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Ukraine says Russia suffering 'huge casualties' in Sievierodonetsk — as it happened​

The local governor says Ukraine has "pushed back" Russian forces in the fight for the key Donbas city. Meanwhile, a top official has speculated that the war might last several more months.

A Ukrainian soldier pictured in Donbas
Ukrainian troops are still fighting Russian soldiers in the rebel-dominated Donbas
  • Russia deploying reinforcements to Sievierodonetsk
  • Germany not a suitable mediator in Ukraine conflict, says SPD lawmaker
  • Zelenskyy's adviser says Russian troops changed their tactics after massive losses
  • UK says Russia is launching unguided airstrikes in Donbas
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Lavrov says Western sanctions will boost Russian energy profits​

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday told a Bosnian-Serb television broadcaster that Western sanctions would actually benefit Russia by driving up energy prices.
"Considering the price level that has been established as a result of the West's policies, we have suffered no budgetary losses," he said, adding, "On the contrary, this year we will significantly increase the profits from the export of our energy resources."
In reaction to a European Union agreement that will see roughly 90% of Russian oil imports to the bloc banned by the end of the year, the Moscow hardliner said, "Oil, generally speaking, is not subject to politics, there is a demand for it ... we have alternative sales markets, where we are already increasing sales."

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EU agrees partial ban on Russian oil​

DW reporter on Ukraine's claims of regaining control of parts of Sievierodonetsk​

DW's Jan-Philipp Scholz, reporting from Kyiv, says, "it is simply impossible to verify if Ukraine has really regained half of the territory in Sievierodonetsk." Kyiv on Saturday claimed that a successful counter-offensive had helped it recapture much of the fiercely contested city in the Donbas region.
Scholz said, however, that Ukrainian forces had indeed achieved a "remarkable" feat by managing to push back Russian troops who initially looked to have entirely taken control of the city, calling it, "an important partial success for the Ukrainians."
Speaking of reports that thousands of Russian troops were amassing for an assault on the nearby city of Sloviansk, DW's Scholz said Kyiv is very concerned as the city is "an important transportation hub." He also noted that it is, "one of the last areas of the Donbas region that is still beyond Russian control."
He said several hundred people had already been evacuated but that local officials were now urging those citizens who still remained to leave before Russian forces approach.
Asked about when heavy weapons promised by Western countries might arrive in the Donbas, DW's Scholz said it could still take weeks, meaning they may not be of any use in the current fight by the time they arrive. Though he did add that fighters say they preparing "for a long war of attrition, so the weapons could make a difference in possible upcoming counter-offensives."

Russia and Ukraine exchange bodies of hundreds of dead soldiers​

Kyiv on Saturday announced that Ukraine and Russia exchanged the bodies of 320 soldiers — 160 each — on June 2. The exchange took place at the front in the southeastern Ukrainian region of Zaporizhzhya.
Ukraine has repeatedly called on Moscow to take possession of the bodies of its fallen soldiers and to give them a dignified burial.
Kyiv accuses the Kremlin of using its young as "cannon fodder" to be simply left to rot on the battlefield after they are killed.
Authorities in Kyiv say representatives from its intelligence services and armed forces leadership were on hand for the exchange.

Ukraine says Russian artillery has destroyed sacred Orthodox church​

"Russian artillery struck the Svyatohirsk Lavra in the Donetsk region again today. Destroyed All Saints Monastery. It was consecrated in 1912. It was first destroyed during the Soviet era. Later it was rebuilt to be burned by the Russian army," wrote Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Telegram Saturday.
He also posted a video of the church engulfed in flames.
The monastic settlement of Svyatohirsk Lavra dates back to 1627 and the wooden church is one of the country's most sacred Orthodox sites.
Zelenskyy noted that four monks had been previously killed at the site, which is located in the embattled Donbas region. He said 300 civilians, 60 of them children, had been sheltering there amid intense fighting.
The Ukrainian leader went on to call for "barbaric" Russia to be expelled from UNESCO, the United Nations (UN) cultural agency, saying, "Every church burned by Russia in Ukraine, every school blown up, every destroyed memorial proves that Russia has no place in UNESCO."
The Russian Defense Ministry denied involvement in the incident, instead deflecting blame to Ukrainian troops, whom it claims set the blaze themselves as they retreated from advancing Russian forces.
There are no military targets at the site according to Kyiv. It is managed by the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which has said it will break with the Russian Orthodox Church over the February 24 Russian invasion and ensuing war, which Patriarch Kyrill of Moscow enthusiastically supports.

