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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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So is the 3 day special operation a success?


does a fighter chopper or civil chopper have a air filter?
Every helicopter has an air inlet filter.
1.) Not much, if you compare infantry to infantry, equipment wise and training wise, in fact Ukrainian would have home ground advantage, because they know where they can set up ambush, they know the location and they know the people. Russia, as an attacker is inherently in a disadvantage because they are fighting an away war, on a normal Sunday, you will use your intel to make up the different, but as far as OSINT concern, Russia is not doing as good as a job than Ukraine.

2.) There are virtually NO WAY they can do that. There are a small contingent in Transnistria, (1000 or so troop) that cannot be used to flank Odessa on the side, and if they do, it open a way for Moldova to recapture Transnistria, not saying that they will, I am saying they can't move those troop or that *MAY* happened.

Without that, you need a land bridge to support a beachhead for a amphibious assault, which mean the Russian would need to go across Kherson to Mykolaiv and all the way to Odessa in order to relief the Beachhead. Easy to say, Hard to do, especially bulk of the troop in Kherson are actually trying to fight off Ukrainian counter offensive there.

Even if that is doable, you are looking at a city of 1 million people, with sizable defence garrison, and Russia would have been at their end of the line of communication, even if Russia manage to push thru Mykolaiv, this will most likely end up the same result as Kyiv.

3.) Depends on how much ground they captured. There are roughly 96 BTG (Roughly 80,000 -100000 men) in the area fighting 6 to 10 Ukrainian Brigade (roughly 40,000 men), number is quite equal (Bear in mind you need 3 to 1 advantage on the attacker side), as I said the first post I came back, I don't see the frontline is going to move a great deal maybe 5 to 10 km either way. So yes, if the frontline stay it was, Russian can maintain that line. Given the Ukrainian did not up tempo their attack.

On there hand, if Russia are going all the way, and they can go all the way and took the entire Donbas, then the troop Russia have in place will NOT be enough, you would probably need to double to have 2/3 more (so 150 to 200 BTG) because you are talking about another 150km front line and every piece of land within it. There are going to Spreading too thin to cover the entire area.

I wouldn't know if Russia can take that, Russia is making slow progress but Ukraine is obviously working toward Kupiansk. If Ukraine took Kupiansk before Russia break out from Izyum, the entire Russian offensive in Izyum would fold, because that is the major rail hub between Belgorod into Eastern Ukraine, that's where all the store come from. And without Irpin, there are no way Russia can make progress in Eastern Ukraine.
Should provide MLRS type like HIMARS or M270s to hit Kupiansk. Ukrainians wouldn't have to try to fight too hard to hit that supply point.

Another thing is, M777 and M270 MLRS is starting to show up on Frontline, which mean Russian artillery are going to be outrange by Ukrainian one, and in the Eastern Ukraine, the flat terrain favor the attacker, which mean you can just sit and bomb those village and then move in when you deal enough damage, but that cut both way, now that Russian are occupying those village, they would have been subject to the same condition, and once enough M777 (US is giving them 90 of those) are in position, they can used to either provide combat support or COUNTBAT. This is going to turn the tide a bit, until eventually Russia have to brought in their Close Air Support.
The U.S. and other countries should give them M109s. About 200 from U.S. alone should do it along with other M109s from other countries.
The video does not show that Germany spent tons of money and manpower to build u-boots, surface ships and aircrafts that primarily was used against the West.
It also ignored that the fight was against the Axis, and not solely Germany. The West forced the 3,5 million Italian Army to surrender.
Germany had more troops defending the Reich against the Allied bombing campaign mid 1943 than was employed in the Zitadelle.
Hitler aborted Zitadelle, right after the victory at Prochorowka when he found out about the invasion of Sicily, and immediately send his strongest units to Italy.
That shows his priorities.
Targetting the oil production affected the Eastern Front. The West has a significant part in the victories also on the Eastern Front, as any vehicle blown up due to lack of fuel should be counted as a Western kill.

Youre slamming in open doors. Anyone who know one or two things about WW2, is aware of the Allied effort in North Africa, Mediterranen and Middle East. I already mention that the victory over Nazis was a combined Allied effort. Still its clear that Soviet faced the hardest battles and remained most devasstated after the War, having lost nearly 20 million people.

France, Benelux and Scandinavia gave up without any significant fight. Spain kinda remained vague and was spared, Italy was an ally so again spared. Baltics and Finns were Nazi allies.

It was Britain and Soviet who stood alone against the odds for long periods. Britain was never invaded but Soviet wasnt nearly as lucky.

The Soviet victory over Nazi was in many ways one of those rare comebacks, because they were on the brink of collapse. When it got its things in order, it began griding victories, albeit with huge losses, but eventually steamrolling into Germany by the end of the war.

One big factor of why Russian lost so many people was that Nazis really hated slavic people. When they occupied Scandinavia forexample, they threated the civilians relatively well compared to what Slavic Russian had to go through. Much of the railways in Northern Norway forexample was built by Nazis with Russian prisoners of war. Many of whom died from inhumane laboring and horrible conditions in concentration camps.
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The Russian military has likely decided to withdraw fully from its positions around Kharkiv City in the face of Ukrainian counteroffensives and the limited availability of reinforcements. Russian units have generally not attempted to hold ground against counterattacking Ukrainian forces over the past several days, with a few exceptions. Reports from Western officials and a video from an officer of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR) indicate that Moscow is focused on conducting an orderly withdrawal and prioritizing getting Russians back home before allowing proxy forces to enter Russia rather than trying to hold its positions near the city.

