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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I believe in the existence of the indigenous Palestinian state and the removal of the illegal, unjust, and settler state of IsraHell, and the expulsion of the European settlers and others they brought all over the world for their bogus belief that anything between Euphrates and Nile belongs to them.

Palestine belongs to us and the promised day will come that the final khilafah will be restored in Jerusalem.
Do you believe in the expulsion of Somali settlers from Europe? That seems fair with such a mindset. How many Europeans would appreciate a swap?

The next question is of course how many Jews should return to Somalia?

Have you considered that Israel may be Allahs punishment of the unworthy that gets to stew in their hate for the rest of their miserly lives?
You may scheme, but Allah is the greater schemer.
I believe in the existence of the indigenous Palestinian state and the removal of the illegal, unjust, and settler state of IsraHell, and the expulsion of the European settlers and others they brought all over the world for their bogus belief that anything between Euphrates and Nile belongs to them.

Palestine belongs to us and the promised day will come that the final khilafah will be restored in Jerusalem.
The zionists should just change their religion to salafi islam and they could get away with genocide on palestinians without you batting an eye.

Turkish genocide pontic greeks
Turkish genocide armenians
Pakistan genocide bangladesh
Syrian massacre in hama
Expulsion palestines from kuwait
Annexation western sahara by morocco
Refusing state on kurds
Annexation palestinian land by egypt/jordan

A short list of often much larger mistreatments, on larger populations or more annexed land.

The EU is one of the biggest donors for palestinian humanitarian aid but i am really starting to doubt why we even bother when all we get in return is pure religious fascism.
Do you believe in the expulsion of Somali settlers from Europe? That seems fair with such a mindset. How many Europeans would appreciate a swap?

The next question is of course how many Jews should return to Somalia?

Have you considered that Israel may be Allahs punishment of the unworthy that gets to stew in their hate for the rest of their miserly lives?
You may scheme, but Allah is the greater schemer.
Its strange he doesnt want the arabs to leave north africa.
Russia sees the Baltic states as slaves of the West
how a country joins nato.jpg
after france left nato.jpg

Russia perfectly knows that countries that enter NATO or the EU are no slaves and do this by free will, and are free to leave whenever they want.
What bothers Russia is that these countries will stop being Russia's slaves! THIS is the point
and if they were not part of NATO I think Putin would have nuked them by now
I don't think there would be any need to nuke Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania: if they merged their air-forces, they'd have 4 or 5 L-39 Albatros trainers as only jets. The 3 countries cumulated militaries are less powerful than Austria or Brunei! But thanks to NATO, they can treat ruSSia on equal grounds instead of bending over to the bully! Since EU started the Baltic air-policing program, later joined by NATO, the days where Russian air force violated the 3 Baltic states airspace about 30x a day are over! They get intercepted instead
_Rafale-Russian bombers.jpg

I personally think this war is going to expand
And probably not the way you think!!! The most probable is Moldova kicking Russia out of Transnistria, Georgia kicking Russia out of Abkhazia and South-Ossetia, Lukashenko kicked out by Belarus people and Kazakhstan requesting US bases:
With half of the Russian army (54 BTGs) in Luhansk/Donetsk, all concentrated into CAESAR/HiMARS range, it's a situation similar to the 1943 Kursk battle, but Ukraine holds the salient...
Once the 54 BTGs "reduced", Ukraine will be able to launch a counter offensive. Moldova+Georgia can take profit from this to get their occupied lands back, and if Lukashenko gets dragged into the conflict, his army won't be able to oppress the population and they'll kick him out!
Do you believe in the expulsion of Somali settlers from Europe? That seems fair with such a mindset. How many Europeans would appreciate a swap?

The next question is of course how many Jews should return to Somalia?

Have you considered that Israel may be Allahs punishment of the unworthy that gets to stew in their hate for the rest of their miserly lives?
You may scheme, but Allah is the greater schemer.

The same reason so many people (including me) supported an end to apartheid in South Africa (even as their governments kept the support of repression). P{eopel ally for human righst and justice. Defending lies and racism is not logical anyway
Yes that’s confirmed. Erdogan says yes.
Sweden, Finland, Turkey have signed a memorandum that they will support each other if any country security is threatened. A mini defense pact.
It can mean Sweden will begin with weapons delivery to Turkey if requested by Erdogan.

View attachment 857620
Das gemeinsame Statement der Türkei, Schwedens, Finnlands und der Nato in Madrid

Congrats to Turkey, Sweden, Finland to come to some agreement over a complex issue - and hopefully Turkey got its pound of flesh aswell and congrats to Sweden and Finland on successfully joining NATO(ratification to come later on in the year).

