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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Sure, the rational people of the world will never forget how the Western governments and their pliant media agencies glorified the Nazis of Mariupol.

Putin explains earlier as what was wrong and ignored that resulted in attack.

Wise words. But will BBC, CNN, French and German media and Indian media and others such run this press conference ? Nyet.

Also, I wonder if Modi will ever talk in this simple, clear and intelligent manner.

Before I went to sleep, my wife said to me: This Russia is such a bad country, If Ukraine wants to join Nato, it is their business and freedom, Russia has no right to intervene, this is just an excuse for Russia to invade Ukarine.

So I said nothing, I just went to the kitchen and took a knife to bedside, then I said: Let’s go to sleep.

My wife looked at me with her wide eyes: What the heck are you doing, sleeping with a knife?!?!

I said: No worry, let’s go to sleep. Beside, sleeping with a knife is none of your business and it is my freedom.

My wife said: How can I sleep when you are sleeping with a knife? What if you accidentally cut me?

I said: Well, You don’t even trust your own husband, how can you expect Russia to trust Ukraine? Me sleeping with a knife is like Ukraine joining the Nato.
Russians after 6th day of War could not achieve Air Superiority over Ukrainian Skies despite all the advantages they have....any particular reason?

CNN reporting heaviest air battle took place last night in which two Russian jets were destroyed....
Ghost of Kiev man. Legend has it he destroyed 9 Russian jets in 1:30 minutes. His jet is lined with special coating. He can become visually invisible.

Meanwhile Russians are fed a diet of lies and propaganda.
The Russian populace believe this as all other sources of actual events is banned and erased.

Ukraine: Watching the war on Russian TV - a whole different story​

By Simona Kralova & Sandro Vetsko
BBC Monitoring

12 hours ago

A woman in St Petersburg watching President Putin on TV last week
Image source, Getty Images
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A woman in St Petersburg watching footage of President Putin on TV last week
Never was there a better illustration of the alternative reality presented by Russian state media than at 17:00 GMT on Tuesday. As BBC World TV opened its bulletin with reports of a Russian attack on a TV tower in the capital Kyiv, Russian TV was announcing that Ukraine was responsible for strikes on its own cities.
So what are Russian TV viewers seeing of the war? What messages are they hearing over the airwaves? Below is a snapshot of what ordinary Russians would have picked up, on Tuesday 1 March, while channel-hopping across the country's key TV stations, which are controlled by the Kremlin and its corporate allies.
Short presentational grey line

Good Morning, on state-controlled Channel One, one of Russia's most popular channels, is to the casual observer not unlike the breakfast broadcasting found in many other countries with its mix of news, culture and light entertainment.
On Tuesday the normal running order is interrupted at 05:30 Moscow time [02:30 GMT]. The presenters announce that TV schedules have been changed "due to well known events", and there will be more news and current affairs. The news bulletin suggests that reports about Ukrainian forces destroying Russian military hardware are false, designed to "mislead inexperienced viewers".
"Footage continues to be circulated on the internet which cannot be described as anything but fake," the presenter explains as the viewer is shown photographs of what is described as "unsophisticated virtual manipulations".
Screenshot from Russian television Channel One

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Russia's Channel One presenter showed two photos of the same military vehicle - the top photo is captioned "Donbas 2014" and the bottom one "Ukrainian montage". He claims the top photo is of a Ukrainian vehicle destroyed in the conflict zone in 2014 and that the bottom photo is of the same image, manipulated to make it look like newly destroyed Russian hardware. He says a "Z" has been added - a common marking for Russian military equipment.
Later in the morning, at 08:00 Moscow time, we tune in for the morning bulletin from television channel NTV, which is owned by a subsidiary of Gazprom, a Kremlin-controlled firm. It concentrates almost exclusively on events in Donbas, the region in the east of Ukraine where on 24 February, Russia stated it was beginning its "special military operation" to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine.
There is no mention of reports of the ominous miles-long military convoy snaking its way from Belarus in the north to Ukraine's capital Kyiv, which, in the UK, leads the BBC Radio 4 news bulletin half-an-hour later.
"We start with the latest news from Donbas. LNR [Luhansk People's Republic] fighters continue their offensive, having travelled 3km, while DNR [Donetsk People's Republic] units have travelled 16km," the NTV presenter says.
The presenter is referring to the Moscow-backed rebels who have been in control of the so-called Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics since Russia's intervention in east Ukraine eight years ago.
Screenshot from Russian television channel Rossiya 24 TV

