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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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By the way, he was the first one I have found to say Russia wasn't going to attack Kyiv when everybody else said otherwise.
but they did attack Kiev. and they lost, and had to retreat.
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No you don't. He said using that little force to attack a city with 3M population is impossible. Nobody with military knowledge would do that. He judged it from purely military standpoint of view.
you seem to be saying Russian commanders have no military knowledge. many will agree. no doubt Stott Ritter would have done a better job commanding the Russian army. you would probably do a better job as well.
very true, I will note that most of the supporters of this living on your knees are originally from countries that were recently colonised. The Somalian fellow, some Chinese, some Arabs, some others, where perhaps being colonised is the norm.

You wont see many afghans supporting being colonised. They were the first non white people to free themselves from the British empire and are fiercely independent. Most europeans will not accept being colonised. They were indeed the colonisers. Living on their knees is just not an option for these people. And the ukranians have reached that point too.
Excellent points.
his threats only says to me that NATO should enter this war directly. Thinking you will avoid war through appeasement is folly. Letting Ukraine fall will not save other europeans. Ukraine must be the line in the sand. With the jet deliveries to UKR this says to me that such a point of view is becoming more and more apparent to the west.
his threats only says to me that NATO should enter this war directly. Thinking you will avoid war through appeasement is folly. Letting Ukraine fall will not save other europeans. Ukraine must be the line in the sand. With the jet deliveries to UKR this says to me that such a point of view is becoming more and more apparent to the west.
I think NATO will not enter unless Putin drops nuke. Even then it may not happen :unsure:
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I don’t understand Olaf Scholz. He is seen by many as “Zauderer”. He rather gives out money than weapons. Soon he will be seen as weakling and coward.
The US gives weapons worth 3.5 billion USD.
More are under consideration.
Ukraine airforce and air defense have regained control over north and west parts of territory.

Apparently you didn't know what he said. So, good luck. We don't need to continue this conversation.

Drop that thing you trying to talk to into the pit where many of that thing equals are away from the sun and moon.

Smelling roses can be more enjoyable than trying to educate the uneducatable :enjoy:
Russian offensive at Donbas lacks momentum, appears stalling.
Putin increases terror bombings on civil infra.

Where are the TB2's? Haven't seen a strike in probably a month if I am not mistaken.
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