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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Let that sink in!

The attack took place in the Donetsk oblast, and not in the Kharkiv region as the bot you quoted claimed. There is no also no proof that the Ukrainians hit an ammunition depot.

Russia controls less territory in Ukraine than they did few months ago. (According to Russian maps)


Russians despite throwing huge ressources in the Donbass made marginal gains since "concentrating on the Donbass" despite amassing huge manpower and artillery and outnumbering the Ukrainians on every terms.

Ukrainian President was addressing his country when he issued these proclamations.

Russia controls less territory in Ukraine than they did few months ago. (According to Russian maps)

View attachment 859097

Russians despite throwing huge ressources in the Donbass made marginal gains since "concentrating on the Donbass" despite amassing huge manpower and artillery and outnumbering the Ukrainians on every terms.

View attachment 859096

Let that sink in!

Ukrainians have not gained any territory since April. Stop believing in your bs propaganda.
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Some like to blame Zelensky for the war, but refuse to realize that 70% of Ukraine wants to be independent and decide their own future via democratic institutions. I don't support Zelensky as I think he is showing signs of a potential dictator down the road, but to say it is simply one person to blame for Russia's invasion is elementary thinking. Ukraine was peaceful all the while Moscow controlled it via puppet governments, and when the Ukrainian people set themselves free Russia annexed Crimea, instigated a war in the Donbas, used said instigation as a casus belli for the current invasion. I guess for some fighting back is equal to being attacked and supressed.

A good example and comparison - Ukraine was under indirect Russian control since 1991-2014, Poland decided to pursue an EU path. Ukraine was more developed and wealthy than Poland in 1991. Look at them today, Poland is light years ahead of Ukraine in every category, and they are independent and sovereign. Ukraine never was (1991-2014).

There is no way to justify Russia's war on Ukraine, and to claim that Russians are fighting for their "existence" is funny, it is more like Putin and his inner circle are fighting for existence.

The equipment losses Russia has sustained and will sustain is huge for them, billions in losses and they have to spend money to replenish their storage. Eventually money will run out especially when the western sanctions start to be felt in the next few months and especially years. Not to mention the EU decoupling from Russian gas which is yet to be felt.
It's funny how warmongers use popularity contest as barometer of support for War in Ukraine, and frame it as fight for democracy. Why don't u poll the Ukrainians if they support a war with Russia to fight for Donbas and or support Minsk agreement to peace in Donbas? Truth is nobody cares, the puppet masters at Washington pull the strings that tugs Zelensky and his cronies. UA soldiers are just cannon fodders for US/West interests. Does a democracy has to resort to abdication of its citizens to War?

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It's funny how warmongers use popularity contest as barometer of support for War in Ukraine, and frame it as fight for democracy. Why don't u poll the Ukrainians if they support a war with Russia to fight for Donbas and or support Minsk agreement to peace in Donbas? Truth is nobody cares, the puppet masters at Washington pull the strings that tugs Zelensky and his cronies. UA soldiers are just cannon fodders for US/West interests.

Yes the fight the Ukrainians are giving to the Russians is proof enough that they’ve had enough and would rather die then live under their boot.
While I understand your intention to make fun of him we shouldn't be making fun of suicide. Suicide shouldn't be done by anyone unless you are surrounded by 30 dogs who you know are about to tear you apart alive or your remotely-situated room is surrounded by three 30-foot anacondas and you have no way of escape. You know, 350,000+ Indian farmers suicided just between 1995 and 2015 because of the extreme Capitalist nature of Indian society. Tragic and very avoidable just by having a progressive system.

You and your hatred of dogs.... The most noble animal on earth. You need to reform your mindset.

in other news: Russia has given full support to the liberation of of the last remaining syrian lands under turkish/american proxy terrorist occupation.

On a side note, id be very very nervous if i was one of the american troops occupying the border post between Iraq/Syria trying to (unsucessfully) block Iranian weapons shipments...

They are sitting ducks. If Russian citizens are killed by NATO escalation. Expect some murican occupiers in the region to eat some dirt from the many proxy groups.. Iran is just itching to attack that outpost....
Yes the fight the Ukrainians are giving to the Russians is proof enough that they’ve had enough and would rather die then live under their boot.
What will to fight? UA will to fight is getting destroyed in Kherson, Mariupol, Sverondonesk, and lysychansk. No amount of Zelensky comedic lies is going to reverse the tide. It will be ironic that faster UA retreat from Sloviansk and Kramatoske, more lives will be spared.
Less than 10 Himars are already decimating Russian ammo depots/HQs/concentration of troops. Now imagine if 50 were in Ukrainian service.

Only 4 so far, with another 4 in a week or two. Also 9 M270s are coming. Ukrainians are training on the M270 now in the UK.
What will to fight? UA will to fight is getting destroyed in Kherson, Mariupol, Sverondonesk, and lysychansk. No amount of Zelensky comedic lies is going to reverse the tide. It will be ironic that faster UA retreat from Sloviansk and Kramatoske, more lives will be spared.

Those few cities you mentioned cost Russia Thousands of army vehicles (tanks, ifv, etc.) and tens of thousands of dead and wounded.

According to your logic why didn’t the US just colonize Iraq? Iraq put up no fight and just bent over and invited the Americans.
Only 4 so far, with another 4 in a week or two. Also 9 M270s are coming. Ukrainians are training on the M270 now in the UK.
In a month, UA will be complaining the M270 drive trains breaking down often and are not reliable. It will be interesting how many HIMARS will be sent to UA and will it make a difference in battlefield considering they are not tracked and needs air defence.

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