German interior minister announces hardening of cyber-defenses against Russia​

Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, speaking in the Saturday edition of the mass-circulation newspaper Bild, announced that Germany is hardening its cyber-defense capabilities against Russian intrusion, saying that Moscow presents a real threat.
Faeser said her ministry is defending "German domestic security and peace against Russia's attempts to spy and influence, against lies and against war propaganda." She went on to say: "We know exactly what intelligence means the Russian government uses. We are extremely vigilant and are protecting ourselves. And we are active."
The interior minister said that vigilance is what led Berlin to expel some 40 Russian Embassy employees in April, all of whom Faeser said, were working for Russian intelligence services.
German security experts warn that the threat of communications espionage is real and often underestimated, especially in Berlin's government district, where cellphones can be easily hacked. One must assume that foreign intelligence services are "making a considerable effort" to intercept sensitive information Faeser said.
Intelligence services, for instance, say Moscow has been using specially constructed broadband antennae on the roof of Russia's Berlin Embassy to eavesdrop on communications for years.

US intelligence agencies to review early misreading of Russia's invasion of Ukraine​

Intelligence agencies in Washington DC., are conducting reviews of their initial assessments of the situation in Ukraine before Russia invaded as well as in the early phase of the war.
The assessment comes at the urging of politicians from both sides of the aisle as doubt has grown over intelligence capability, especially after the US' disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021.
The agencies grossly misread the will of the Ukrainians — from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, to the army and the civilian population — to stand and defend their homeland against an invader that US intelligence services misread in the other direction, namely assuming far greater capability and military superiority.
Despite the correct prediction of a Russian invasion, the Russian advance has a not unfolded as the US expected, leading some lawmakers to ask whether more should have been done to arm the Ukrainians before the invasion occurred.
"Had we had a better handle on the prediction, we could have done more to assist the Ukrainians earlier," said Senator Angus King, an Independent from Maine.
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Avril Haines, replying to a request from the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the National Intelligence Council (NIC) would conduct a review of agency assessments regarding a given nation's "will" and "capacity to fight," calling both metrics, "quite challenging," and noting, "we're looking at different methodologies for doing so."
The review is not subject to a specific timetable.

NATO chief talks Sweden, Finland membership with Erdogan​

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has met with Finland's prime minister and spoken with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, in an effort to work past the roadblock Ankara has put up over Sweden and Finland joining the military alliance.
Stoltenberg said he had a "constructive phone call" with Erdogan and promised continued dialogue.
Turkey, a member of NATO since 1952, opposes membership for the two countries and is using its veto power in the membership vote — a unanimous vote from all 30 members is required for a new member to be accepted — to force policy changes from the Nordic countries.
A spokesman for Turkey's president said Ankara feels no pressure to see the bids advanced by the time NATO leaders convene for a June 29-30 summit in Madrid, Spain.
Sweden and Finland, spurred by Russia's February 24 invasion of Ukraine, upended decades of non-alignment policy to seek admission to the military alliance.

Russian troops 'pushed back' in key eastern city​

The governor of Luhansk province said Russia had retreated in the industrial city of Sievierodonetsk — now one of only two settlements in the province that aren't under Russian control.
"Right now, our soldiers have pushed them back, [the Russians] are suffering huge casualties," Serhiy Haidai said in a live TV broadcast on Saturday.
He added: "Russians are blowing up bridges, so we could not bring in reinforcements to our boys in Sievierodonetsk."
Ukrainian news website Dialog.ua also reported that Igor Girkin, a pro-Russian veteran who had been active in the war in Donbas since 2014, confirmed details of the retreat on his Telegram channel.
Russian troop movements in eastern Ukraine

Tributes flow for fallen international fighters​

Ukraine's official volunteer brigade, the International Legion of Defense, has paid tribute to four foreigners from Germany, France, the Netherlands and Australia who were killed in recent weeks.
"We lost our brothers in combat but their bravery, their memory and legacy will forever inspire us," it said in a statement on Saturday.
The deaths of the Frenchman and the Australian had been confirmed by their respective governments, while AFP reporters were present for the burial of the Dutch fighter in Kharkiv on May 21.
Earlier this week Russia claimed it had killed "hundreds" of foreign fighters on the Ukrainian side.