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The caption in white from this report by Rossiya 24 TV reads: "Ukrofascism" -Ukrainian fascism
On Rossiya 1 and Channel One - Russia's two most popular channels, both state-controlled - Ukrainian forces are accused of war crimes in the Donbas region. The threat to civilians in Ukraine comes not from Russian forces, but from "Ukrainian nationalists", says the Rossiya 1 presenter.
"They use civilians as a human shield, deliberately positioning strike systems in residential areas and stepping up the shelling of cities in Donbas."
Channel One's presenter announces that Ukrainian troops "are preparing to shell residential houses" and bomb warehouses with ammonia, in "acts of provocation against civilians and Russian forces".
Events in Ukraine are not referred to as war. Instead, the offensive is described as a demilitarisation operation targeting military infrastructure or a "special [military] operation to defend the people's republics".
Across state-controlled TV, presenters and correspondents use emotive language and images to draw "historical parallels" between Russia's "special military operation" in Ukraine and the Soviet Union's fight against Nazi Germany.
"The tactics of nationalists who use children to shield themselves have not changed since the Second World War," says the presenter of a morning show on Rossiya 1's sister channel, Rossiya 24.
"They behave like fascists, in the very sense of this word: neo-Nazis put their hardware not just next to residential houses but where children take shelter in basements," adds the correspondent in a video report captioned "Ukrainian fascism".

Blaming Ukraine​

The passage echoes the unproven claims made by Vladimir Putin last week that Ukraine was using women, children and the elderly as human shields.
While media in the West has been asking whether Putin's assault has struggled to make quick progress, Russian TV portrays the Russian operations as very successful. Regular updates give numbers of destroyed Ukrainian hardware and weaponry. More than 1,100 Ukrainian military infrastructure facilities have been disabled and hundreds of pieces of hardware have been destroyed, morning news reports say. There is no mention of any Russian casualties.
Russian morning news bulletins barely acknowledge its army's offensives in other parts of Ukraine. State TV correspondents are not reporting on the ground from places like Kyiv and Kharkiv, the two major cities that have seen shelling of people's homes. Instead, they are embedded with troops in Donbas.
But by the afternoon edition of the news, NTV finally mentions the news event that has dominated hours of coverage on the BBC by this stage - the shelling of the city of Kharkiv.
However, it debunks any reports that Russian forces are responsible, calling them "fake".
"Judging by the trajectory of the missile, the strike was delivered from the north-west where there are no Russian forces," the presenter says during the 16:00 Moscow time edition of the news. Four hours later, a bulletin by Rossiya 1 goes further, blaming Ukraine itself for the bombing.
"To strike Kharkiv and say that it was Russia. Ukraine is hitting its own and is lying to the West. But is it possible to deceive the people?" it asks.
During a 17:00 bulletin, the Rossiya 1 presenter outlines what she says is Russia's "main objective" in Ukraine: "The defence of Russia against the threat from the West, which is using the Ukrainian people in its stand-off with Moscow."
To counter what is described as "fake news and rumours" about Ukraine which are circulating online", she announces that the Russian government is launching a new website where "only true information will be published".
Blast at a TV mast in Kyiv, 1 March 2022
Image source, Reuters
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Blast at a TV mast in Kyiv, 1 March 2022
TV stations are required by the media watchdog Roskomnadzor to follow the official narrative.
But that is not to say that there was no variety in the tone of Tuesday's reporting. While the news bulletins talked of Ukrainian war crimes, Vyacheslav Nikonov, pro-Kremlin host of Channel One TV's current affairs talk show The Great Game, spoke about his love of Ukraine as he signed off.
"I very much love Ukraine, I love Ukrainians. I have travelled across the country on multiple occasions. It indeed is a brilliant, wonderful country. And I think Russia is, of course, interested in it being a prosperous, friendly country… Our cause is just. We shall be victorious."
Increasing numbers of younger Russians tend to get their news from independent websites or social media, and the longer the war goes on, the more images and videos of dead soldiers and prisoners of war are surfacing. But the authorities are responding to this and turning the screws on independent reporting.
Roskomnadzor has ordered TikTok to remove military and political content in its suggestions to minors, complaining, "in most cases, these materials have a pronounced anti-Russian character". It also demanded that Google remove what it describes as false information about the Russian army's reported losses, and Reuters reports it has re-imposed a slowdown on Twitter's loading speeds over "fake reports" of Moscow's "special military operation", and restricted access to Facebook.
It has instructed media outlets to use information only from official Russian sources when reporting the invasion, demanding that they take down any reports referring to "a declaration of war" or "an invasion". It has threatened them with fines and blocking if they do not take action. The websites of the independent TV channel Dozhd and popular liberal radio station Ekho Moskvy have been blocked for alleged calls for extremism and violence, and "systematic spread of false information about the activities of the Russian military".
With additional reporting by Francis Scarr

