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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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It’s a bit rich I should feel sorry for the Europeans marching themselves down this road. I saw gas as a leverage 10 years ago and im just a random joe but the decision makers in Europe couldn’t figure this out????
Unfortunately all signs point to corruption so it’s past time Europe cleans up the mess they backed themselves into.
I can’t feel bad for a 40% increase, it looks like it needed to happen to wake the people up.

So we can expect another doubling of petrol prices come Christmas then. Lets really show Putin we mean business - by collapsing our economies and causing a famine The west set out to ruin the Russian economy with sanctions, instead, we have wrecked ours
They are at least 5-6 month away from maxing out the money printer.

Even now, they can still exit that campaign without terrible fiscal consequences.

And if the West will chicken out on Russian reserves, they pretty much win 1-3, 1-4 against Ukraine on economy.
Well, they can hang on probably a quarter after their war chest run out. 6 months is a stretch, because average joe will know in 2 or 3 months they money they are earning is not enough to support their livelihood. Unless average Russia is either so blind or so stupid to realise the difference. That I cannot say.

There are already irreversible harm done to Russian economy, this war start on the back of COVID-19 is a mistake. It will take time to recover to pre-COVID economy, and now using that damaged economy to start a war would make sure Russia is going to have to rely on external factor to restart their economy. If they pull this operation out after 6 months, all harm done to Russian economy is more or less permanent, people are going to off Russian Oil and Gas in 6 months, and those contract are not coming back, lacking of another sort of market in Russia, there are no way I can think of that can replace selling oil and gas to EU.

And the only way Russia can win against Ukraine Economy is when the west dropped Ukraine, if that happen, Ukraine would not just lose the economic front, but also the military front. It's not hard for US and EU to prop up Ukrainian economy, at 201 billions a year, that's actually less than how much money US spend for a year in Afghanistan or the COVID relief package in 2020. I don't see the US and EU dropping Ukrainian economic support but keep the Military support.

Napoleon and Hitler underestimated Russia and were glad to see that the West underestimated Russia again. Please continue.
More like Russian underestimate another group of "Russian".

Bear in mind there are no NATO troop in Ukraine, the Russian are fighting the Ukrainian..

There are nothing for NATO to underestimate. We weren't involved. And if the Russian can't deal with some second hand hand me down the west gave the Ukrainian, that's their problem isn't it
Napoleon and Hitler underestimated Russia and were glad to see that the West underestimated Russia again. Please continue.
Same same
Russia underestimates Ukraine.

Terrible loss. Soviet radar equipment takes years to train on.

Even sending ground crews as cannon fodder is a terrible trade
Putin is not amused. The war is not going too well. He just fires the top commander and replaces by an other hardcore responsible in Far East. Troops from Far East will go to Ukraine. Hopefully the chinese don’t take the chance to invade Russia at that weak flank.

Being given 2 NEGATIVES proved the truth of John Mearshimmer!!
John Mearshimmer findings agreed to almost universally other than by Whitehouse Nuland and NED and doggies in thrall to NED

That the war in Ukraine was a righteous war by Russia to denazified the Nazis and to drain the poison that the Whitehouse and NED and their minions so desperate to preserve in Ukriane Nazis.

Or am I punished for calling a brown banana a brown banana ?( thinking himself to be white inside but brown outside)

Or my declaration of casting the unwanted to where sun and moon not shine and cockroaches roam?

Or just some entities with power that show how they can abuse power to whims and fancy

Let us talk of the transgressions against Russia created by USA and NATO and the blatant killing of Russian speakers in Eastern part of Ukraine encouraged by USA and NATO that caused Russia to finally react after 8 over years of patience.

Why do you want to talk of the end part and not the way the war was caused by USA and NATO?

And you must be kidding if you think you a brown banana with the rights of white British and the same rights as that of the white financiers.



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Posting the same crap over and over 🥱
To hunt until the last nazi in Ukraine will Putin send fanatic young pioneers to the front as many reports suggest? Many as young as 17y.

I am sick about these racism claims thrown around by people who do not give a shit about people from another faith or country themselves….

Especially since the west poured billions and billions in nationbuilding and humanitarian relief for iraq and afghanistan. And even now takes in refugees from these nations. And even now has a lot of media that we need to help more. (Even more…)
Funny considering we dont care for these “brownies”

Seriously…look into the mirror. The west is almost the only one giving something outside of cultural/religious block….

So first blow up the countries and then show up with some puny relief?
First destroy cities and homes of people and then take some refugees?

What the actual ****?

As far as looking into the mirror goes -- US and its allies need to do it since forever.

Who committed genocide in Australia, Americas and almost wiped out native population?
Who displaced millions in form of slavery?
Who did imperialism?
Where did two world wars start?

Funny part is that if this is caring, we would have preferred non-caring.

BTW even if I take your claim
The west is almost the only one giving something outside of cultural/religious block….
at face value; US and its allies are the only people who have been attacking and fanning wars all over the globe.
Take a telly of number of countries in which CIA toppled governments, supported belligerent despots and supplied weapons and US and its allies will be on the top.

The invasion of Afghanistan was legally a War of Self-Defense, since an ally of Afghanistan (Al-Qaeda) attacked the United States. just being an ally is not a valid reason for war.
"Legally Self Defence"???

You know even if I take this ridiculous claim at face value, US has been continuing military action in Afghanistan long after elimination of UBL. For 10 more years.

There was nothing legal about it. It was warmongering plain and simple. Then US withdrew leaving same Taliban incharge who they were fighting for 20 years or so.

