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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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But I will also say that a simple commitment of neutrality as demanded by Russia in the days/weeks leading to this invasion would have robbed Russia of some of the justification for this invasion. Only NOW Ukraine is willing to offer that commitment after so much of Ukraine is destroyed and lives lost!? I tend to think that, while the 'denazification' justification is just BS, this war was preventable by making a neutrality commitment and by not expanding the NATO until at least Putin left this world. He is probably the last man standing for Russia before it falls back to the likes of Yeltsins again.
Ukraine makes a declaration of neutrality and suddenly Putin allows Russians to be oppressed and Russian language remains banned in Ukraine (of course its not banned), and Putin decides he does not want all that extra land and waterfront real estate. Yeah right.

There was nothing going to stop him taking parts of Ukraine and soon you will see he will turn his attention to Kazakstan and Azerbaijan. And whose side will you be on then?


MoD Russia, [4/19/2022 9:03 AM]
⚡️Over the past day, a number of publications have been recorded in the Ukrainian media, in which official representatives of Kiev claim that a large number of civilians are allegedly on Azovstal. We are sure that this is just another information scam created solely to save the nationalists.

❗️We appeal to the representatives of the Kiev authorities: "if someone from the civilian population is on Azovstal, we demand to take all measures for their release and exit through the created humanitarian corridors." At the same time, the Russian leadership guarantees the safe evacuation of all, without exception, civilians and their movement as part of humanitarian convoys in any direction they choose.

❗️At the same time, we declare that the forcible detention of civilians as a "human shield" in accordance with the norms of international humanitarian law is terrorism, and the officials of the Kiev authorities and the direct perpetrators of this inhumane action on Azovstal are war criminals and terrorists.

Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev, Head of the Russian Federation Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response - Head of the National Centre for State Defence Control of the Russian Federation

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
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Ukraine makes a declaration of neutrality and suddenly Putin allows Russians to be oppressed and Russian language remains banned in Ukraine (of course its not banned), and Putin decides he does not want all that extra land and waterfront real estate. Yeah right.

There was nothing going to stop him taking parts of Ukraine and soon you will see he will turn his attention to Kazakstan and Azerbaijan. And whose side will you be on then?

Perhaps Putin would go after Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan but I REALLY doubt it. Ukraine has a special place in Russian hearts.
You give too much credit to Russia's might and border on being paranoid about Russia's desire to reconquest the lost parts of the Soviet Union.
How about we would go from the simple demands of neutrality and see what happens then. But that is being offered by Ukraine NOW??

This has been your recurring theme here: Hyping up the Russian threat. While my position has been that time would have sorted this out, especially after Putin. But the Anglos wanted the war and they wanted it now. And they got it.
Perhaps Putin would go after Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan but I REALLY doubt it. Ukraine has a special place in Russian hearts.
If Kazakstan and Azerbaijan didnt have a special place in Russian heart, why were they conquered in the first place? Why did they become a part of Russia?
You give too much credit to Russia's might and border on being paranoid about Russia's desire to reconquest the lost parts of the Soviet Union.
I dont think russia is mighty, but they are mighty enough to demolish urkiane and take Kazakstan and Azerbaijan. No one will help those countries. They will be totally alone unlike Ukraine. Simply because of geography.
How about we would go from the simple demands of neutrality and see what happens then. But that is being offered by Ukraine NOW??
That is well and truly over. There will be no more neutrality. If Ukraine survives and it probably will, it will be an enemy of Russia for a very very long time.
This has been your recurring theme here: Hyping up the Russian threat. While my position has been that time would have sorted this out, especially after Putin. But the Anglos wanted the war and they wanted it now. And they got it.
Anglos didnt nave anyone. It was russia that started the war.
Anglos didnt nave anyone. It was russia that started the war.

If the Soviet missiles were prevented from being deployed in a SOVEREIGN Cuba when the chances of an all-out war between the USSR and USA were low because of the nuclear weapons then why were the Soviets were prevented from that?? You see: Moving closer and closer to your adversaries give certain advantages despite the nuclear M.A.D and NATO, by expanding constantly to the Russian borders, were gaining such advantages and provoking the Russians over the last 2-3 decades.

Yes, it is the Anglos who are the main driver of this war. Other countries of western Europe have only reluctantly joined yet another war for the Anglos. As Col. Macgregor says, the Anglos would go back to their island nations when the $hit hit the fan in Europe.

Anyway, I have said enough about my understanding of the war. You may hold your position repeating the same and I don't see any reason to change my position as of now. I am not into endless banters in this forum. But you may carry on with the fantastic ideas that you have been saying here for weeks.
Kreminna in Donbass has just fallen to the Russian.

Meanwhile the Solomon Islands has just signed the security pact with China.
Kreminna in Donbass has just fallen to the Russian.

Meanwhile the Solomon Islands has just signed the security pact with China.
The first part is an old news, a couple of days old. The second part is new. :)
If the Soviet missiles were prevented from being deployed in a SOVEREIGN Cuba when the chances of an all-out war between the USSR and USA were low because of the nuclear weapons then why were the Soviets were prevented from that??
JFK overstepped the line and he paid the price in the end.

Western chauvinists care very much about life of thugs from Azov Batalion. They don't care about life of tens of milions of victims of Western imperialism and terrorism.
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It's funny though we don't see much Guerassimov and Shoigu around....
View attachment 835831

Western chauvinists care very much about life of thugs from Azov Batalion. They don't care about life of tens of milions of victims of Western imperialism and terrorism.
Funny Part of all the named Nation Syria, Afghanistan and the not named crimera, Georgia, north Iran, Tscheschenia 1+2, Moldavia are attacked by russian orc chauvinists... no one complained about them here too... you and your shit world of doubble standarts.... a other bad does not make a bad rigth... get over it
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