Hopefully none of the others get cold feet.

Hungary is the other possible spoiler country - lets see. Reckon Hungary will get squeezed until they pop and say yes..
The zionists should just change their religion to salafi islam and they could get away with genocide on palestinians without you batting an eye.

Turkish genocide pontic greeks
Turkish genocide armenians
Pakistan genocide bangladesh
Syrian massacre in hama
Expulsion palestines from kuwait
Annexation western sahara by morocco
Refusing state on kurds
Annexation palestinian land by egypt/jordan

A short list of often much larger mistreatments, on larger populations or more annexed land.

The EU is one of the biggest donors for palestinian humanitarian aid but i am really starting to doubt why we even bother when all we get in return is pure religious fascism.
This is coming from the German lmao

Pakistan did not conduct any genocide against the Bangladeshis.

First and formost, they were 34 000 soldiers stationed in East Pakistan fighting a guerilla war against the MB and fighting a conventional war against India. They were heavily outnumbered and outgunned, but according to you, they were each able to kill 88 civillians each. Brilliant logic 10/10

Mujibur Rehman's own advisor spoke against this genocide. Calling it a myth. He said Mujibur Rehman was furious when they couldnt even come up with 3 score thousand dead, when he claimed 3 million dead.

On top of that, the govt offered to pay 2000 taka to any family that suffered any loss of life during the war, but to everyones surprise only 3000 families came forward and took the offer.
View attachment 857611View attachment 857612
Russia perfectly knows that countries that enter NATO or the EU are no slaves and do this by free will, and are free to leave whenever they want.
What bothers Russia is that these countries will stop being Russia's slaves! THIS is the point

I don't think there would be any need to nuke Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania: if they merged their air-forces, they'd have 4 or 5 L-39 Albatros trainers as only jets. The 3 countries cumulated militaries are less powerful than Austria or Brunei! But thanks to NATO, they can treat ruSSia on equal grounds instead of bending over to the bully! Since EU started the Baltic air-policing program, later joined by NATO, the days where Russian air force violated the 3 Baltic states airspace about 30x a day are over! They get intercepted instead
View attachment 857627

And probably not the way you think!!! The most probable is Moldova kicking Russia out of Transnistria, Georgia kicking Russia out of Abkhazia and South-Ossetia, Lukashenko kicked out by Belarus people and Kazakhstan requesting US bases:
With half of the Russian army (54 BTGs) in Luhansk/Donetsk, all concentrated into CAESAR/HiMARS range, it's a situation similar to the 1943 Kursk battle, but Ukraine holds the salient...
Once the 54 BTGs "reduced", Ukraine will be able to launch a counter offensive. Moldova+Georgia can take profit from this to get their occupied lands back, and if Lukashenko gets dragged into the conflict, his army won't be able to oppress the population and they'll kick him out!

PRECISELY!!! Never once in Russian history did people live well and comfortable for an extended period of time nor has anyone willingly joined Russia.
Ukraine received 50 Turkish Bayraktar TB2 drones since Russian invasion

Ukrainian defence minister says Kyiv is looking to buy more from Turkey and an entire production plant may work to complete the order


Ukraine. Military Summary And Analysis 28.06.2022​

The moment and result of the missile strike on the hangars in Kremenchug in Ukraine. Russian troops attacked the area of the Kremenchug plant of road machines "Kredmash" in the hangars of which, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, foreign ammunition was stored. As a result of the missile strike, the blast wave from the detonation of ammunition damaged the Amstor shopping center located nearby, as a result of which a fire started there. Ukrainian media reported that the strike of Russian missiles was aimed at the Amstor shopping center in Kremenchug. But on the frames that you see, a crater from a rocket impact is clearly visible and it is located on the territory of the hangars of the Kremenchug plant of road machines "Kredmash".

The Russian Defense Ministry showed footage of the combat duty of the crew of the Nebo-SV radar and the combat work of the Buk-M3 air defense system. The calculation of the 1L13 "Sky-SV" radar station searches and detects targets and determines their nationality by sending a "Friend or Foe" request. Based on the results of the target's response, the radar crew makes a decision to destroy the target and transmits the data to the crew of the Buk-M3 air defense system. The detection range of fighter-type targets at high altitudes reaches 380 km, at low altitudes up to 65 km. The Russian radar "Nebo-SV" was put into service in 1986.

