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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I donot know what are you smoking. Ukraine is loosing Donbass and surrounding region. Russia already have a 500 mile land bridge to Crimea. The war will end soon (1 month) but only when Russia wants.

Ukraine has regained more territory since the start of the Donbass fight than Russia has gained. You do realize that right?
That is some shit at another level that I am not going to bother to bust it. It was the Russians who defeated NAZIs in World War II while they lost 25 million people. When you sacrifice that huge number of people in order to defeat NAZISM, then come and talk. Otherwise, whatever photo-shop you did over there is just rubbish.
That is natural Uranium.. it is possible.. but the the articles are talking about Russian Enriched Uranium..

The guy is apparently confused !

In fact, I've no doubt that the user is zionist. If my assumption is correct, and I'm sure it is, the user spammed another website for years prior to surfacing here, and interestingly, was praising Russia and President Putin then. Different conflict, different mission parameters.

At that time, was claiming to be a "leftist" but you ought to have seen the non-stop venom they were spewing against Palestinians, Muslims and Islam. In fact, you shall be presented with a couple of samples. Which I'm going to share when I get the time to expose the user in due form.

Nothing changed in their posting style, too many commonalities which I will list in detail. It's overly obvious, really. Anyway, you shall have the opportunity to judge by yourselves.

P.S.: Notice the login. Not a French name.
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World Bank to provide over $30B for global food crisis response

World Bank to provide over $30B for global food crisis response​

The World Bank has announced plans to allocate more than $30 billion on projects to respond to challenges that arose in the field of global food security as Russia unleashed a full-scale invasion of Ukraine...

This financing will include efforts to encourage food and fertilizer production, enhance food systems, facilitate greater trade, and support vulnerable households and producers..



May 22, 2022 - Press ISW

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Karolina Hird, George Barros, and Mason Clark
May 22, 4:00 pm ET
Russian forces made only minimal gains in eastern Ukraine on May 22. New reporting confirmed that Russian troops previously recaptured Rubizhne in northern Kharkiv Oblast, on May 19. Russian forces are likely committing additional reinforcements to hold their positions on the west bank of the Siverskyi Donets River in northern Kharkiv—rather than withdrawing across the river to use it as a defensive position—to prevent any further Ukrainian advances to the north or the east that could threaten Russian lines of communication to the Izyum axis.[1] Ukrainian sources additionally confirmed previous Russian-claimed advances around Popasna, and Russian forces likely seek to open a new line of advance north from Popasna to complete the encirclement of Severodonetsk while simultaneously driving west toward Bakhmut, though Russian forces are unlikely to be able to fully resource both lines of advance simultaneously.
Key Takeaways
  • Ukrainian sources confirmed that Russian forces have secured local advances to the north and west of Popasna since at least May 20. Russian forces likely seek to push further west toward Bakhmut and north to support the encirclement of Severodonetsk but remain unlikely to achieve rapid advances.
  • Russian forces will likely attempt to hold positions west of the Siverskyi Donets River against Ukrainian attacks (rather than retreating across the river) to prevent further Ukrainian advances from threatening Russian lines of communication to Izyum.
  • Russian occupying forces continued filtration and deportation procedures in and around Mariupol.
  • Russian forces are likely preparing to resume offensives on the southern axis.

We do not report in detail on Russian war crimes because those activities are well-covered in Western media and do not directly affect the military operations we are assessing and forecasting. We will continue to evaluate and report on the effects of these criminal activities on the Ukrainian military and population and specifically on combat in Ukrainian urban areas. We utterly condemn these Russian violations of the laws of armed conflict, Geneva Conventions, and humanity even though we do not describe them in these reports.
ISW has updated its assessment of the four primary efforts Russian forces are engaged in at this time. We have stopped coverage of supporting effort 4, “Sumy and northeastern Ukraine,” because it is no longer an active effort:

  • Main effort—Eastern Ukraine (comprised of one subordinate and three supporting efforts);
  • Subordinate main effort—Encirclement of Ukrainian troops in the cauldron between Izyum and Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts
  • Supporting effort 1—Mariupol;
  • Supporting effort 2—Kharkiv City;
  • Supporting effort 3—Southern axis.
Main Effort—Eastern Ukraine
Subordinate Main Effort—Southern Kharkiv, Donetsk, Luhansk Oblasts (Russian objective: Encircle Ukrainian forces in Eastern Ukraine and capture the entirety of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, the claimed territory of Russia’s proxies in Donbas)

