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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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It's funny though we don't see much Guerassimov and Shoigu around....

This is in the Russian Ministry of Defense's English Telegram Channel today:


Opening speech of the Russian Defence Minister at the Board Session of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation

Main theses⬇️

🔹The Russian Federation remains a reliable guarantor of the security of its citizens.

🔹The events of recent months clearly demonstrate how important it is for Russia to continue improving the Armed Forces.

🔹The Russian Army fulfills the tasks set by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief during a special military operation. The plan for the liberation of the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics is being consistently implemented, and measures are being taken to establish peaceful life.

🔹Russian servicemen participating in the operation show courage and heroism in the performance of military duty.

🔹The United States and controlled Western countries are doing everything to prolong the special military operation as much as possible.

🔹The actions of our troops and the quality of the weapons used once again show the correctness of the priorities defined by the military and political leadership of the country for the development of the Russian Armed Forces.

🔹The consistent implementation of the Ministry of Defence's action plan is aimed at further development of the army and navy and providing them with advanced military equipment. The introduction of new methods of warfare will make it possible to better adapt troops to modern conditions of armed confrontation.

🔹Much attention is paid to health issues and the implementation of social guarantees. We continue to provide military personnel of the district and their families with service and permanent housing. For the current year, 758 people have already moved into service apartments, and 849 servicemen have been provided with permanent housing, including under the military mortgage program.

🔹The Ministry of Defence is constantly monitoring the military security of Russia's Arctic zone. The Northern Fleet solves its tasks in the face of a sharp aggravation of the military-political situation in Europe, increased tension and growing threats.

🔹Traditionally, an important area of work in the Northern Fleet is scientific and research activities. Last year, together with the Russian Geographical Society, the expedition "Remember the War" was organized. Such a large-scale search activity was not carried out either in Soviet times or after.

🔹The systematic re-equipment and enhancement of the capabilities of the signals troops continues. Over the past five years, more than 20 new communication facilities and complexes have been created, over 110 thousand units of modern communication equipment have been delivered, as a result, their share has increased to 72%. To maintain the orbital communications group, the second upgraded Meridian-M communications satellite was launched in March this year.

🔹The development of the communication system of the Armed Forces follows the path of using advanced telecommunications technologies, including the introduction of artificial intelligence elements. Their use has already made it possible to reduce the time of bringing target designation to complexes of high-precision long-range weapons, such as Kalibr and Kinzhal tenfold.

📑 Full text

(https://****/mod_russia_en/967)#MoD #Russia
An ordinary person from a non-Western country doesn't care. It is the harsh truth. Just like a person from a Western country won't care about wars taking place in non-Western countries.

What I have found baffling is the fact how Western countries pressure non-Western countries to be on their side. The Western countries have literally been pressuring and lobbying in many countries to take their side. Writing letters to governments and threatening countries with all kinds of repercussions.
Pressuring and lobbying is an understatement
I think the Ukrainians have thousands of Howitzers in stockpiles from Soviet Times, what they actual need is long range missile artillery, so I don't know why the US is sending howitzers, but every little bit helps.
Russia is poor and offers only brutalism and poverty. Thats the thing, Ukraine under Russia was always opressed, poor and without any hope to develop. Thats why they fight and why its so important for them.
How much important is development when you are dead.

I think it's better be poor and alive.

Ukraine war is only good for Kiev corrupt elite who take bribes from the West.

Ukraine war is bad for 99,99% of Ukrainian people, but they are idiots and are brainwashed by propaganda.
War destruction of economy will last decades, it could be avoided with a surrender, but Kiev common people has no brain and Kiev corrupt elite has no moral.
This is interesting. We can use this argument to take over Mexico and Cuba, then maybe even Venezuela.
It was used under Cuban missile crisis in 1962.

But today Russia has no power to persuade other countries to follow them.

The biggest power of USA today is not their military power, the biggest power of USA and the West is that they have and manufacture all the luxuries things that all the ruling elites of this world want.

That's real power, the real capability to change the willing of people with power in any country of this world.

Ukraine kiev corrupt elite is under American spell of corruption.
things are looking really bad for the ukies holding the donbass line.

a massive concentration of ukie army is about to get encircled while their cheerleaders yell out from twittter and CNN that they are winning.


Mariupol is almost captured. And tens of thousands of Russian troops will be freed to attack the rural flanks.

"ukraine" (nato) has 2 choices now:

a mass retreat that will completely demoralize the ukies, and expose the empire of lies.

Or pretend nothings happening, Continue screaming the ukies are winning, and when the soldiers are trapped and facing imminent anahilation, encourage them to fight to the death for their anglo masters...

my guess is they will choose the second option.
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