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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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When even Israel the staunchest US ally is doing this and beginning to feel uncomfortable, we know which direction the world is heading.

Israel Adds Yuan to $206 Billion Reserves in ‘Philosophy’ Change​

  • Canadian, Australian, Japanese currencies also added to basket
  • Bank of Israel is moving to reduce allocation for dollar, euro
The Central Bank of Israel in Jerusalem, Israel.

The Central Bank of Israel in Jerusalem, Israel.
Photographer: Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg
Daniel Avis
April 20, 2022, 5:38 PM GMT+8

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Seems like Russia has claimed to have taken all of Mariupol.

Also are you getting major winter war/continuation war vibes from this war?

All of Mariupol exept Azovstal.

Putin orders to cancel Azovstal steel plant storming in Mariupol and block industrial zone

21 Apr, 10:55

The Russian president explained his order with considerations of preserving the lives of the Russian servicemen

MOSCOW, April 21. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday at a meeting with Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu called the storming of the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol inexpedient and ordered its cancellation.
"I consider the proposed storming of the steel plant inexpedient. I order you to cancel it," the commander-in-chief said. "Yes sir!" Shoigu replied.
Putin explained his order with considerations of preserving the lives of the Russian servicemen. "This is a case where we must think, that is, we must always think, but in this case what is more important is preserving the lives and health of our soldiers and officers. There is no reason to penetrate through these subterranean pathways and beneath these industrial facilities," the president stressed.
"Block off this industrial zone so that a fly wouldn’t be able to get out," he ordered.

Putin also instructed Shoigu to once again suggest that all those who have not yet laid down their weapons do so. "The Russian side guarantees their lives. They will be treated with dignity in accordance with the relevant international legal acts. All those who have been wounded will be provided qualified medical care," the president noted.
Shoigu reported to Putin that all of Mariupol is under control, the militants are securely blocked at the Azovstal steel plant.

No you don't. He said using that little force to attack a city with 3M population is impossible. Nobody with military knowledge would do that. He judged it from purely military standpoint of view.
Dude Scott has been paid by RT for the past 3 years, what narrative do you expect him to tell🤷🏿‍♂️
Which incidentally is true as you says when you compare my nation to the USA.

We don't throw rocks, we arrests them and charged them in court like a proper democracy.

When folks like you fabricate stories or what we called thing you can't proved, you will be responsible for your own action and charged in court under the enacted Fake News Law.

Back in the US, the US will threatened and gagged them using the unconstitutional Homeland Security and Patriot Act. If it is does not works, they simply died accidentally or vanished.
That was why Guantamoro Bay Torture Camp was created outside of US territories, up in Cuba bu the US to circumvent US law then. Since then the US has enacted many draconian anti-people laws.

Wake up.
We know more about your country than you ever imagine.
No fantasy, please
Wow that’s a lot of assumptions, I noticed you didn’t even answer my original question in that rant. “Your” country being a model, not even knowing where you are from I can say that’s the e best joke I’ve heard all day.
Way to assume my knowledge and education, shows how dense you really are.
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When even Israel a US ally is beginning to feel uncomfortable, we know where the world is heading.

Israel Adds Yuan to $206 Billion Reserves in ‘Philosophy’ Change​

  • Canadian, Australian, Japanese currencies also added to basket
  • Bank of Israel is moving to reduce allocation for dollar, euro
The Central Bank of Israel in Jerusalem, Israel.

The Central Bank of Israel in Jerusalem, Israel.
Photographer: Kobi Wolf/Bloomberg
Daniel Avis
April 20, 2022, 5:38 PM GMT+8
Wow that’s a lot of assumptions, I noticed you didn’t even answer my original question in that rant. “Your” country being a model, not even knowing where you are from I can say that’s the e best joke I’ve heard all day.
Way to assume my knowledge and education, shows how dense you really are.
I already did. It is hardly my problem if one can't comprehend it. Others do.

This being an exception as I don't normally respond to trolls.

This is not an assumption as you believe.
This is indeed a smart move by the Israel Central Banker and they did it out of strategic interest. It will safeguard them just in case.

The precedence set by the US and EU is dangerous and the sword cuts both ways. Switzerland sanction against Russia lasted only 2 days.

This shows how little you understands about geopolitics.

:coffee: :sarcastic: :sarcastic::sarcastic:

For instance, do you understand why Israel did not vote against Russia at the UN?
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Boris Johnson now in India and trying very hard to persuade Modi to join them and go against Russia.

Boris Johnson is even prepared to bribe India with an easy FTA.

Why of all countries, the US and allies is so eager to recruit India? Hint: Three words.

Most Asians generally will understand the reasons but not them.

Will it works?

Solomon Island just simply ignored the threat of invasion by Australia and signed the Security Pact with China.

Why do the US and Australia feel so threaten when Soloman Island is 2000 km away from Australia and even further away from the US coastline?

How does this Security Pact affects both the US and Australia National Security?

The world has changed. The King summons his slaves and subjects and no one turns up.
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A great way to ensure delivery of these weapons to terrorist organisation.

Donation to Ukraine that are neither scrutinised nor needed to be account for.
Lol cry harder

Boris Johnson now in India and trying very hard to persuade Modi to join them and go against Russia.

Boris Johnson is even prepared to bribe India with an easy FTA.

Why of all countries, the US and allies is so eager to recruit India? Hint: Three words.

Most Asians generally will understand the reasons but not them.

Will it works?

Solomon Island just simply ignored the threat of invasion by Australia and signed the Security Pact with China.

Why do the US and Australia feel so threaten when Soloman Island is 2000 km away from Australia and even further away from the US coastline?

How does this Security Pact affects both the US and Australia National Security?

The world has changed. The King summons his slaves and subjects and no one turns up.
India like Russia but not china lol

They will do everything possible to contain china with the help of west.
Remember when netflix "sanctioned" Russia and cut off all of their 1 million subscribers?

and western cheerleaders were beating their chests like monkeys screaming west stronk!! sanction stronk!!1 Russia collapse!!! Ruble toilet paper!!!!!

Netflix just lost over a 27% of its entire value overnight when announcing a loss of 2 million subs

Looks like netflix really "stuck it to putin" there. Perhaps Netflix shareholders who lost a fortune can stop showering for a bit to stick it to Putin some more....?

its not for sanctions lmao

I thought wall street valuation is fake as per pdf why jumping on air now ha ha

Apple valuation alone is 6 times bigger then iran gdp.
Lol cry harder

India like Russia but not china lol

They will do everything possible to contain china with the help of west.
What india issue with china? No historical issue, no 'people' trapped in between like kashmir. Only a few uninhabitated lands with a couple of goat herders. If China wanted, China can fix issues with India in a day and that changes the geopolitical situation in Asia instantly
its not for sanctions lmao

I thought wall street valuation is fake as per pdf why jumping on air now ha ha

Apple valuation alone is 6 times bigger then iran gdp.

Not a Netflix subscriber (I personally prefer HBO Max)

But even I know that company is incredibly powerful and certainly. not going anywhere.
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