On Twitter I have seen two angles of TV tower bombing. One angle shows a building behind the TV tower being bombed. The other angle makes it look like the actual TV tower being bombed.

You decide who is lying and who is telling the truth.
Russians after 6th day of War could not achieve Air Superiority over Ukrainian Skies despite all the advantages they have....any particular reason?

CNN reporting heaviest air battle took place last night in which two Russian jets were destroyed....

CNN also says that Islam breeds terrorism.

Also, this is GOLD:



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Ghost of Kiev yet another Indian media inspired promotional propaganda initiated by CNN ... previously we have seen Ghost of Kandahar and Ghosts of Afghanistan , Beast of Faluja Etc....Americans are very funny.

Putin explains earlier as what was wrong and ignored that resulted in attack.

If the Russians form a military alliances with Canada and Mexico, that does not give the US a right to invade Canada either. Ukraine is a sovereign territory, it is their right to choose. Putin does not get rights to make demands, he should instead make a request and let his cultural cousins to decide their course.

If Ukrainians keep NATO missiles in their land, then Russia reserves the right to keep targets in Ukraine at crosshairs. This is proportional deterrent :cheers:
I am new in this forum

Before I went to sleep, my wife said to me: This Russia is such a bad country, If Ukraine wants to join Nato, it is their business and freedom, Russia has no right to intervene, this is just an excuse for Russia to invade Ukarine.

So I said nothing, I just went to the kitchen and took a knife to bedside, then I said: Let’s go to sleep.

My wife looked at me with her wide eyes: What the heck are you doing, sleeping with a knife?!?!

I said: No worry, let’s go to sleep. Beside, sleeping with a knife is none of your business and it is my freedom.

My wife said: How can I sleep when you are sleeping with a knife? What if you accidentally cut me?

I said: Well, You don’t even trust your own husband, how can you expect Russia to trust Ukraine? Me sleeping with a knife is like Ukraine joining the Nato.

Russia had a knife first. And cut Ukraine earlier twice or even more. Ukraine asked help from friends to get rid of aggressor who carries a knife. Russia replied "noone else can stab you" and stabbed Ukraine.

What a nice(!) excuse
However, some countries, led by Washington, were too eager to grab Russia's natural resources, which are truly enormous. I believe if NATO had not been extended then Russia would not militarize to this extent again. I believe a post-Putin Russia would naturally join Europe albeit as a reduced state of Russia mostly to the west of Urals. The greatly expanded Russia we see now is a result of ruthless conquests from the CZars times and there is not much in common between Russia's far east and Russia's Muslim Caucasus regions with the Russia west of the Urals. This would have all sorted out given time. But some powers couldn't wait and now we see this very tragic blood bath.

Look I think Russia would never have accepted todays borders. They are simply too small for their ambitions. These borders are simply unacceptable for Russia and they will never stay in these borders. So there is nothing the west can do to stop Russia taking their land "back", that they lost in the Cold War.

Now these borders are the borders of the Russian Empire, before USSR. But we are no longer living in the age of empires. So This is why we are having this war. Russia needs to figure this out.

Lining up to buy toilet paper will help them realise it. Eventually.

But the way things are going in Russia, they might not even need toilet paper soon because of the large number of muslims in the country. This is not reflected in the census data, but I can tell you Muslims in Russia are everywhere.

