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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Tower stood after getting directly hit by God knows what sort of munition. Give the structural engineer a cookie!

Showcasing the West's hypocrisy and blatantly criminal lies.
They were using fragment munitions not HEAT so the structure stood. Perhaps the intention is not to destroy the infrastructure as Russia will have to rebuild the place. They are mostly focusing on strategic military targets. I have have a feeling the Kiev internet is about to go down next.

The United States and its allies have agreed to free up 60 million barrels of their reserves, the White House and the International Energy Agency announced Tuesday; Leaders are seeking to mitigate the impact of the Russian invasion of Ukraine on fuel prices, according to CNN Arabic.
Who the hell wants to live behind an iron curtain with Putin and Belarus nutjob having total power.Raving lunatics the both of them.

Stop making stuff up would you want your country to be invaded and annexed

I suggest you read my post. It is simply a technical statement on putting civilians in danger.
The Russians are levelling the place, Ukrainian forces have taken massive casualties. I don’t see this continuing much longer. There’s talk of gas and water lines being cut although I haven’t seen proof.
Russia using WW2 tactics encircle then runover west was guessing German Style blitz from Russia
But do you think they will try to take the whole of Moldova or just link up with transnistria

Russia has close relations with Moldova so I don't see any reason they will threaten it. All propaganda by the west media.

Transnistria will link with the new East Ukraine
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What a shameless appeal to the Hindutvadis !
They are begging everyone and everywhere, imagine looking for support from tiny Tunisia 😁

Tunisia-Marcus Cornaro criticizes Tunisia’s stance on Russian invasion of Ukraine
By Rim Hana on Mar 01, 2022
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I seem to understand both sides just fine.. Example you can't enter into the cave of an Animal and assume it will not defend itself with whatever it has.. Hence Lavrov is that Animal just warning others to not enter his cave
Simple explanation, not understood by many on this forum.
East Ukraine will be buffer state. Kiev will be bargaining chip. Things be back to normal in a couple of weeks
Russia should ask for DMZ, they have nothing to lose, they have lost already and will be loosing more.
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