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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Did Morocco initiate regime change in any Western country who didn't side with its narrative? Did Morocco threaten any Western country with sanctions etc.?

Yes it did. It banned flights of countries not siding with it, imposed sanctions ect.

China also constantly tries same. Being to weak to change a western government doesnt mean they have no tried
Yes it did. It banned flights of countries not siding with it, imposed sanctions ect.

China also constantly tries same. Being to weak to change a western government doesnt mean they have no tried

Banning flights is not the same as imposing sanctions or overthrowing legitimate governments. Morocco didn't do any such things. Western governments did and still do.
Banning flights is not the same as imposing sanctions or overthrowing legitimate governments. Morocco didn't do any such things. Western governments did and still do.

Marocco is to weak for that. But tried to force western countries to step on their side.

Marocco also imposed sanctions.
Can you share the BBQ video if not here on my profile page please --

The guy had a twitter account with a link to his Telegram account. Now his twitter account has been suspended as of yesterday. I am trying to find his Telegram channel but I can't seem to remember initials.
The Ukranian are to serve the role of a meat grinder for MATO and the Western powers. This has to be long stretched out war campaign with the goal to degrade Russia militarily and economically..
And of course to make $$$ for the war profiteers in the process
Your comment serves as an example of just how effective Russian propaganda has become. It lacks the complete geopolitical implications of the war, and simple argues a moral aspect which has no place in geopolitics.

First, Degrading Russia's military and economy has already been achieved.

Second, Ukraine serves as a buffer state for both Russia and Europe, and is important for both sides. However controls it would have a huge military advantage due to its geographical location as well as terrain. In the event of hostilities control of Ukraine would allow the Europeans to have a quick access to push towards the Russian A-A line, basically cutting off the Russians quickly, it would also serve as a buffer (as it's doing now) against Russian aggression towards the EU. For the Russians, it would guarantee their access to the blacksea, and give them a vital buffer to protect the Russian main land against European/NATO aggression.

Germans are trying to o
prevent a new great war ok European continent. I support them and the French in their approach.

Its the US and UK that wants this war to escalate. This is a boon for US weapon manufacturers. The war also keeps Russia and Western Europe bogged down, while creating a second iron curtain that prevents Chinese Belt and Roads route via Russia-Eastern Europe.

Ukrainian leadership is a US installed puppet regime and dosent represent its people. Ukrainians are a splitted people but most of them want a good relationship with both their neighbor Russia and western Europe.
Oh of course, Ukraine should've just allowed Russia to annex Ukraine and kill its citizens that Russia deems to be undesirable, right? Yup, of course, how stupid of me.

If you actually believe this rhetoric, than we have nothing to talk about, because you're pouting blatant Russian propaganda.
Respectfully, I disagree. Please listen to respected US General (retd) Douglas Mcgregor for unbiased view. In the next few weeks we are going to see destruction of Ukrainian Military on the scale only seen in WW2.

Ah yes, he's so well respected that you only just found out about him. Of course, let's believe one guy over the dozens of neutral sources that claim otherwise, because he confirms your bias.

Dude, if you're gonna fall for confirmation bias, at least make it believable. The Ukrainians are kicking Russia's ***, something even I didn't expect.

The Russians are losing, and even if they make some gains I'm donbass, those are gonna reverse quite quickly.

Just wait and watch, the Russians are exhausted and don't want to fight, while the Ukrainians keep getting fresh highly motivated volunteers.

It's only a matter of when the Russians back off, not if.
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Yes. Russia learned the hard way.

When I was active duty, I met a CIA officer while we were waiting on our flights. I was returning to RAF Upper Heyford and he was going to the US Embassy in East Berlin. We had a couple hrs of excellent convos. He told me that if the CIA was as capable as the movies and novels made it out to be, the US would be running the world and everyone would know it.

The US does run the world...it's just that not many know it.
Ah yes, he's so well respected that you only just found out about him. Of course, let's believe one guy over the dozens of neutral sources that claim otherwise, because he confirms your bias.

Dude, if you're gonna fall for confirmation bias, at least make it believable. The Ukrainians are kicking Russia's ***, something even I didn't expect.

The Russians are losing, and even if they make some gains I'm donbass, those are gonna reverse quite quickly.

Just wait and watch, the Russians are exhausted and don't want to fight, while the Ukrainians keep getting fresh highly motivated volunteers.

It's only a matter of when the Russians back off, not if.
Well you are here and I am here - Let's touch base again in the next few weeks when Ukrainian will have surrendered or not. Time will decided.
Well you are here and I am here - Let's touch base again in the next few weeks when Ukrainian will have surrendered or not. Time will decided.
Let's talk on May 14th. That's nearly 4 weeks.
They are obviously not mujahideen. Those who are calling them mujahideen are degrading the mujahideen.
They're fighting for a nation that tells them to wear Christian iconography such as the st.george's ribbon, and have used them to oppress Muslims. So yeah, they're definitely not Mujahideen.
Yes. Russia learned the hard way.

When I was active duty, I met a CIA officer while we were waiting on our flights. I was returning to RAF Upper Heyford and he was going to the US Embassy in East Berlin. We had a couple hrs of excellent convos. He told me that if the CIA was as capable as the movies and novels made it out to be, the US would be running the world and everyone would know it.
Funny that, a Russian bloke I worked with was an ex-KGB colonel. Sounds more impressive than the reality, he was little more than an administrator, and not a very good one at that. If he was representative of the standard of KGB officers, their reputation would have far exceeded their capability. From what I could discern from him the KGB was a lot like their military; staffers were inefficient, corrupt, completely lacking initiative, petty minded and overwhelmingly incompetent.
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