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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Lol cry harder

India like Russia but not china lol

They will do everything possible to contain china with the help of west.

Lol cry harder

India like Russia but not china lol

They will do everything possible to contain china with the help of west.
Stop trolling in here.
I don't respond to trolls esp those who do not know what they are talking about.
What india issue with china? No historical issue, no 'people' trapped in between like kashmir. Only a few uninhabitated lands with a couple of goat herders. If China wanted, China can fix issues with India in a day and that changes the geopolitical situation in Asia instantly
Ask modi

Indians are in bed with west to contain china. Only naive ppl will think they will not.

Not a Netflix subscriber (I personally prefer HBO Max)

But even I know that company is incredibly powerful and certainly. not going anywhere.
I like Disney

It wont go anywhere. Netflix and all the IT stocks went up like 300 percent or more last 5 years. Its good to have some market corrections.

Stop trolling in here.
I don't respond to trolls esp those who do not know what they are talking about.
with no food and water and a thousand azov forces inside with hundred others wounded , u can wait to see the out come
with no food and water and a thousand azov forces inside with hundred others wounded , u can wait to see the out come

Easiest solution would have been to just literally bomb that plant to the ground. Russians can’t take POWs as supply lines are stretched thin and this way you get read of couple thousand men/women who are of fighting caliber. It’s stupid these morons wasting time on theatrics throughout this whole conflict. I would have bombed all of Ukraine into a graveyard by now.
very true, I will note that most of the supporters of this living on your knees are originally from countries that were recently colonised. The Somalian fellow, some Chinese, some Arabs, some others, where perhaps being colonised is the norm.

You wont see many afghans supporting being colonised. They were the first non white people to free themselves from the British empire and are fiercely independent. Most europeans will not accept being colonised. They were indeed the colonisers. Living on their knees is just not an option for these people. And the ukranians have reached that point too.

wow! mocking the colonized as weak. I am pretty sure you are the sort of guy who will rape a woman and claim she enjoyed it and then mock her. Most of these east european ukraine supporters seem to be of the same character material. Scratch their surface of sweet words of freedom then the real monster or as the chechen leader calls "shaitans" come out.

There is a reason america was willing to put its blood on line for kuwaitis but not for ukrainains.
Biden announced a new $800M package:

Dozens of new howitzers, 144,000 rounds, tactical drones
Lol cry harder

India like Russia but not china lol

They will do everything possible to contain china with the help of west.

But Indians are smart not to fight the Wests war with flesh and blood. I’ve always told Pakistanis milk all sides but extract a cost, we’ve always failed at this.
This one came from CNN. 8-)

So they are still in storage at Latvia according to this guy.

Good. Like all the rest, they will ended up in the blackmart.

The first time I heard about the untold numbers of small weapons, SAMs, and rockets etc distributed freely without much of an oversight was from an Indian analyst who said something like 'wait some months or years and you will see various airports in Europe under the threat of projectiles launched by anti-Western forces'.

with no food and water and a thousand azov forces inside with hundred others wounded , u can wait to see the out come

Unless some Ukrainian push comes into Mariupol and re-take the city, the AzovStal plant does not matter in military terms. It is a 4 sq mile / 11 sq km plant which is good for some 'feel good' affect but the Russians have them surrounded and even Zelenskyy said today how long they could hold out-- 'hours or days'. Mariupol is gone for all practical purposes.
Russia has achieved the 'coveted' land bridge and is going to consolidate its gains.

For Gasprom, it is rather simple and straightforward.

If they did not received their payment by the deadline, the GAS will be cut off.

Who do you think will win?
The politician or Gasprom.

Simple business rule. The ball now roll back into the court of the politicians.

Germany Rejects Putin’s Demand for Gas Payments in Rubles​

  • Finance Minister says dollar, euro contracts must be honored
  • Russian leader has threatened to halt natural gas supplies
Christian Lindner

Christian LindnerPhotographer: Liesa Koppitz-Johanssen/Bloomberg
Birgit Jennen and
Annmarie Hordern
April 20, 2022, 10:07 PM GMT+8Updated onApril 20, 2022, 11:25 PM GMT+8
Companies buying Russian natural gas should not have to set up ruble accounts to pay for it, German Finance Minister Christian Lindner said, pushing back against a demand made last month by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
“Contracts are contracts,” Lindner said Wednesday in an interview with Bloomberg Television in Washington. “Contracts are based on dollars and euros and so private-sector companies should pay in dollars or euros.”

  • Haha
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Russian assault units are leaving Mariupol, multiple sources report this. A small part of the Russian units remains to block the Azovstal plant, the rest are transferred to other sectors of the Ukrainian front to develop an offensive there. Where the troops are going is unknown, perhaps Kharkov, Nikolaev or Kherson.

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