Macron warns against humiliating Russia​

French President Emmanuel Macron has offered to mediate between Russia and Ukraine after Vladimir Putin "isolated himself" on the world stage.
"We must not humiliate Russia so that the day when the fighting stops we can build an exit ramp through diplomatic means," he said in an interview with regional newspapers that was published on Saturday.
France has supported Ukraine with money and weapons, but has also maintained a line of communication with the Russian president.
Macron added: "I think, and I told [Putin], that he is making a historic and fundamental mistake for his people, for himself and for history."

Ukrainian adviser says war has entered a new phase — could last 6 months​

Russia's tactics have changed on the battlefield, according to Ukrainian presidential adviser Mykhailo Podoliak, adding that Russian losses had now decreased to around 100 to 200 casualties per day — a figure he said was "roughly comparable" with Ukrainian losses.
"In the first one-and-a-half to two months they fought with absolutely no understanding of what they were doing," he told Meduza, an independent Russian-language news outlet based in Riga, Latvia that is not subjected to strict Russian state censorship laws regardiing coverage of the war against Ukraine.
"They just moved their columns around the country, and our guys quickly and brutally destroyed them. This kind of war was simple enough."
"Unfortunately, it has ended," he said, adding that the fighting now was bogged down and the outcome is decided mostly by the numbers of soldiers and weapons.
He warned it was hard to judge when the war with Russia would end. At the same time, he indicated the fighting could last for another half a year.
"If you count by the stockpiled weapons, this could drag on for a period of two to six months," Podoliak said.
"But war is a non-linear process, influenced by dozens or even hundreds of factors," he added. "I wouldn't set specific deadlines."

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Evacuations still underway ahead of expected Russian assault on Sloviansk: DW's Jan-Philipp Scholz reports​

EU to recognize Ukrainian driver's licenses — report​

The European Union is set introduce special regulations that will recognize Ukrainian driver's licenses, according to the German government.
Non-EU nationals in Germany can typically drive for six months using their existing driver's license, after which they must apply for a local certification.
"The EU Commission is planning a road transport agreement with Ukraine which, among other things, will provide for the temporary recognition of driving licences and certificates of competence for the transport of goods," the German government said in a response to a parliamentary question as seen by the DPA.
The move is aimed at helping Ukrainian refugees who fled to the EU after the Russian invasion. It will also help freight companies operating between Ukraine and the EU.

Russian unguided airstrikes cause 'widespread destruction' in Donbas​

The UK Defence Ministry has accused Russia of launching unguided airstrikes over the Donbas region.
"The increased use of unguided munitions has led to the widespread destruction of built-up areas in the Donbas and has almost certainly caused substantial collateral damage and civilian casualties," the ministry said in a tweet on Saturday.

It added that Russia's stocks of precision guided missiles "are likely to have been significantly depleted" since the start of the war.

Russia reinforcing troops in Sievierodonetsk: Ukrainian military​

Russia has brought in reinforcements to further its efforts to take control of the city of Sievierodonetsk in Ukraine's Donbas region and is carrying out "assault operations" with artillery in the city, Ukraine's military said on Saturday.
According to Reuters news agency, the Ukrainian military said Russian forces had, however, retreated after failing to advance in the nearby town of Bakhmut.
On Friday, the governor of Luhansk province, Serhiy Haidai, told national television that Ukrainian troops had recaptured 20% of the territory in the factory city previously lost to Russian advances. He said Russian troops had previously held some 70% of the city.
He added that it was unlikely the city would be taken by Russian troops in the next two weeks despite the reinforcements being deployed by Moscow.

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Battle for Sievierodonetsk just one of many ahead: Military analyst Frank Ledwidge​

Haidai's claim of Ukrainian advances could not immediately be verified.
Moscow is now focusing its military efforts on the eastern Donbas region after failing to take the capital, Kyiv, at the start of the at the start of the invasion which was launched on February 24.

Germany not a suitable mediator in Ukraine war — SPD official​

The leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, said he does not consider Germany to be a suitable mediator between Kyiv and Moscow.
He instead suggested that countries that avoided condemning Russia in the United Nations General Assembly take on the role of mediator.
"Germany will hardly be able to mediate in this conflict," Mützenich said. "Because from Russia's point of view, we took too clear a position from the start."

Summary of Friday's events in Ukraine-Russia crisis​

In a video message from Kyiv marking 100 days since Russia invaded Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy vowed, "Victory will be ours."