New weapons of Ukraine, mobile MLRS and machine guns. Recently, Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said that a turning point would soon come at the front, but no one understood what he meant. Perhaps it was meant that new types of weapons would appear in the Ukrainian army, if I may say so about them. We have already talked about the homemade Ukrainian MLRS. Now the new MLRS installations have become more perfect, S-8 rockets are launched not from a trailer, as before, but from the body of a Mitsubishi L200 pickup truck. In addition, an installation with a large-caliber machine gun in a trailer is currently being tested, most likely this is the first prototype, apparently, it is still far from being put into production.

The zionists should just change their religion to salafi islam and they could get away with genocide on palestinians without you batting an eye.

Turkish genocide pontic greeks
Turkish genocide armenians
Pakistan genocide bangladesh
Syrian massacre in hama
Expulsion palestines from kuwait
Annexation western sahara by morocco
Refusing state on kurds
Annexation palestinian land by egypt/jordan

A short list of often much larger mistreatments, on larger populations or more annexed land.FFXX

The EU is one of the biggest donors for palestinian humanitarian aid but i am really starting to doubt why we even bother when all we get in return is pure religious fascism.
Hehe 🤣Show us your true colours Zio-Nazi friend 👌

You can give Palestinians their land back and keep your so called humanitarian aid and put it in your ærse.

You occupy, kill, steal , deculturise, put puppet regimes, make countries goes bankrupt, racket via IMF and WB then Brag about "humanitarian aid" .

Wtf is this insanity????!!!!
The moment and result of the missile strike on the hangars in Kremenchug in Ukraine. Russian troops attacked the area of the Kremenchug plant of road machines "Kredmash" in the hangars of which, according to the Russian Ministry of Defense, foreign ammunition was stored. As a result of the missile strike, the blast wave from the detonation of ammunition damaged the Amstor shopping center located nearby, as a result of which a fire started there. Ukrainian media reported that the strike of Russian missiles was aimed at the Amstor shopping center in Kremenchug. But on the frames that you see, a crater from a rocket impact is clearly visible and it is located on the territory of the hangars of the Kremenchug plant of road machines "Kredmash".

The Russian Defense Ministry showed footage of the combat duty of the crew of the Nebo-SV radar and the combat work of the Buk-M3 air defense system. The calculation of the 1L13 "Sky-SV" radar station searches and detects targets and determines their nationality by sending a "Friend or Foe" request. Based on the results of the target's response, the radar crew makes a decision to destroy the target and transmits the data to the crew of the Buk-M3 air defense system. The detection range of fighter-type targets at high altitudes reaches 380 km, at low altitudes up to 65 km. The Russian radar "Nebo-SV" was put into service in 1986.

New weapons of Ukraine, mobile MLRS and machine guns. Recently, Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, said that a turning point would soon come at the front, but no one understood what he meant. Perhaps it was meant that new types of weapons would appear in the Ukrainian army, if I may say so about them. We have already talked about the homemade Ukrainian MLRS. Now the new MLRS installations have become more perfect, S-8 rockets are launched not from a trailer, as before, but from the body of a Mitsubishi L200 pickup truck. In addition, an installation with a large-caliber machine gun in a trailer is currently being tested, most likely this is the first prototype, apparently, it is still far from being put into production.

Look at this pic, there is no epicenter from a hit at all. And sure not after a >M4 missile with a 1 ton warhead. It was a simple fire from the debris.

And how was this possible? Because this regime again gave not a single f*ck and stored, repaired weapons in the direct vicinity to civilian infrastructure. The first time? No, they do it the whole time. Remember the Retroville mall in kiev? They stored ammo for Grads, Pions etc. there. And why not? Ukrainians are simply cannon fodder for this Nato regime, if civs die, they can use it for propaganda purposes.

This is coming from the German lmao

Pakistan did not conduct any genocide against the Bangladeshis.

First and formost, they were 34 000 soldiers stationed in East Pakistan fighting a guerilla war against the MB and fighting a conventional war against India. They were heavily outnumbered and outgunned, but according to you, they were each able to kill 88 civillians each. Brilliant logic 10/10

Mujibur Rehman's own advisor spoke against this genocide. Calling it a myth. He said Mujibur Rehman was furious when they couldnt even come up with 3 score thousand dead, when he claimed 3 million dead.

On top of that, the govt offered to pay 2000 taka to any family that suffered any loss of life during the war, but to everyones surprise only 3000 families came forward and took the offer.
Not only Kill 88 civilians but rape another 100 each according to Indian propaganda.
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