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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Thanks to sanctions Russian oligarchs will be forced to transact its mineral wealth via China on terms favourable to the Chinese. That in itself is a big win for the Chinese.
A prospect Russian oligarchs will find particularly repugnant since it will severely limit their returns.

Frankly, I suspect Putin's days are numbered. A new Russian leader will likely emerge restoring the détente with the west.

They can restore détente maybe - but trust is completely gone - everyone is shocked how quickly this went south and how little they are prepared to deal with a militant russia..
This is old news. Fog of war, it's Russia's own fault for not presenting them from the beginning.

As it is, both sides are presenting heavy propaganda. Russia's problem is that their propaganda is so bullshit, that its completely unbelievable. Whereas the Ukrainians at least try to make it believable.
Ukrainians have the support of entire Western IT , media and propaganda infrastructure.

Yesterday another headline I read on Yahoo made me LOL....

EX- ESTONIAN DEFENCE MINISTER predicted complete disaster for the Russian Forces......Seriously? Ex??? Estonia????
The thing is they needed the mobile infantry with them i.e. mass APC's and IFV's, but they seem to be strangely absent with the tanks.

Most of the movements by the Russians is done without proper or any surveillance intelligence clearance, it’s like they just tipping in one hornet net after a another. Totally absence of UAV and ground surveillance units, I guess it’s matter of time and such NATO standards are not widely fixed in Russian doctrine.
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Who cares, Tucker Carlson is an admitted liar (he admits to it in court) and a clown.
He “can be” the next President of the United States.
Thats just a clueless thing to say. I blame the Croatian education system. Do you want to live in a country where you have no say in who rules over you? Of course not, you live in a democracy and continue to live in a democracy. you are free to leave Croatia and go to Peoples republic of Donetsk if you like.
I already know how it is to live in a country where I have no say in who rules over me. HDZ and SDP are the same pieces of garbage, and the same goes for all other parties. Elections are a formality, as politicians will do the same thing anyway no matter what party they are part of.

I live in a democracy? What a joke. For starters, democracy isn't something that exists in this world to begin with. And the last time anything went right for Croatia, we weren't in a "democracy" to begin with.
Yes looks like it. I'm surprised they didn't wait for the troop delude then move armour in. But I guess that would take at least 2 weeks to happen.

Weather is a major factor. The ground is too soft and they are forced to travel on paved Highways only. Even some bridges are not able to support T80 weight and have seen pictures of tanks fallen on their side in ravines and river.

Terrible weather with soft ground causing slow advance on roads packed with ambush traps and mines.
Who cares, Tucker Carlson is an admitted liar (he admits to it in court) and a clown.

At this point, any major journalist willing to question the official narrative to try to give an alternate perspective is an asset to humanity. Tucker maybe a liar and so are most journalists associated with major Western news outlets. The American disastrous war in Iraq of 2003 was at least partly because there were just not enough Tucker Carlsons in journalism.
Most of the movements by the Russians is done without proper or any surveillance intelligence clearance, it’s like they just tip in one hornet net after the other. Totally absence of UAV and ground surveillance units, I guess it’s matter of time and such NATO standards are not widely fixed in Russian doctrine.

Yes this is very accurate. Surprised to be honest.

As a world leader , one might be expected to think maybe this is not exactly what the world needs , after two years of corona virus.

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