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The Day with Clare Richardson: 100 Days of War​

Vadym Boichenko, the displaced mayor of the captured Ukrainian port city of Mariupol, accused Russia of holding the city's remaining 100,000 citizens hostage.
Ukrainian police opened criminal investigations into allegations of sexual violence against civilians, according to Deputy Interior Minister Kateryna Pavlichenko.
Protestant theologians and allied politicians drafted an open letter to leaders of the Protestant Church of Germany calling for the Russian Orthodox Church to be suspended from the World Council of Churches and for bilateral relations between the German and Russian Churches to be frozen.
The EU said that around 500 Ukrainian patients have so far been receiving urgent treatment by way of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.
Ukraine's ambassador to Turkey said that Turkish buyers are purchasing grain that Russia stole.
The chair of the African Union (AU), Macky Sall, said in a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin that Moscow should take into account the impact the war was having on the African continent.
You can revisit our live updates from June 3 here.
jsi, sdi/rt (AP, AFP, dpa, Reuters)
Not only Kill 88 civilians but rape another 100 each according to Indian propaganda.
Ah yes, i forgot about that. The so called Australian doctor that went to East Pakistan and made such an accusation against Pakistan, only to realise that doctor was racist against Pakistanis and was later found to be lying as the Red Cross later found out (maternity wards werent full of victims as the Aussie doctor said they were)
Russia's misadventure is going to become painful and Germany is going to get it's revenge, Panzers on the role, lol. It took them 77 years to repackage the Germans and persuade them to attack Russia again.

First heavy weapons from Germany arrive in Ukraine​

Ukraine on Tuesday said the first delivery of German howitzers and other heavy weapons had arrived. Meanwhile, the government in Berlin published a complete list of military aid sent or pledged to Kyiv.

A self-propelled howitzer, Panzerhaubitze 200, taking part in exercises in northern Germany
Several weeks after pledging heavy weapons, Germany's first delivery of self-propelled howitzers have arrived in Ukraine
The first delivery of heavy weapons promised by the German government had arrived in Ukraine, Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksii Reznikov said on Tuesday.
The arrival comes after repeated appeals from Kyiv for better weapons and ammunition as it seeks to hold off Russia's military offensive in eastern Ukraine.

Panzerhaubitze 2000 'finally' part of Ukrainian arsenal​

Self-propelled howitzers, the Panzerhaubitze 2000, are the first heavy weapons sent by Germany to arrive in Ukraine.
In May, Berlin pledged to send seven of the artillery systems, adding to five howitzers promised by the Netherlands.
The Panzerhaubitze 2000 are some of the most powerful artillery weapons in the German military's stock. The howitzers can hit targets located up to 40 kilometers (25 miles) away.
Reznikov praised his German counterpart, Christine Lambrecht, and Dutch Defense Minister Kajsa Ollongren for the shipments.
"Panzerhaubitze 2000 are finally part of 155 mm howitzer arsenal of the Ukrainian artillery," Reznikov wrote on Twitter.
He called the delivery "an example of international cooperation in support of Ukraine."

What else has Germany sent?​

As the self-propelled howitzers arrived in Ukraine, the German government published its first full list showing both the equipment it said it had already sent to Ukraine, and items it had pledged that were still being arranged.
In addition to the recent delivery of seven howitzers, the German Defense Ministry said it had sent 14,900 anti-tank mines, 500 STINGER air-defense missiles and 2,700 anti-aircraft missiles.
In addition, Germany had supplied Ukraine with 16 million rounds of ammunition for handguns, as well as 100,000 hand grenades, to name only some of the most notable entries on the list.
Under nonlethal supplies, Germany has already provided materials including, but not limited to, 175 vehicles (including trucks, buses and off-road vehicles), 23,000 combat helmets, 10,000 sleeping bags, 1,200 hospital beds and 100 tents.
The government's list also included weapons and ammunition that the Germany has pledged to Ukraine, but are in the process of being delivered.
The list of weapons to be delivered included 30 Gepard (Cheetah) tanks and three MARS II multiple rocket launchers.