Russian forces continued to prepare to resume offensive operations southeast of Izyum but did not make any confirmed advances on May 22.[2] The Ukrainian General Staff noted that Russian forces around Izyum are creating conditions to resume offensive actions toward Slovyansk.[3] Russian troops shelled frontline settlements to the southeast and southwest of Izyum, indicating continued Russian plans to move southward from Izyum toward the Donetsk Oblast administrative border.[4]

Russian forces continued ground assaults around Severodonetsk but did not make any confirmed advances in this area on May 22.[5] The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian troops conducted unsuccessful offensive operations around Oskolonivka, Purdivka, Schedryshcheve, and Smolyianinove, all settlements to the east of Severodonetsk.[6] These offensive operations are likely meant to encircle Severodonetsk from the east, supporting previous advances towards the city from the north (via Rubizhne), west (via Bilohorivka), and south (via Popasna). Ukrainian sources additionally confirmed Russian claims that ISW was previously unable to verify that Russian troops have secured limited advances north and west of Popasna since at least May 20.[7] The Ukrainian General Staff confirmed that fighting is ongoing in the area of Toshkivka, Komyshuvakha, Trypillya, and Vasylivka—all settlements around Popasna where Russian sources claimed to have broken through Ukrainian defenses on May 21, though ISW cannot confirm if Russian forces have fully captured any of these locations.[8] Geolocated combat footage from Volodymirivka, just west of Popasna, further corroborates these claims.[9] Russian forces attacking out of Popasna in several directions likely seek to both complete the encirclement of Severodonetsk from the south and push westward in Donetsk Oblast toward Bakhmut via Trypillya, Lypove, and Vasylivka.[10]
Russian forces continued artillery attacks around Lyman on May 22 but did not make any confirmed ground advances in the area.[11] Militia forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic claimed that they took control of Novoselivka, a village in southern Donetsk Oblast.[12]

Supporting Effort #1—Mariupol (Russian objective: Capture Mariupol and reduce the Ukrainian defenders)
Russian forces continued clearing the territory of the Azovstal Steel Plant on May 22.[13] Occupation forces in Mariupol continued carrying out strict filtration and deportation procedures. The Territorial Defense Headquarters of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) claimed that 313 people, including 55 children, were deported from Mariupol to a filtration camp in Bezymmene.[14] Advisor to the Mayor of Mariupol Petro Andryushenko claimed that 70 people, including 12 children, were forcibly deported to Russia from Mariupol via the Nikolske filtration camp, although ISW cannot independently verify this claim.[15] Andryushchenko additionally stated that the occupation administration has tightened movement controls through the city of Mariupol, which is consistent with ISW’s earlier assessments that the information environment in Mariupol will become increasingly restricted in the coming weeks.[16]
Supporting Effort #2—Kharkiv City (Russian objective: Withdraw forces to the north and defend ground lines of communication (GLOCs) to Izyum)
Russian forces focused on maintaining their positions north of Kharkiv City and shelled Ukrainian positions on May 22.[17] The Ukrainian General Staff reported that elements of the Russian 6th Combined Arms Army and Baltic Fleet are fighting to prevent Ukrainian troops from reaching the international border.[18] The Internal Ministry of the Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) additionally stated that its personnel are operating in the towns of Kozacha Lopan and Rubizhne (the Rubizhne in Kharkiv Oblast, not Luhansk Oblast), confirming ISW’s previous assessment that Russian forces retook some territory on May 19 that was previously captured by Ukrainian forces.[19] Russian forces continued to inflict artillery damage on settlements around Kharkiv City.[20]

Supporting Effort #3—Southern Axis (Objective: Defend Kherson against Ukrainian counterattacks)
Russian forces likely continued preparations for renewed offensives on the southern axis on May 22. The Ukrainian General Staff reported that Russian troops on this axis are focusing on building secondary lines of defense, strengthening air defense systems, conducting reconnaissance, and shelling Ukrainian positions, all of which indicates they are setting conditions for subsequent offensive actions.[21] Russian forces continued rocket and artillery strikes on Zaporizhia, Kherson, Dnipropetrovsk, and Mykolaiv Oblasts.[22] The Ukrainian Resistance Center additionally reported instances of Ukrainian partisan activity targeting collaboration officials and Russian artillery systems in Enerhodar and Melitopol, indicating continued and organized Ukrainian resistance in occupied areas of Ukraine.[23]

Immediate items to watch
  • Russian forces are likely reinforcing their grouping north of Kharkiv City to prevent further advances of the Ukrainian counteroffensive toward the Russian border. Russian forces may commit elements of the 1st Tank Army to northern Kharkiv in the near future.
  • The Russians will continue efforts to encircle Severodonetsk and Lysychansk at least from the south, possibly by focusing on cutting off the last highway connecting Severodonetsk-Lysychansk with the rest of Ukraine.
  • Russian forces in Mariupol will likely shift their focus to occupational control of the city as the siege of Azovstal has concluded.
  • Russian forces are likely preparing for Ukrainian counteroffensives and settling in for protracted operations in southern Ukraine.