So Russia faces an existential question about its future, Do they keep their colonies and allow muslims to infiltrate and take over slowly which will ultimately lead to a civil war between Russians and various non Russians, or do they let the colonies go and create an ethic country for the Russians.

Putin is an imperialist and thinks Russia can absorb the Muslims and even ukranians.

If this goes badly, and Ukraine starts hurting Russia and Russians get sick of having muslims around, they will get rid of Putin, get rid go the muslims by giving them land to just go away and become a normal European country that is just Russian. This is what NATO wants.

Putins plan is a bit flawed, because Russia can not absorb Muslims, or Muslim culture, they will absorb Russia. And by the time the Russian imperialists figure this out it will be too late for them. Russia will not be the Russia that we know.

If I was a Russian, I would Carve out a state for white Christian Russians, let go of my colonies (caucasus, central asia - But I would keep tartars as they are too integrated with Russians), and become a normal European Country.

But we shall see what happens.

Before I went to sleep, my wife said to me: This Russia is such a bad country, If Ukraine wants to join Nato, it is their business and freedom, Russia has no right to intervene, this is just an excuse for Russia to invade Ukarine.

So I said nothing, I just went to the kitchen and took a knife to bedside, then I said: Let’s go to sleep.

My wife looked at me with her wide eyes: What the heck are you doing, sleeping with a knife?!?!

I said: No worry, let’s go to sleep. Beside, sleeping with a knife is none of your business and it is my freedom.

My wife said: How can I sleep when you are sleeping with a knife? What if you accidentally cut me?

I said: Well, You don’t even trust your own husband, how can you expect Russia to trust Ukraine? Me sleeping with a knife is like Ukraine joining the Nato.

false equivalency in your parable. Your wife has starved, tortured and beaten you repeatedly. Taken your property and killed your siblings so I think you are justified in sleeping with a knife next to your bed. :lol:
If the Russians form a military alliances with Canada and Mexico, that does not give the US a right to invade Canada either. Ukraine is a sovereign territory, it is their right to choose. Putin does not get rights to make demands, he should instead make a request and let his cultural cousins to decide their course.

If Ukrainians keep NATO missiles in their land, then Russia reserves the right to keep targets in Ukraine at crosshairs. This is proportional deterrent :cheers:
Canada used to be the target for US invasion. Only the World Wars that brought US and UK together saved Canada.

Ukraine wants to order corvettes and submarines from Germany​

2 MARCH 2022 47

Ukraine wants to order corvettes and submarines from Germany

Ukraine wants to order corvettes and submarines from Germany
The Ukrainian Ambassador in Berlin, Andriy Melnyk, said that his country wants to acquire corvettes and submarines from Germany. Speaking to the T-Online website, Ambassador stated that Ukraine intends to purchase many defence materials from Germany.

Germany refused to donate defence materials to Ukraine for a long time. It also prevented other countries from transferring their systems to Ukraine for the same reason. A few days after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Germany changed its policy and decided to send weapons to a country that was at war. This was the first time since the end of WW II.
Ukraine wants to order corvettes and submarines from Germany

Answering questions about Germany supplying arms to Ukraine, Ambassador Melnyk said, “You are very, very late, but hopefully not too late.” He continued, “It is not just about providing tactical help to Ukraine. All of our Partners should now be clear that we need to arm Ukraine to strengthen its defence capabilities. And Germany could play a central role in this. We want to order corvettes and submarines from German armaments companies. Concrete talks about this were impossible until a few days ago because of this political deadlock. Now I’m more confident.
What else does Ukraine need from Germany?
Ukraine wants to order corvettes and submarines from Germany

I’m thinking of stationary air defence systems. Germany supplies these systems to Egypt, so why not to us? I take the Chancellor, who spoke of the turning point, at his word. This means that the turning point must also be felt in practice, which is why both of our countries should dare to make an actual new start in the armaments sector.

They won't need Submarines soon as it'll be a landlocked country due to Comedian Zulensky's policies :sarcastic:
false equivalency in your parable. Your wife has starved, tortured and beaten you repeatedly. Taken your property and killed your siblings so I think you are justified in sleeping with a knife next to your bed. :lol:
And his wife will simply kill him with that knife.
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