget two downed aircrafts one helicopter and MIG belonging to Romania...

Russia is on hyper-alert and the reason the MIG was taken out is because the Ukrainians used it to a great success hence it was mistaken for Ukrainian and the Helicopter was also showdown due to being mistaken for Ukrainian
The news of the Bangladesh ship being fired on is true. Because there was a Turkish ship in that area and there are eyewitnesses, even one of the missions of Turkish foreign affairs tweeted about the subject.

However, I am not sure about the alleged sinking Estonian ship. More detailed information will come in the coming hours.
I see some "Smarties" trying to score some "Brownie" points here, see what I did there?

I did NOT say EU is at war with Russia. If it does, it's WW3.

I said EU is "EFFECTIVELY" at war with Russia, kind of like US is "EFFECTIVELY" at war with Germany in 1940 when they announced "Lend-Lease" policy to help UK. You are not at war, but once you had done that, you are no longer "neutral" in a party. Which in political term is described as "Hostile" as much as US declare RT and CGTN "AGENT OF A FOREIGN POWER" Were US officially at war with China or Russia then?.

Either learn to read or learn some basic politic before you go all CAPS and claims other people were wrong.

Unless an official war is declared, there is no war and hence war laws dont apply.

I agree with a lot of your thoughts, there was no reason to keep NATO after the end of the Cold War, and should have been disbanded, much like the Warsaw Pact was. It has been used by the US to keep its grip on European policy, especially towards Russia. However, hasn't Putin played into the US trap here? He's doing the very thing that the US wants, and to justify having NATO in the first place. Won't this only strengthen NATO, not weaken it? The US has been asking European NATO members to increase their defence spending, and this is exactly what Germany has done, and probably more to follow. Moreover, it has also turned Europe against Russian influence in the region. As much as the sanctions will hurt both Russia and Europe, and given the decarbonisation trend anyway, this has only accelerated Europe's attempts to abandon fissile fuels anyway, and move to alternative sources and energy. Russia hasn't done much in that regard, and will probably hurt it more if there is a complete ban on Russian oil and gas. In addition, Europe could source their supplies from the US and Middle East instead.

The problem of this kind of analysis is that these assume that NATO was in process of disbanding , while in truth NATO is expanding ...

the basic assumption of these kind of analysis is wrong , so it goes wrong to the end with pretty logical explanation ...

Over militarization of EU would toss Eu to war era once again , just like past 2000 years ...

this is more danger for them and USA than for Russians which will have both Ukrain and Belarus as it buffer zone backed by 1000s nuclear warheads ...

For example , The history proven that Germans has expansionist racism mindset and if their military power exceed some threshold , they will try to annex more land and will **** up their neighbors ...

map of wars in history

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