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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Given a chance, every refugee wants to go to America or Europe. Syrian refugee crisis has been a European crisis first and foremost simply due to geography. American part was the preference. Even if India (I don't know much about China) allows resettlement of refugees in India, how many of them will take that option. More importantly, can Indian beaurocracy even handle it? It certainly can not handle its own domestic affairs and I do not expect it to perform any better at handling a refugee crisis from far away land.

India indeed (mis?)managed its own refugee crisis. Back in 71. Massive influx of refugees from east pakistan. Again geography and preference.
India and china only take in refugees that they see as etnically/culturally indian/chinese…..

This despite the rohingya refugee crisis on their fucking border.

Again…the west is quite exceptional allowing so many from outside their etnicity/culture to seek refuge, and even settle..in their nations. As a result, becoming multicultural extremely fast.

Yet we get constant blame and critisized for being “racist” and “not allowing enough people in” from near mono-cultural, mono-ethnic nations…who often have far worse minority treatment, never take in foreign refugees, and have immigration laws similar to only what european extreme right dreams of.

Its a joke! Ridiculous!
To bad our left tends to be influenced by this narrative…
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As I said before, if you have references, lay them here. I am more than happy to read them.

Meanwhile, here is one of mine : https://nuke.fas.org/guide/usa/doctrine/dod/fm8-9/1ch3.htm

Here is what he says : "An air burst is an explosion in which a weapon is detonated in air at an altitude below 30 km but at sufficient height that the fireball does not contact the surface of the earth."

For a 20 Kt bomb, diameter of fireball is at maximum 145 meters in radius (https://nuclearweaponsedproj.mit.edu/fireball-size-effects). So if detonated at 500 meters+, it will not come in contact with ground.

It was indeed an air-burst.

I can give you more references too, if you like book type of references.
Technically, Little Boy and Fat Man were air bursts in the sense that they did not contact the ground, but that did not make them true air bursts.

Why not? Because of certain requirements...

...the Target Committee was talking about in May 1945: they wanted to maximize the radius of the 5 psi overpressure range, and they recognized that this involved finding the correct detonation height and knowing the correct yield of the bomb. They knew about the reflection property and in fact referred to the Mach stem explicitly in their discussion. Why 5 psi? Because that is the overpressure used to destroy “soft” targets like the relatively flimsy houses used by Japanese civilians,...​

An illustration in the above source explained that '5 psi' requirement. It showed a reflected pressure wave and that pressure wave cannot exist if the detonation is above 'A' altitude and below 'B' altitude. In other words, the bomb had to be technically an air burst but because the detonation is sufficiently close to the ground WITHOUT TOUCHING THE GROUND, so the burst is called a surface/ground burst.

...you can actually see the reflection of the shockwave in some nuclear testing photography, like this photograph of Shot Grable, the “atomic cannon” test from 1953:​

When I was active duty, my first assignment was the F-111E at RAF Upper Heyford. At Heyford, I was once assigned to Victor Alert duty. Victor Alert is when X amount of jets are taken off the weekly sortie list, moved to a guarded area of the base, loaded with nukes, and each jet have a nav cartridge programmed with specific coordinates. The aircrews do not know what those coordinates are until they are given the order to launch, and by 'launch', I mean actually take off. It means the Weapons System Officer (WSO), the guy that sit on the right seat in the cockpit, have permission to plug the nav cartridge into the jet's INS while the pilot, the guy that sit on the left seat, taxi the jet to the runway for take off.

Those F-111Es were loaded with the B61 freefall nuclear bombs. Back then, the B61 was not equipped with GPS guided tail fins for improved accuracy. All F-111 aircrews, E model at RAF Upper Heyford and F model at RAF Lakenheath, trained with the dive-toss technique. The B61 bomb was capable of being air, surface, or contact (ground) detonation programming.

FuzingIn flight fuzing and yield selection merely by turning a dial. Full fuzing options (FUFO): high or low speed delivery, high altitude or low altitude (release heights as low as 50 ft.). Current mods have five fuzing options:

Free fall air burst (high altitude only)
Parachute retarded airburst (high or medium altitudes)
Free fall contact burst (high or medium altitudes)
Parachute retarded contact burst (high or medium altitudes)
Parachute retarded laydown delayed surface burst (delivery altitudes up to 5000 feet), 31 and 81 sec delays available

The Mod 11 has a special ground impact time delay feature to allow it to penetrate into the earth before detonating.

Delivery accuracy <600 feet.

See the difference ? With 'air' and 'ground' bursts, there would be no reflected wave effect.

Back in WW II, Fat Man and Little Boy were not air bursts even though they TECHNICALLY SPEAKING never made contact, so they were considered surface/ground bursts because they had to detonate close enough to the ground, without contact, in order to achieve certain physical requirements.
Russians have been constantly revising their objectives down but Russian bots like @Hassan Al-Somal will tell us "This was all planned and according to the mighty antichrist Russian plan". Russia's winning but is on the defensive in many parts of the country.

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Danish volunteer in the Ukrainian army confirms: Ukrainians execute Russian POW's.

