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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Yes, this aged badly. Putin unstoppable. what a clueless woman. Putins hi-tech strategy in space and on earth. she should run a comedy show.

Why are you upset?? Give it time and we will ALL see who the winner really is. God willing, we will all be here in good health and witness in real time all that will unfold. LET TIME DECIDE.
Aiden Aslin is a mercenary from UK.
He took the 3rd option, walked out and surrendered to the Russian Forces.

The above is his story.
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It is clear that that is now the goal of Russia is indeed a land bridge between Crimea and Russia. We can determine that by actions we see , taken on the ground,
Some here have no shame , , by still using NATO , denazification , demilitarization excuses. When clearly it is about , taking chunks of Ukraine.
Let us not forget the purpose of this " special operation "
The purpose is to invade another country , conquer land , cause it suits you to carve you a land bridge .
It is not like Russia is exactly building a peace bridge between nations here , is it ?
Right or wrong , you tell me ?

I don't have a definite answer about Russia's motives and I don't want to pull something out of my hate to appear like some big expert; we are all learning here anyway in this forum. At first look, as you are saying, it does make sense to connect Crimea with Donbas and thus Russia and to provide water to Crimea. Grabbing the Ukrainian 'industrial heartland' which is heavily present in the Ukrainian eastern regions could be another motive for Russia. But I will also say that a simple commitment of neutrality as demanded by Russia in the days/weeks leading to this invasion would have robbed Russia of some of the justification for this invasion. Only NOW Ukraine is willing to offer that commitment after so much of Ukraine is destroyed and lives lost!? I tend to think that, while the 'denazification' justification is just BS, this war was preventable by making a neutrality commitment and by not expanding the NATO until at least Putin left this world. He is probably the last man standing for Russia before it falls back to the likes of Yeltsins again. As I have repeatedly said here: Time would have sorted this out and Russia, to the west of the Urals at least (minus the Muslim Caucasus areas) would have organically become part of Europe as they are destined to be.

Respectfully, I disagree. Please listen to respected US General (retd) Douglas Mcgregor for unbiased view. In the next few weeks we are going to see destruction of Ukrainian Military on the scale only seen in WW2.

Colonel Macgregor is a gem! He is careful in using his words and making his predictions. He knows the battle-field knowledge as if he has hooks inside both the Russian and the NATO sources and he does give the credit when due--like even to the war-mongering Biden and Rubio.
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