Ukraine thus appears to have won the Battle of Kharkiv. Ukrainian forces prevented Russian troops from encircling, let alone seizing Kharkiv, and then expelled them from around the city, as they did to Russian forces attempting to seize Kyiv. Ukrainian forces will likely attempt to disrupt at least the westernmost of the ground lines of communication (GLOCs) between Belgorod and Russian forces concentrated around Izyum, although Russia is using several GLOCs, including some further away from current Ukrainian positions than any Ukrainian counteroffensive is likely to reach soon. The terrain east of current Ukrainian positions may also favor the Russians attempting to defend their GLOCs, as large water features canalize movement and create chokepoints that the Ukrainians would have to breakthrough.

Ukraine has WON the Battle of Kharkiv!

Interesting interview from Ukrainian military chief. He says that Putin is very sick and predicts that war will change tide (in Ukrainian favour) be second half of August 8-)
Little Chinese girl’s analysis of Russia-Ukraine conflict through the perspective of Romance of Three Kingdom receives praise from Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary
By Global TimesPublished: May 12, 2022

The Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary, Teodoro Locsin Jr., praised the girl's commantary of Russia-Ukraine conflict as the 'smartest'. Source: Twitter's commantary of Russia-Ukraine conflict as the 'smartest'. Source: Twitter

The Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary, Teodoro Locsin Jr., praised the girl's commantary of Russia-Ukraine conflict as the 'smartest'. Source: Twitter

A video footage of a Chinese girl comparing Russia-Ukraine conflicts to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms has gone viral on the internet. The girl was then praised by the Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary, Teodoro Locsin Jr., who commented that "Her generation of Chinese is the hope of China and the world", as reported by the media.

This little Chinese girl in school uniform is asked by her father "What do you think about the situation between Russia and Ukraine?" Although the question seems to be a little "beyond basic" for a school-aged child, the girl appears to only think about it for a moment, and then she starts confidently answering it in English.

The little girl first expressed sympathy for those who suffered in the war, then said that she had recently read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and thought the situation between Russia and Ukraine was similar to it.

"The US-led NATO is like the Cao Cao force," she said. "Russia is like the Jiang Dong under Sun Quan." Ukraine is the battleground of Jingzhou, caught between both sides in the dispute, constantly teasing the nerves of the two.

The girl then further analyzed the situation: assuming that Jingzhou is captured by Cao Cao, "there is no strategic buffer zone." Cao Cao can directly go down the river, which is a great threat to Sun Quan who feels threatened by this. In this predicament, Sun Quan decides he cannot sit still and die, thus he starts the Battle of Chibi.

"Look at the conflict between Russia and Ukraine today, there is no difference from the time of the Three Kingdoms," the little girl says in the video. NATO wants to expand eastward in Ukraine, and Russia, which is close to the door, cannot sit still, so the conflict finally broke out.

When asked about the "fate" of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, the little girl said, "Think about Liu Cong." In history, Liu Cong directly surrendered to Cao Cao without a fight, causing Jingzhou to be acquired effortlessly, and then gradually disappeared from the stage of history.

"Although a comparison with the Three Kingdoms, is not rigorous enough to draw a perfect analogy of the situation between Russia and Ukraine, the little girl clearly realized that the essence of the conflict lies in the continuous eastward expansion of NATO led by the US. She has integrated what she has learned from the story with what she learned from the news and then she was able to express her opinions in fluent English, this level of analysis surpasses that of many of her peers and even some adults," said one netizen on the Chinese social media platform Sina Weibo.

Many netizens praised the child for her clear thinking and personal views despite her young age, and also expressed appreciation for the family education she received and that has allowed her to think independently.

In particular, the video impressed Teodoro Locsin Jr., the Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary, who retweeted it many times on his Twitter account and was still recommending it as of May 9.

"This is the smartest commentary on the situation between Russia and Ukraine to date," the Foreign Affairs Secretary said, praising the little girl, "Her generation of Chinese is the hope of China and the world."

The Foreign Affairs Secretary even expressed his desire of possibly sending his granddaughter to China for education, "I want her to be a little girl with great insights like the one in the video."
Gtfo with this trash

BTW for your limited knowledge and lack of understanding of history, the US and West had imposed sanction on China then.

Although both Canada and Australia were willing to help by selling and shipping wheat to China, the US Administration overrule the sales claiming that they violated sanctions. Just like what they did to baby formulae powder, medicines, etc for Iraq, Syria, etc. We deemed these acts as INHUMAN. What do you think? Bomb them babies instead.

So you see the US and West has BLOOD in their hiddened hand over the death of allegedly 20 million hungry victims. All because the US and allies were wishing for a regime change in China.
Just like what they did to Ukraine in 2014 ousting a democratically and duly elected President and replacing him with a clown.

But retribution and karma is what is happening to the US and allies today.

We are just watching and will not uttered silly comments like many of you askew individuals who does not know what they are doing.

Silly girls. :coffee:
She’s no more than a Chinese Greta, given a script. Wake the f up bro!
USA better get on with it. :D

As by end of this year, USA and NATO and Japan will be spiralling into bankruptcy and their own black holes:enjoy:


"Bill Gates says there's a 'strong argument' we're about to see a global economic slowdown" https://news.yahoo.com/bill-gates-says-theres-strong-110641908.html

"Rocket CEO: ‘We feel strongly there will be a recession here in the coming quarters’" https://finance.yahoo.com/video/rocket-ceo-feel-strongly-recession-133528164.html


🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳 *WANG SUI WANG WANG SUI 萬歲 萬 萬歲* 🇨🇳🇨🇳🇨🇳
Bet you as much money as you can spare your bs doesn’t happen? Let’s do it!
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