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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Urgent The President of Chechnya vows to take full control of the Russian forces over the "Azovstal" plant in the Ukrainian city of Mariupol by the end of Thursday..


It is good to know life is getting back to normal in Mariupol.

No surprise. Most people want peace in this world. And it might surprise members here that once an army occupies a land then people, who might have been once anti occupation, change their views rather quickly. Not so long ago Ukraine itself had a pro Russian govt or at least not an overtly anti Russian govt. And here we are talking about a region in Ukraine which has a significant Russian heritage. A few years of consolidation of the Russian occupation in the southeast of Ukraine and don't be surprised the population would turn very pro Russian.

Americans are not allowed to express alternative views or ideology.

They must followed the official US narratives or otherwise... they are terminated.

The censorship in America is carefully calibrated and enforced. The veneer of a 'free press' has to be kept. A relatively unknown Chomsky can say whatever he wants for decades but ignored. But a Tucker Carson or a Tulsi Gabbard is a potential big threat to an established order. True, America is infinitely better than places like Russia and many other places but if a threshold is reached where a voice resonates enough to the point of undercutting the official narrative then such voices won't be allowed. Tucker too has to use his words carefully about the Ukraine war. Trump may have his faults but he brilliantly brought to sharp focus terms like 'mainstream media' and 'fake news'.
India doubles its crude oil purchases from Russia despite US warnings
No surprise. Most people want peace in this world. And it might surprise members here that once an army occupies a land then people, who might have been once anti occupation, change their views rather quickly. Not so long ago Ukraine itself had a pro Russian govt or at least not an overtly anti Russian govt. And here we are talking about a region in Ukraine which has a significant Russian heritage. A few years of consolidation of the Russian occupation in the southeast of Ukraine and don't be surprised the population would turn very pro Russian.

The censorship in America is carefully calibrated and enforced. The veneer of a 'free press' has to be kept. A relatively unknown Chomsky can say whatever he wants for decades but ignored. But a Tucker Carson or a Tulsi Gabbard is a potential big threat to an established order. True, America is infinitely better than places like Russia and many other places but if a threshold is reached where a voice resonates enough to the point of undercutting the official narrative then such voices won't be allowed. Tucker too has to use his words carefully about the Ukraine war. Trump may have his faults but he brilliantly brought to sharp focus terms like 'mainstream media' and 'fake news'.

Sorry wrong video.

This video below is in English and it has already being block from all american and western media

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A relatively unknown Chomsky can say whatever he wants for decades but ignored.
Chomsky is hardly 'unknown' and he is definitely not ignored. He always get a crowd. But even if Chimpsky is ignored, so what? Just as Chumpsky have the freedom of speech, I have the freedom to ignore him. You cannot equate apathy with censorship.

When you speak of Ukraine, keep in mind that there are two Ukraines. One is with ethnic Ukrainians and the other with ethnic Russians. People where the current battles are are mostly ethnic Russians. Many of them want to be a part of Russia simply because Ukrainians are denying them of their Russian cultural heritage, thanks to Ukrainian embrace of ultra-nationalism and neo-Nazism.
They are at most 30% Russian in that area. and they were never oppressed and never denied cultural heritage.

No doubt you deny the uygurs independence from china even through they are oppressed?
That -- highlighted -- is mysterious to the Russia/Poutine supporters here. Why fight a clearly superior military power? What does your independence have to do with your lives? At least if you are on your knees, you are living and your knee pads are always renewable whenever they wear out. Once in a while you will be whipped but the pain is only temporary. These Ukrainians are a stubborn lot. :disagree:
very true, I will note that most of the supporters of this living on your knees are originally from countries that were recently colonised. The Somalian fellow, some Chinese, some Arabs, some others, where perhaps being colonised is the norm.

You wont see many afghans supporting being colonised. They were the first non white people to free themselves from the British empire and are fiercely independent. Most europeans will not accept being colonised. They were indeed the colonisers. Living on their knees is just not an option for these people. And the ukranians have reached that point too.
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