Weapons deliveries follow criticism​

Russia's invasion of Ukraine at the end of February prompted urgent appeals for military aid.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government has made a major turnaround with Berlin's historic opposition to sending lethal weapons to active conflict zones, but has been criticized for not doing so more quickly.
Berlin was initially hesitant to pledge heavy weapons deliveries, at first offering to send nonlethal supplies such as combat helmets.
Following the German government's policy reversal and pledge to support Ukraine with more modern weapons systems, Ukraine repeatedly complained about the amount of time it took for the weapons to arrive.
The German government defended the delays by saying it needed to ensure that Ukrainian troops received training on the new weapons systems, and that defense industry protocols needed to be radically changed to accommodate the deliveries.
Ukraine's government has appealed to Western allies for more weapons to bolster its Soviet-era arsenal. Kyiv said it would need 1,000 howitzers, 500 tanks and 1,000 drones to help stave off Russian troops.

Scholz says arms delivery right decision​

Scholz told members if his Social Democratic Party (SPD) that the decision to supply German weapons to Ukraine was the right decision.
"This is necessary now," Scholz said. "It was the right thing to decide now and in this situation."
He also told lawmakers that the German public supported the decision.
Scholz said that Russia must end the war and stressed Ukraine's right to exist.
"Everything we do is aimed at that," he said.
rs, si/msh (Reuters, dpa)
There is a big difference between whataboutism and hypocrisy.
Russian state practices both, together with a wide range of crimes you obviously condone.

If you want to turn over hundreds of years of old accounts, many countries will have trouble. For example, the aborigines of Australia and the Indians of the USA.
And the invasion/destruction of many nations by the genocidal Chinese Communist Party...
Why not? In recent years, the Chinese government has just ended the riots in Hong Kong and eliminated the separatist forces. Zero death. Ukraine should learn from China, or it should be hanged like Gaddafi and others.
Isn't the reason why Gaddafi was killed by the West because he killed the soldiers of the Benghazi separatist organization?
How many people died when the American people occupied Wall Street in 2011? Should we put Obama on the gallows?

Qaddafi was killed because he switched his country's currency from paper money to gold and silver. He also proposed Africa to have a common currency. Many of the smaller African countries are still robbed by former European colonizers, so the West led by USA, UK, and France took him out before other African country could follow suit.
A war ends with a peace treaty.
Without a peace treaty the war continues.
Israel and Syria has been at war for almost 75 years.

In the case of the US and Iraq. there were multiple violations of the cease-fire over the years. That was one of the reasons for terminating the cease-fire.

Post Kuwait liberation... America stated their goals were complete and going Baghdad was never their mission objectives. The 2003 invasion was never part of the 1991 Gulf War. I was there so I should know.

You will not be able to provide any formal reference to support your claim.

Russian state practices both, together with a wide range of crimes you obviously condone.

My comment wasn't about Ukraine in specific. You will have to re-read my related posts....
And I will marry Jeff Bezos' daughter and inherit his wealth by next month.

Source: Trust me bro.

G-7 countires have agreed to placing price caps on Russian oil sold abroad. The plan is untested, but if it works, it could deal the final blow to Vladimir Putin's ability to finance the war in Ukraine. The changes at NATO could also be in terms of years, not months. NATO announcing plans to increase its rapid response forces from 40 thousand to 300 thousand, and that will include a sizeable increase in the number of US soldiers stationed along NATO's eastern flank...where the alliance and Russia meet head on.

Will the G7 be able to bankrupt Russia?​

Actually, it's Russia that invaded Ukraine in 2014, as well they previously invaded Chechnya, Georgia (Abkhazia then South Ossetia regions) and Moldova (Transnistria region)... Maybe is it time to allow countries that neighbour ruSSia to become nuclear powers, you know, a 800km range ASMPA-R is stealth, flies Mach3 and has a 300 kilotons neutron-bomb, the gigantic amount of radioactivity induced is as lethal as if you dropped a 3 megatons classic thermonuclear... And... It only costs €18 millions!!!
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The clown at the Kremlin likes nuclear blackmail... I'd be curious how he'd feel about a nuclear version of the Mexican standoff!
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Russians get so much affection that their European neighbours that didn't joined NATO are all willing to do so, but Belarus which is a puppet state. Even China and CSTO minus Belarus refuse to back the invasion of Ukraine: You can see Russia's friends at UNGA votes in red:
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"Referendums" under military occupation are null and void under international law for obvious reasons : it has always been rigged... Poor attempt from you to justify an ILLEGAL INVASION

Well, seems that Gaddafi wasn't wrong all the time!

