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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Thankfully, we do not live in the age of imperial colonies anymore.. right? :unsure:
Yes and for that we have to thank USA. To dismantle British colonial power, USA was actively against imperial colonization. For themselves, they have to resort to more subtle colonization, such as through finance and monetary manipulation. But at least, the country as a form remains.
CNN also says that Islam breeds terrorism.

Also, this is GOLD:

This Bill Maher fellow, so poisonous, he had fans among whom there was a PDF Indian Hindutvadi member with that name ( no surprise ). He seems to have been deleted from the forum.
Thank you for educating me about the Muslim aspect of Russia.
For sure, Russia under Putin is missing the imperial 'glory'. But that glory is gone and never coming back. Another empire bit the dust in our lifetime. But I don't think Putin is stupid enough to try to take back the Baltics or Poland: Russia simply doesn't have the resources, especially to take on NATO members. This is a myth propagated by the Western media and a myth which the American Colonel is trying to dispel--but oddly enough his video as posted above has found not much of an audience even on a major channel like Fox. I see another 'manufacturing consent' a la Chomsky going on in America about yet another war and for anyone to even try to project alternate viewpoint becomes treasonous or worse ignored.
They probably wont take Baltics yet. But they will try to "free" the rusisna living there at some point. For now they were satisfied with the low hanging fruit. But Ukraine is is not easy anymore. and it will get progressively harder. So they might take some part of the Baltics in the future. Or they will try. OR they might not. Its not that important for them.

Kazakstan they down need yet as its basically a colony. Yes Ethnic Russians find it hard to live there and a leaving, but Russia thinks this is ok as long as the control their President. A bit Like Chechnya. I dot think A Russian can safely walk the street there, but Putin is ok with that because they give him people to throw in the meat grinder and any oil if they find it.
Interestingly the Russians are not making a spectacle of captured Ukrainians....
The Ukrainian keep confirming their Nazi roots.

You are not the only one to notice this.
If you look beyond the propaganda which is meant for feeding prepubertal kids, one becomes aware of the glaring differences between the two armies. Ukrainian Army have been behaving very unprofessional. Its UN ambassador behaviour remind of a indian tv anchor, Arnab Goswami i think is his name.
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Looks like Ukrainian army and Para-military in Mariupol are ready to embrace martyrdom and fight to the last man standing and last blood. This is gonna be a legendary battle regardless of the outcomes.

Mariupol. We are alive and legitimate ✌️ There is no light, no water and no normal connection in many areas. But we hold on! Mariupol is Ukraine !!! 🇺🇦 Pray for us! -Translated

Watching CNN and some Ukrainian parliamentarian begging shamelessly for Americans to intervene.

Perhaps she did not watch TV when Americans abandoned and simply left shooting from Afghanistan. When is the world going to learn their lesson?

She and the host agreed that the Russians have invaded their country and they have a right to fight back......wasnt this the case in Iraq and Afghanistan as well?????why were we crying when our soldiers were dying there? wasn't that the right of the local population to fight back against the occupation?
How is this any different now?
Watching CNN and some Ukrainian parliamentarian begging shamelessly for Americans to intervene.

Perhaps she did not watch TV when Americans abandoned and simply left shooting from Afghanistan. When is the world going to learn their lesson?

She and the host agreed that the Russians have invaded their country and they have a right to fight back......wasnt this the case in Iraq and Afghanistan as well?????why were we crying when our soldiers were dying there? wasn't that the right of the local population to fight back against the occupation?
How is this any different now?
The difference is that she cannot feel for Iraqis and Afghans. Human empathy has a short range.
This Bill Maher fellow, so poisonous, he had fans among whom there was a PDF Indian Hindutvadi member with that name ( no surprise ). He seems to have been deleted from the forum.

This is the poison the american media has been feeding its populace for well over 20 years.

The zionist Sam Harris hides behind new Atheism when he dehumanize palestinians and muslims in order to garner support for the Israeli Mass killings of Palestinians. Harris is of course a Zionist Jew himself. The same with Bill Maher.

Now after 20 years of anti-muslim propaganda America try to tell the world that it is China who is bad and opresses muslims.
I agree all the blue will eventually be taken by the Russians after a furious fight thru out Ukraine for months but my issues is that I wanna safe the western portion of Ukraine from further Russian attacks by enforcing status quo for atleast 2 decades and rearming the western portion of Ukraine. Either Uk or Germany will have to first enter via peacekeeping to separate the 2 new states then sign a defense treaty with Ukraine this will keep Russia out from further incursions and let Ukraine rebuild again and let her live to fight another day... Once Russia exceeds a certain limit Germany or UK has to quickly deploy forces into Ukraine and basically once Russia crosses over that blue line an Incursion has to occur from the polish side. Put in 150.000 German forces and then there will be negotiations settle for the western part of Ukraine


No NATO army will openly enter any part of Ukraine. That would be the end of them.

Notice: There is a score to settle here specifically in Mariupol as the Russian ethnics suffered a painful defeat in Mariupol at the hands of Azov in 2014 who commited alot of rapes and destruction along the way and even killed civilians hence all the Russian pain in this war is tied into Mariupol and Azov
That’s pretty much how Russia deal with resistance cities, just flatten it and kill most of anyone and show others that surrender is the best option.
Russia is going quite soft in this campaign, and that is a good thing, as, otherwise, human misery would have risen to a colossal scale.
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