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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukrainian President was addressing his country when he issued these proclamations.

Let that sink in!

Ukrainians have not gained any territory since April. Stop believing in your bs propaganda.
10 times less casualties? for an attacking force that is bleeding losses that we see shared everyday? For instance oryx?


In meantime 80% ukraine is fully in western camp. While russia struggles to ethnically cleanse the donbass and then heroically “liberate” those 10-20% remaining pro russians
It's funny how warmongers use popularity contest as barometer of support for War in Ukraine, and frame it as fight for democracy. Why don't u poll the Ukrainians if they support a war with Russia to fight for Donbas and or support Minsk agreement to peace in Donbas? Truth is nobody cares, the puppet masters at Washington pull the strings that tugs Zelensky and his cronies. UA soldiers are just cannon fodders for US/West interests. Does a democracy has to resort to abdication of its citizens to War?

@Akritas, here is another of the examples I said to you about Zelensky forcing Ukrainian civilians to fight. These civilians are grabbed like this and forced to some four-day training camp and marched to the front. If they complain they are taken to destinations unknown.

You and your hatred of dogs.... The most noble animal on earth. You need to reform your mindset.

Most Noble Animal On Earth attacking a boy in Jaipur city, India, more than a month ago :

There is just one solution for these filths - global eradication.

@Sharma Ji @DrJekyll, watch the vid.

in other news: Russia has given full support to the liberation of of the last remaining syrian lands under turkish/american proxy terrorist occupation.

On a side note, id be very very nervous if i was one of the american troops occupying the border post between Iraq/Syria trying to (unsucessfully) block Iranian weapons shipments...

They are sitting ducks. If Russian citizens are killed by NATO escalation. Expect some murican occupiers in the region to eat some dirt from the many proxy groups.. Iran is just itching to attack that outpost....

Fantastic ! :tup: The world had forgotten about the 11-year-old Syria war so thanks for bringing it back to notice.
@Akritas, here is another of the examples I said to you about Zelensky forcing Ukrainian civilians to fight. These civilians are grabbed like this and forced to some four-day training camp and marched to the front. If they complain they are taken to destinations unknown.

Ukraine is under marshall law and all able males between 16-60 years age are expected to fight the war. They cannot make excuses and run away.
Ukraine is under marshall law and all able males between 16-60 years age are expected to fight the war. They cannot make excuses and run away.

Many Ukrainians simply do not want to fight alongside Nazis and nationalists against the Russians. Whichever city was liberated by the Russians and allies the Russians have delivered food, medicine and other supplies to the civilians and the civilians thanked the deliverers, they weren't hostile.
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10 times less casualties? for an attacking force that is bleeding losses that we see shared everyday? For instance oryx?


In meantime 80% ukraine is fully in western camp. While russia struggles to ethnically cleanse the donbass and then heroically “liberate” those 10-20% remaining pro russians
Russian soldiers run on drugs that is why they can’t be dead. nobody believes to such shit propaganda. Seriously, Russia army relies much on the neonazi Wagner group. They do the dirty jobs on the front lines.
“Without Wagner, the Russia army is not a serious military power.”

- Marat Gabidullin, ex commander of Wagner group

Those few cities you mentioned cost Russia Thousands of army vehicles (tanks, ifv, etc.) and tens of thousands of dead and wounded.

According to your logic why didn’t the US just colonize Iraq? Iraq put up no fight and just bent over and invited the Americans.

It was Kiyv which cost Russia thousands of vehicles.

The combat slowed down significantly after.

Russians no longer lose vehicles due to logistic exhaustion because they don't move much, nor they happily drive into killboxes, and ATGM lines anymore.

American hesitancy to provide more Himars ammo is really laughable now when they can literally erase a double digit percentage of Russian combat power for a price of only one F35 wing.

Same with US refusing to send PGKs, which cost near nothing. 1 tonne of PKG shells erases $100m in Russian military hardware. An economy ratio is pretty much that of 200 to 1 - an absolutely bonkers advantage Biden refused to use.
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It was Kiyv which cost Russia thousands of vehicles.

The combat slowed down significantly after.

Russians no longer lose vehicles due to logistic exhaustion because they don't move much, nor they happily drive into killboxes, and ATGM lines anymore.

American hesitancy to provide more Himars ammo is really laughable now when they can literally erase a double digit percentage of Russian combat power for a price of only one F35 wing.

Same with US refusing to send PGKs, which cost near nothing. 1 tonne of PKG shells erases $100m in Russian military hardware. An economic damage ratio is pretty much that of 200 to 1 - an absolutely bonkers advantage Biden refused to use.
I am sure Russia got more toys of destruction that can level Ukranian positions as well. The brutality of this war will have no boundaries, and escalation to tactical nukes only matter of time. Europe will sustain the greatest damage it that's the case.
I repeat Russia is losing billions, and billions of dollars in military hardware, ammo, supplies, and troops every month of this war. It's their military which they spent 1 trillion dollars to rearm, and rebuild since 2000.

Why Russia is not limiting its losses? Because Putin has no second chance. He will never ever be able to wage war in his lifetime, so he feels free to spend Russian army to the last soldier.

Even more despicable than the conduct of Russian soldiers is that of their general staff, they are literally wasting decades worth of experience, and their best, and brightest in the vainglorious zerg rush.

Russia really risks to cease its existence as a nation with so much of leadership cadres lost. Whatever is left of Russia will be led by people who were too dim, sickly, and cowardly for military service.

The History shows that nations who completely lost their elites don't have long to live.
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It's funny how warmongers use popularity contest as barometer of support for War in Ukraine, and frame it as fight for democracy. Why don't u poll the Ukrainians if they support a war with Russia to fight for Donbas and or support Minsk agreement to peace in Donbas? Truth is nobody cares, the puppet masters at Washington pull the strings that tugs Zelensky and his cronies. UA soldiers are just cannon fodders for US/West interests. Does a democracy has to resort to abdication of its citizens to War?

Russian drone alert. So, the thousands of young Russian, conscript soldiers dying on Ukraine's territory against their wills is ok? But, Ukrainians fighting for their own land is...wrong? Perhaps you should have told the defenders of Stalingrad that in WW2. You Russians are so deluded its pitiful
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