You won't find a single naZi that is not into antisemitism: for naZis, black people are monkeys, brown-skinned people are half way between humans and monkeys and the worst race of all are Jews... Neo-naZis 100% back the Palestinians against Israel:
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And Palestinians are openly naZi sympathetic:
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The sole fact that far-right political parties score less than 2% in Ukraine and that 73% of Ukrainians have voted for a Jewish president makes the Russian narrative that Ukraine is naZi the LAUGHING STOCK of the planet, and those parroting this bullshit seen as serious idiots !!! Now for sure, you can find extremists everywhere, and ruZZian propaganda has floaded world's media with pictures of the same 18-20 idiots of a single neo-naZi platoon in the Azov battalion for 8 years, clearly applying the basics of Lenin/Goebbels propaganda principle that if you repeat a lie 1000 times, in people's mind, it becomes the truth... It ain't !!!

The so called massacre of east-Ukrainian is another propaganda stunt and another Goebbelsian big lie:
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It's true that Russian propaganda hasn't lost the "quality" of the Soviet one: they even managed to keep the whole planet believing that Russian army was the 2nd most powerful in the world after Chinese PLA, but Ukraine called the bluff, showing the truth to the world : Russian army is💩

BTW, you don't need to be a naZi to do mass murders, war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocides, massacres, engineered famines, etc... In fact, when it comes to such actions, communist leaders like Mao Zedong, Josef Stalin or Pol Pot went further... According to Deng Ziao Ping himself, Mao Zedong caused the death of more than 100 millions Chinese people, thus, Mao Zedong is the #1 mass murderer of all times. Stalin killed more Soviets than Hitler, when it comes to Pol Pot, he murdered the third of Cambodia's population... But since another third had already fled the Khmer Rouge, he murdered half of the Cambodians left in the country... And the Khmer Rouge was backed by Communist China...
Who told you that Jews can't be Nazis? Do you think Jews have privileges? When you think Jews are different from other nations, you are already half Nazi.

Nazism refers to the act of propagating and believing in the theory of racial superiority, and exploiting and oppressing other races. If you think Jews are superior and exploit and oppress Palestinians, you are a Nazi.

The Western Ukrainian government publicized that the Russians and Tatars in eastern Ukraine were low-level nationalities, and shelled and beat them. The government of western Ukraine was, of course, Nazi. Do you think only Jews are qualified to judge who the Nazis are?

As I have said before, in 2014 and 2022, Russians are both aggressors. China will never recognize Russia's sovereignty over Crimea and other eastern regions of Ukraine.
However, the fact that Russia is an aggressor does not mean that the government of western Ukraine is not a Nazi. There is no inevitable relationship between the two.

First of all, China does not support the Khmer Rouge. China supports Prince siharuk, who is in power jointly with the Khmer Rouge. At that time, China was in the US camp. China and the United States held the same position on this issue, the two countries also supported the Cambodian royal family to prevent Vietnam from annexing Cambodia and Laos.

Secondly, Mao Zedong was certainly responsible for the great famine that occurred in China from 1958 to 1960. But famine is not equal to massacre.
Otherwise, do we want to talk about the dead population in the United States during the great depression and the responsibility of the British in 1943. The famine was caused by the British plundering food from India. Churchill not only did not care about the Indian famine in 1943, he also said: "Indians breed like rabbits." Is this supposed to be a massacre of Americans and British people?

The real human butchers are U.S. President Washington and others, as well as Israeli officials who directed the spear party to massacre refugees in Beirut refugee camp. These people were not killed by famine, but actually by bullets. Tens of millions of Indians were killed, leaving only 500000. Hitler's massacre was not as efficient as that of Americans.

As for nuclear weapons, do you think you are smarter than all previous US presidents? Can they not think of the way you think of?
Do you know that the proliferation of nuclear weapons will do the greatest harm to western countries. Yes, you can give nuclear weapons to Ukraine and Taiwan. Soon, Mexico, Venezuela, Serbia and other countries will also have nuclear weapons. Do you think Russia and China are the countries most afraid of nuclear war? Take a look at the land area of Russia. In addition, take a look at China's huge underground refuge project, which can accommodate 400million people. After the nuclear war, it must be the Chinese who return to the earth with the whole human industrial chain. The losers must not be us.

If USA and Russia fight directly, we Chinese will run underground asylum projects and hide for a few years. Anyway, our grain reserve ranks first in the world.
Our refuge project began construction in 1969 and now can accommodate about 400 million urban people. How about the Asylum Project in USA.

If your shelter cannot accommodate enough people and factories, then you are ready to die in our revenge after the nuclear war.



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