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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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A great way to ensure delivery of these weapons to terrorist organisation.

Donation to Ukraine that are neither scrutinised nor needed to be account for.

CNN analyst, ignoring reality. He's jewish BTW, maybe he has Russian ancestry.

He seems to ignore the fact that UKR already has guarantees by russia and it nevertheless got invaded.

Ukranians will get their freedom like all people get their freedom. Blowing the oppressors away. a tried and tested method.

Russia, China, Zimbabwe will and can not dictate who joins what alliance.If they are allowed to dictate this then the west must start dictating who joins whom immediately.

Solomon Islands just signed a defence pact with china. It has a right to do so, and therefore we should invade them at the same time we launch a decapitation strike?

The the west goes down the list and recolonises the world where it can. Iran, Saudi, UAE. Is that the ne world order russia is fighting for? do you Russian supporters want this?

USA dismantled the colonial powers, including its own colonies. does anyone really think we should go back to the old order?

Where are the TB2's? Haven't seen a strike in probably a month if I am not mistaken.
Those that get stuck usually dont get to talk about it.

A great way to ensure delivery of these weapons to terrorist organisation.

Donation to Ukraine that are neither scrutinised nor needed to be account for.
Yes, russia should arm terrorist groups that tack the west, lets see how that works out for them
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hi all, i hope friends of russia will spread this message or its info content as much as possible, it seems the deadliest weapon supplied by the west to ukraine is not the javelin or the stinger or panzerfaust.... and all that long list what seems to be the deadliest weapon are artillary rounds gps guided secretly supplied and long before the war began, am a hobbyist of history i enjoy documents of war, up from a time in 2019 orso, some of the trends of the ukrainian artillary seem unexplained but by a gps guided shells, those seem to be a secret weapon developed by the west most probably by rheinmentell as a joker weapon that can change the course of a war and will change warfare for ever, the tactic is to use a drone any drone a 200$ dji used one can do the job all waht u need is live feed of a video to show a target else where in control room a computer or an application can derive based on image the exact coordinate of the targets , loaded to the smart 155mm round and its over... more advanced drones can even use there telemetry system for the same exact tactic, satellites also can supply info ,
nothing can explain this hit no laser or ir can even hit under the trees like that
notice only stationary targets or convoys got hit from day one to date

this last following video can be an ultimate proove of what i proposed
a gps guided artillery can be a turning point in wars where a stand off distance of 20km away from enemy should be at least available to hide equipment in open forests and under trees or in no cieling trenches else it is pointless to keep any piece of equipment out of side shelter, i hope friends of russian share this info it needs to reach the Russians as soon as possible, they can collect the debris and check around the destroyed units am sure they will find ic chips remains from the smart shells...
the most convenient tactic is using thousand of inflatable mock targets but that is hard to introduce within days...
other than that using the night for relocation and move and latter the tree cover that will soon open leaves in the area, jamming totally the gps during periods is complicated but worth saving the army... the troops and specifically the drivers may stay on alert shifts and once a round hits move the units in a pre planned maneuver . using smoke can also help during move or relocation or..
The Ukrainian field operations commanders in Kharkiv are the most professional forces in this war since the beginning of the war, under the bombing, but they succeeded in neutralizing the Russians outside the city so far and in defending it despite the fall of several cities and regions under the control of the Russians, but Kharkiv is still cohesive.. The Russians do not want a settlement The city, but rather its preservation, because it is the most important industrial area in Ukraine, and controlling it without razing it to the ground is a strategic gain, and its loss for Ukraine is a great moral loss..There are approximately 40,000 Ukrainian fighters in the Kharkiv region

The actual battle of Kharkiv did not start, and when the conflict rages in it, we will see Stalingrad in the 21st century and perhaps worse.. The city has more than a million Ukrainians and its area is relatively large and important for both sides..

Any reliable updates on Mariupol? The Ukrainian's really are hard people. Tremendous respect for people giving it their all to defend their nation.
You guys never even heard of him before the war, and now you're treating his words like gospel.

John Mearsheimer is well known. He is the author of the book "The Israel Lobby" which is an expose on the total control of US foreign policy by Zionists. Few would doubt his credentials on geopolitical issues.
The thing you aren't realising is that Ukraine doesn't actually have to fight. They can surrender at any time and be a part of russia.

But for some reason they would rather die. And thats because the have already been a part of russia and they've had enough.

Yes, that is actually the reality.

The comedian president is not fighting for the people of Ukraine.

But for the interest of foreign power.

Just read the demand during the peace negotiation with Russia, it's very clear who doesn't want the peace.

The comedian president is part of the fight that started in the 2014 coup.

The great puzzle is, who is starting the war and want the war to keep going on?
this war as any other major war will change the prior science of war , Russia is turning the tide with the west they are determined and will win strategically but they really suffer too ... Ukraine is the scapegoat, am too sorry for this end of Ukraine its administration has lost the country for good, the people has lost there future, the west and the us has driven them into a war with russia against their interest... trillions of dollars of whats Ukrainian inherited from the USSR has gone for good for empty promises by the west NATO and Europe
As I have often said here, there is no 'the West' when it comes to geopolitics. There is basically a cabal of Neocons in Washington who leech Americans as well as wherever they can find gullible people to goad into wars and UK is the ever pliant poodle in their designs. And the continental Europe keeps falling into the trap of wars.

Continental Europe has always viewed Britain as America's spy in Europe. It is astounding how stupidly Europe has fallen for this American ploy to pit Europe against Russia as the US sits back and watches the destruction on the continent.
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