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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yep, in the same way the Afghans do what they do, fight either themselves, or anyone who's stupid enough to invade, or the Arabs and Israelis, they will never live side by side. But carry on, your NAZO is doing the right thing for the rest of the world.
I am confused, is Afghan "Slavic" or you are just going to use it on anyone that are not white or Anglo?
I am confused, is Afghan "Slavic" or you are just going to use it on anyone that are not white or Anglo?

Can you not read? I stated in the same way the Afghans do what they do...read the rest. As for being confused about racial identity...you should know best...what are you this week, a Mongol? You've claimed to be Latin American, Chinese, Australian, American...what else?
Oh absolutely, that's why I WANT you to keep doing what you're doing! It's the best thing that could have ever happened to the rest of the world. The only problem is you're delusional enough to believe the Uki Nazis can win this. They won't, not with the current token amount of military support they're getting. Short of converting the entire Uki Nazi military to NAZO standard equipment, they won't win, and that won't happen. The Russians will eventually take Donbas, and then it will remain as a simmering dispute.

In other words, Russia loses Ukraine forever. Glad you admit it.
Can you not read? I stated in the same way the Afghans do what they do...read the rest. As for being confused about racial identity...you should know best...what are you this week, a Mongol? You've claimed to be Latin American, Chinese, Australian, American...what else?
Well, I always think why you people are always subjugated by others throughout history, now I know why.

As for what I claim to be, you don't have to believe me if you don't, I did not force it on you or have it to proof a point. Oh by the way, American and Australian are largely the same race and have the same racial identity, you effectively count it twice. LOL :enjoy: :rofl:
In other words, Russia loses Ukraine forever. Glad you admit it.

They don't want Ukraine, they want Donbas. And who cares?! I couldn't give a rats *** what happens...if "civilised" Europeans want to keep slaughtering each other, all the better for the rest of the world.
Yep, in the same way the Afghans do what they do, fight either themselves, or anyone who's stupid enough to invade, or the Arabs and Israelis, they will never live side by side. But carry on, your NAZO is doing the right thing for the rest of the world.

And what happens to each dead Uki Nazi? Do they magically sprout out from the ground? Are you retarded? Did you get dropped on your head as a child? Most of Uki population has emigrated, their women probably sold off into sexual slavery in Germany and across Europe, and their men are dying like rats in Ukraine.

Russia faces far higher losses and since Pussolini has not installed general mobilisation, Russia starts to run low on cannon food.

The general rule is, that losses on attacking side are 3-4 times higher than defending side.

Russia lost flagship, 11 generals.

Well, if the Kiev regime didn't want to lose Donbas, then they shouldn't have ousted Yanukovych who was from Donbas. Did the Kiev regime think they can trash Yanukovych and expect Donbas to suck it up?

You mean that Russian PUPPET? Russian speaking population is less than 20% of Ukraine yet you argue that the minority rule over the majority? Take that BS to China and let the Tibetans rule Han.
Well, I always think why you people are always subjugated by others throughout history, now I know why.

As for what I claim to be, you don't have to believe me if you don't, I did not force it on you or have it to proof a point. Oh by the way, American and Australian are largely the same race and have the same racial identity, you effectively count it twice. LOL :enjoy: :rofl:

I know you desperately want to be part of the Anglo "master race", but no matter how hard you kiss their asses, you won't be part of them :omghaha: :rofl:
I know you desperately want to be part of the Anglo "master race", but no matter how hard you kiss their asses, you won't be part of them :omghaha: :rofl:
Who said I want to be part of them? If you think every color people want to be white, then YOU have the insecurity issue, not me. :rofl: :rofl: :lol:
I know you desperately want to be part of the Anglo "master race", but no matter how hard you kiss their asses, you won't be part of them :omghaha: :rofl:

You admit, that russias goal to take Ukraine has failed and only goal now is Donbass?
They don't want Ukraine, they want Donbas. And who cares?! I couldn't give a rats *** what happens...if "civilised" Europeans want to keep slaughtering each other, all the better for the rest of the world.

The amount of Russian barbecue boys the Ukrainians roasted at Kyiv back in March says an entirely different story.
You admit, that russias goal to take Ukraine has failed and only goal now is Donbass?

I don't care, as long as they keep on slaughtering each other, supported by the Nazis like you.

The amount of Russian barbecue boys the Ukrainians roasted at Kyiv back in March says an entirely different story.

Not really, around 30,000 Uki Nazis have also been roasted...look it up. And while you're at it...have a look at the numbers the Ukiies have actually ADMITTED...and you can at least double those numbers.
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