That is all you need to know about the ISW.

User is a zionist troll. Spammed another website for years prior to surfacing here, and interestingly, was praising Russia and President Putin then. Different conflict, different mission parameters. At that time, was claiming to be a "leftist" but you ought to have seen the non-stop venom they were spewing against Palestinians, Muslims and Islam. In fact, you shall get to see a couple of samples. Which I'm going to share when I get the time to expose this account. Nothing changed in their posting style. It's too obvious, really. Anyway, you shall have the opportunity to judge by yourselves.

P.S.: Notice the login. Not a French name.

I agree with you 100% bro. Hasbara shills are very active in all forums, spamming them with their propaganda.
I'm not the one with comprehension issues


You ”rules” suddenly drop the ”exploding” prefix, so your ”rules” do not reflect the link.
Smoke Grenades are never Indendiary Weapons.
As you have comprehension problems, you are on ignore.

Long overdue.

This person has a habit of hiding his inability to answer your points , behind walls of words , that no one here has the patience to read.

It doesn't works like that, BTW, with a $25 trillions GDP, they have some margin before getting bankrupt

You obviously have no issues what freaking weapons stockpile is NATO, especially the Yanks... The cumulated military budget is about 2 thirds+ of Russia's GDP !!!!
It would be even bigger if I was in charge of mil budgets at EU level since I advocate a 2% minimum spending for all EU countries... It'd mean a boost of about $150bn

You're really underestimating the US logistics, there are more than a cargo airline company dreaming to have something like that... In fact, I think that EU should enter as a shareholder in some of these companies rather than developing an USAF-like cargo fleet : we don't have the same needs as they're around 800-1000 overseas bases and it's an extension we don't feel like doing, but, at the same time, every time a fast deployment was needed, it was a headache... Having companies like DHL becoming dual-use ones would be rather clever, they may even start using A400M, it would be great to start a mass production of An-225 unless Airbus is into correcting the terrible mistake of not making a cargo version of the A380... Now, you know, it'd take only 6-7 days to a giant CMA/CGM or Maersk container carrier to move 200,000-250,000t of freight from the USA to St.Nazaire, Marseille, Antwerpen or Rotterdam.

Antiradiation weapons are not necessary at all: France did the biggest of the SEAD over Libya while having fully stopped to use these since end 90's, hey, you're speaking about networked air defences, with these things, they cut the targetted radar while another takes the relay, at least, it's what they'll get if Russian/Soviets ARMs can be obtained, the latest AGM-88 is not integrated on MiG-29/Su-27/Su-24/Su-25, in such case, OK, there is also optical targetting.

Aviation wouldn't be an issue if some had more brain or history knowledge : all that would be needed would be applying the Flying Tigers principle. Was I in MacRon's seat, UkrAF would probably already long have 3 squadrons like that :

I'd come with a deal of my style with Zelen : order 8 squadrons, get 3 immediately, just prepare Ukrainian passports and ids for the pilots : Ukraine has a foreign legion, let's add an air branch (and secure the biggest Rafale export contract at the same time. Add full backing for immediate entry in the EU+NATO once the war is over... This is called a non-null sum game AKA win-win)...

54 units means the same operational capability as 171 F-16s : in intensive use, these would allow 600 sorties per 24h (!!!) and even without the F4 upgrade, you can already come enough close to a S-400 to drop glide bombs on it, moreover, even Russian and Israeli weapons have been integrated on India's demand... Let's have these operate from roads in Romania, Slovakia, Poland, the Orcs won't even understand what is happening, something that maybe Putler may remember from the time he was 15 years old and Israel demolished the Soviet-equipped Arab armies in 6 days... Israel only had 60 Mirages.

I think Dassault may be able to fast track the integration of the BAT-120LG, time to put the racks for 18 of its parent-bomb, the BAP-100, out of the closet... This 35kg LGB would be rather nice for CAS. Biden surely can provide CBU-94/105 in numbers (each can demolish 40 tanks or vehicles) as well as huge numbers of JDAMs and Paveways. I pest on the cretin that ordered only 100 Apache ALCMs and the cretin in Germany who cancelled the order : with 100 units, there are only means to demolish 16 runways 400km deep into Mordor or Isengard and there are 37 in need to see their foundations ruined...