More evidence of grave and large scale war crimes committed by the NATO and zionist proxy regime in Kiev. Wholly unsurprising, considering what criminal entities the illegal Ukrainian regime is a vassal of.
Al-Qaeda was formed by Usama bin Laden with foreign fighters in Afghanistan as a base,
The US funded the Mujahedin, and Pakistan & ISI handled the actual contacts with the Mujahedin, and they mainly considered the foreigners to be a useless nuiscance.

Ad you do not understand the basics, you are now on ignore.
Wow.... You actually called the Mujahideen by their actual name instead of Taliban like most people. 👏
Danish volunteer in the Ukrainian army confirms: Ukrainians execute Russian POW's.

More evidence of grave and large scale war crimes committed by the NATO and zionist proxy regime in Kiev. Wholly unsurprising, considering what criminal entities the illegal Ukrainian regime is a vassal of.

A NATO source of course speaking of the 18-year-old Russian soldier who did not like fighting in Ukraine and the sections about Russian crimes including rapes but at least they are being forced to admit the Ukrainian Nazis doing war crimes to the extent it has affected even a NATO soldier.

@Vergennes @Raffie @Apollon @Wolfhunter

The invasion of Afghanistan was legally a War of Self-Defense, since an ally of Afghanistan (Al-Qaeda) attacked the United States. just being an ally is not a valid reason for war.

So USA government was very comfortable with the criminals called Taliban during their rule between 1996 and 2001, yes ? Same reason that NATO has brought back Taliban rule last year. Would NATO have left Afghanistan last year if a leftist movement like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan had a chance for form governance ? The Taliban have been oppressing people for the past one year, especially the females, but NATO which invaded Libya and Syria on the pretext of the systems there "killing civilians including women and children" and initiated regime change operations are not talking about regime-changing Taliban now. Why ?

Wow.... You actually called the Mujahideen by their actual name instead of Taliban like most people. 👏

Most of the so-called Afghan Mujahideen were regressive, Wahabi and Tableeghi psychos from all over the world armed, financed and politically supported by NATO ( and unfortunately China ) and its ally Saudia and logistically supported by NATO-proxy Tableeghi dictator "Mard-e-Momin" of Pakistan. A few thousand of these criminals fought in Afghanistan against the progressive Communist governance system of Afghanistan and its backer, USSR. Using these criminals as proxies NATO wanted to regime-change the Communist system in Afghanistan and install a NATO-friendly mullah government. Capitalist-imperialist NATO wanted the end of another progressive leftist society, especially a Muslim-majority one. Osama bin Laden was trained in the mountains of Scotland by British commandos. Here are the fake Afghan mujahideen meeting the American president Reagan :

These were criminals whose latest version is the Taliban. Let us not give them respect by calling them mujahideen.
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A NATO source of course speaking of the 18-year-old Russian soldier who did not like fighting in Ukraine and the sections about Russian crimes including rapes but at least they are being forced to admit the Ukrainian Nazis doing war crimes to the extent it has affected even a NATO soldier.

@Vergennes @Raffie @Apollon @Wolfhunter

So USA government was very comfortable with the criminals called Taliban during their rule between 1996 and 2001, yes ? Same reason that NATO has brought back Taliban rule last year. Would NATO have left Afghanistan last year if a leftist movement like the Solidarity Party of Afghanistan had a chance for form governance ? The Taliban have been oppressing people for the past one year, especially the females, but NATO which invaded Libya and Syria on the pretext of the systems there "killing civilians including women and children" and initiated regime change operations are not talking about regime-changing Taliban now. Why ?

Most of the so-called Afghan Mujahideen were regressive, Wahabi and Tableeghi psychos from all over the world armed, financed and politically supported by NATO ( and unfortunately China ) and its ally Saudia and logistically supported by NATO-proxy Tableeghi dictator "Mard-e-Momin" of Pakistan. A few thousand of these criminals fought in Afghanistan against the progressive Communist governance system of Afghanistan and its backer, USSR. Using these criminals as proxies NATO wanted to regime-change the Communist system in Afghanistan and install a NATO-friendly mullah government. Capitalist-imperialist NATO wanted the end of another progressive leftist society, especially a Muslim-majority one. Osama bin Laden was trained in the mountains of Scotland by British commandos. Here are the fake Afghan mujahideen meeting the American president Reagan :

These were criminals whose latest version is the Taliban. Let us not give them respect by calling them mujahideen.

Pushtuns are considered brave for historic reasons

Pashtoon is considered to be man of integerity. They fight for integerity, whereas Indians have no such things in their culture.
Pushtuns are considered brave for historic reasons

Pashtoon is considered to be man of integerity. They fight for integerity, whereas Indians have no such things in their culture.

The Pashtuns sitting above with Reagan certainly knew great integrity and honor in becoming proxies of NATO. :lol: And I a not-at-all-honorable Indian almost established the first IT / ITES workers unions federation in India in 2014. Among my other political dabblings. :D
What the **** does Afghanistan have to do with Ukraine. Let’s discuss Ukraine war please.
100 days since Macron assured us his friend Mr Pukin had no intention of invading Ukraine...
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