Al-Qaeda was formed by Usama bin Laden with foreign fighters in Afghanistan as a base,
The US funded the Mujahedin, and Pakistan & ISI handled the actual contacts with the Mujahedin, and they mainly considered the foreigners to be a useless nuiscance.

As you do not understand the basics, you are now on ignore.
:rofl: So US supplied and funded UBL and his Al-Qaeda. For what? To defend USA?
No, to fight Russia -- US's ideological enemy.

And you brand me the one who does not understand the basic. :rofl:

Anyways, swedes and their country. Who cares!
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Russians have been constantly revising their objectives down but Russian bots like @Hassan Al-Somal will tell us "This was all planned and according to the mighty antichrist Russian plan". Russia's winning but is on the defensive in many parts of the country.

View attachment 851010

Russian forces are on a roll. No amount of false propaganda will change reality on the ground.

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Russia parliament lifted the age for army recruits. Putin can draw 1.2 million men per year if declaring general mobilization.
Probably global warning, Covid not bad enough.

So we can expect another doubling of petrol prices come Christmas then. Lets really show Putin we mean business - by collapsing our economies and causing a famine The west set out to ruin the Russian economy with sanctions, instead, we have wrecked ours
EU barely doesn't imports food, we even had to restraint the CAP due to an overproduction in order to avoid prices collapses which would have led agricultors to bankruptcy!
France alone produces about 25% more wheat than Ukraine, it's just not exported, being fully absorbed by EU market.
Ukraine weights 6% of world's wheat EXPORTS, and Russia 16.5%. Ukraine's wheat mainly goes to the poorest countries on the planet as they have the cheapest prices, therefore, it's Putin de Rat who is deliberately engineering a famine to raise wheat prices on the export markets!!! The Ukrainian stockpile is too massive to be exported to be exported from anywhere else than Odesa's port, Russia BLOCKADES Odesa, case closed...

Be aware that we're re-equipping our 58 NPPs with Siemens 4th gen turbines NOW !!!!
Near all our NPPs have 4x 3817MWth reactors => 5200 MWe
With the new turbines and their 60% efficiency, each NPP with the usual four P'4 reactors will produce 9160.8 MWe instead!!!!!
The biggest NPP in the EU is in Ukraine and with the 3rd gen turbines, it's 6x 3200 MWth only produce 6720 MWe...
High time to say f*ck off to dumb ecologists!!! Fast breeder reactors burn nuclear wastes and... produce more nuclear fuel than they do burn !!!! Nuclear can be a renewable energy of it wasn't to the rabid fake ecolos who in fact are funded by the fossil energy lobby !!!

I'd love to run my car on antimatter : 10µg would be enough to move to planet Mars and back.
A NATO source of course speaking of the 18-year-old Russian soldier who did not like fighting in Ukraine and the sections about Russian crimes including rapes but at least they are being forced to admit the Ukrainian Nazis doing war crimes to the extent it has affected even a NATO soldier.

@Vergennes @Raffie @Apollon @Wolfhunter

So USA government was very comfortable with the criminals called Taliban during their rule between 1996 and 2001, yes ? Same reason that NATO has brought back Taliban rule last year. Would NATO have left Afghanistan last year if a leftist movement like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan had a chance for form governance ? The Taliban have been oppressing people for the past one year, especially the females, but NATO which invaded Libya and Syria on the pretext of the systems there "killing civilians including women and children" and initiated regime change operations are not talking about regime-changing Taliban now. Why ?

Most of the so-called Afghan Mujahideen were regressive, Wahabi and Tableeghi psychos from all over the world armed, financed and politically supported by NATO ( and unfortunately China ) and its ally Saudia and logistically supported by NATO-proxy Tableeghi dictator "Mard-e-Momin" of Pakistan. A few thousand of these criminals fought in Afghanistan against the progressive Communist governance system of Afghanistan and its backer, USSR. Using these criminals as proxies NATO wanted to regime-change the Communist system in Afghanistan and install a NATO-friendly mullah government. Capitalist-imperialist NATO wanted the end of another progressive leftist society, especially a Muslim-majority one. Osama bin Laden was trained in the mountains of Scotland by British commandos. Here are the fake Afghan mujahideen meeting the American president Reagan :

These were criminals whose latest version is the Taliban. Let us not give them respect by calling them mujahideen.

I have no problem with russians getting executed. As long they are in Ukraine they are a threat. Others may see it different but thats my opinion. As ling its a clean and quick shot.
Technically, Little Boy and Fat Man were air bursts in the sense that they did not contact the ground
I am arguing they were air bursts in the sense that fireball of explosion did not touch the ground. Which surely it did not.

Your source does mention that the optimal height for that explosion was about 2400 ft above the ground to optimise 5 psi on ground range --for maximal destruction of soft structure like those in Hiroshima. The reason for sub-optimal air-burst was because the target committee under-estimated the yield. This means for the word go, they wanted to go for an air-burst. If you insist, I will call it a sub-optimal air-burst owing to their lack of understanding of yield of the weapon. But a air-burst none the less because fireball remained much above the ground. It certainly was not a ground burst.

My criteria of using fireball height and ground landing of the it is based on the initial point of this discussion with @jhungary : "Can Russia nuke Kiev while sparing Moscow --which relatively is nearby-- from the fall out?". I say yes, by choosing a low yield of weapon(s) (even sub kilotonne), going for the design that gives out minimal long lived fallout eg a boosted design where most fuel is burnt there by eleminating longer lived plutonium or uranium fuel and by selecting a burst height to ensure most fallout happens in a very small local area and does not reach moscow or any major Russia population centre.
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