I'd love to see Zelen doing a nightly speech thanking a non disclosed country for the contract for 152 jet fighters (8 squadrons + 8 spare aircraft) and the immediate delivery of 54 units, and for having trained UkrAF pilots (LOL), "and, to celebrate the event, we just offered some fireworks to my great friend Vladolf Putler, I've just received a bulletin confirming that the Crimean bridge has just been blown, the Black Sea fleet has been transformed into a restaurant franchise for the hammerhead sharks, air defences as well as airbases and the HQs in Crimea have just been demolished, then declaring Ukraine a no fly zone and a no drive zone in occupied areas...
By no drive zone, I mean THIS :
Mark my words, it wont take more than a single raid with CBU-97 or CBU-105 to send a clear message to the tankies : go back to Mordor or star the Nature Channel documentary "The Russian Tank - an endangered species. Nature documentary narrated by Richard Attenborough"
After 3 months the world’s second most powerful army liberated a steelworks. Not bad. Hunting nazi is over. Now Putin’s hordes can hunt shoes. washing machines.
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This is nothing but a spamming on the site with that gibberish from ISW. But if you want to understand more about the people who is behind that site, here they are:

View attachment 845966

Judea had declared a war on Germany in 1933
Judea has declared a war on Russia in 2014

We're indeed seeing what Judea is cooking for Europe, West, and the rest of the world.

The entire West is a Judea plantation!

I wonder if I be given negative marking for signalling I 😍 what you revealed

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That is some shit at another level that I am not going to bother to bust it. It was the Russians who defeated NAZIs in World War II while they lost 25 million people. When you sacrifice that huge number of people in order to defeat NAZISM, then come and talk. Otherwise, whatever photo-shop you did over there is just rubbish.
In case you wouldn't knew, the Soviet Union wasn't only Russian, 8 millions of the dead were Ukrainians, then, the SOVIET UNION WAS ALLY TO THE NAZI REGIME AND THEY STARTED WW2 TOGETHER BY INVADING POLAND!!!

Moreover, Stalin killed more Soviets/Russians than Hitler, he had insomnia and instead of counting sheep, he used to... sign about 2000-2500 death warrants every night...
Then, you seem to forget that the Soviets weren't fighting alone, you should inform yourself about the allies in Africa and the Mid-East. The Eastern front collapsed only when the Allies had demolished the Afrkakorps and beach landed in Italy.
Actually, without the US LEND-LEASE ACT WHICH MASSIVELY SUPPLIED WEAPONS TO THE SOVIET UNION, the Soviets would have collapsed, but, to be frank, the difference between living under Stalin or Hitler was insignificant : they had no more respect for human life than the sociopathic mobster that leads ruSSia today.
The Soviet chiefs of staff were absolutely incompetent for the good reason that Stalin had "purged" the army and placed yes-men in ALL the key-posts and the gigantic number of casualties came from the fact the people of the Soviet Union was pushed forward by political komissars armed with a Tokarev while there was a single Mosin for a platoon of ten, then when one was killed, the next one took the riffle, and if they didn't advanced, the komissar shot them in the back.
Then, maybe should you search the ethicities in the Red Army, you might end finding that the Russians were much less sacrificed than other ethnicities...

So is it today : after Putin slaughtered 250,000 Chechens, the quarter of the population, now he sends the next generation as canon fodder.
Then, read well the RIA/Novosti article I posted : THIS IS ABSOLUTELY NAZI IDEOLOGY... In Ukraine, the far right only scored less than 2% at the last election, while in ruSSia, the United Russia party with its fascist authoritarian ideology that sounds like a hardcore version of Mein Kampf has the majority at the Duma!

"Fascism is capitalism pushed to the extreme" said the inventor of fascism, Benito Mussolini... Putin's personal wealth is estimated around $200 billions +...

Oh, BTW, far right French leader Marine Le Pen found no EU bank to accept a loan to her neo-fascist party to fund electoral campaigns... She called Putin, then a Russian state-owned bank accepted to loan money...
Putin backs fascists and neo-Nazis in the EU...

But one thing for sure, Putin is not as clever as his ex-boss Yuri Andropov : Andropov Palestinian lies are still ongoing 58 year after he invented this artificial people and the lies are just starting collapsing under their own weight...
Nobody but absolute idiots believes Ukraine is led by naZis
but one thing is clear : it's not Ukraine that has attacked Russia, Russia is the aggressor which is destroying Ukrainian cities and mass murdering Ukrainian population...
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