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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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But it does appear that now Russia has learned from its early mistakes in this war, has regrouped, and is determined to grab and consolidate its hold on the southeast of Ukraine, thus providing the 'coveted' land bridge between Crimea and Donbas/Russia; by doing so, the water supply to Crimea is also secured.

It is clear that that is now the goal of Russia is indeed a land bridge between Crimea and Russia. We can determine that by actions we see , taken on the ground,

Some here have no shame , , by still using NATO , denazification , demilitarization excuses. When clearly it is about , taking chunks of Ukraine.

Let us not forget the purpose of this " special operation "

The purpose is to invade another country , conquer land , cause it suits you to carve you a land bridge .

It is not like Russia is exactly building a peace bridge between nations here , is it ?

Right or wrong , you tell me ?


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Sure, but that was all done within the sovereignty of Ukraine, not by outside governments.
That is convenient ignoring the historical fact that both Russia and Ukraine has a complicated relationship and are closely bonded and linked to each other by blood.

Before I bother myself to explain to you the difference or any further, Taiwan, Tibet and Xinjiang are clearly China, care to explain to us why is the USA interfering in China internal affair?
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German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was willing to go to Kyiv.

But his presence was not welcome there, and so he had to give up his plan.

Many Germans on hearing this are angry and openly expressing their regret that Germany got involved with an ungrateful Ukraine.

Today German firms and their people in support are suffering from high cost of living due to inflation and high energy cost.

Did Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky committed a serious political blunder?

Zalensky Ukraine which has been surviving on foreign aids is now demanding that G7 nations to give him USD 50 billion or Ukraine will go bankrupt he threatened.
German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier was willing to go to Kyiv.

But his presence was not welcome there, and so he had to give up his plan.

Many Germans on hearing this are angry and openly expressing their regret that Germany got involved with an ungrateful Ukraine.

Today German firms and their people in support are suffering from high cost of living due to inflation and high energy cost.

Did Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky committed a serious political blunder?

Zalensky Ukraine which has been surviving on foreign aids is now demanding that G7 nations to give him USD 50 billion or Ukraine will go bankrupt he threatened.
The Germans withheld aid and had to be shamed into taking action. Some forget, the Germans told Zelensky Ukraine would be taken over with a week as an excuse to not give initial support to Ukraine.

The Germans are STILL reluctant to give aid.

The Ukrainians have every reason to be mad.
There is a lot of misinformation being spread on this forum. Let's do a reality check.

1- Ukraine is the largest land mass country in Europe after Russia.

2- From day-1, Russia announced that it wanted to protect the civilians and to DEMILITRIZE Ukraine. Hence that is why Russian strategy was to slowly encircle the Ukraine Military and use precision weapons to destroy Military depots and supplies. Muriupol is an perfect example of this strategy.

3- Due to the above strategy, it will take time for Russia to fully destroy Ukraine Military. If Russia would have gone in with all guns blazing like the US in Iraq, Ukraine would have been rubble by now.

4- Russia is not only fighting Ukraine Military it is ALSO FIGHTING NATO MILITARY PERSONNEL IMBEDDED WITHIN UKRAINE MILITARY !! Yes you HEARD it right - NATO military personnel were imbedded with Ukraine Military.

5- Make no mistake, as we speak, Ukraine Military being decimated. There are countless videos on TELEGRAM showing Russian and Chechens Troops absolutely annihilating AZOV battalion in Muriupol. The Commander of AZOV Faction was captured and set on fire. Literally barbecued because this fellow was responsible for killing of many Russian citizens.
1) True, which is why this invasion was such a foolish idea.

2) the fact that Mariupol has been devastated, including residential areas from Russian strikes just shows that no, you're wrong.

3) Russia tried to go in guns blazing, they simply didnt have the logistics and support systems in place, not to mention experience needed to launch such a large scale operation. This is why Russia failed to take Kyiv and a vast majority of major cities.

4) that's Russia's problem, not Ukraines. If anything, it just proves that the Russians simply are nowhere near the level of NATO, if a few embedded soldiers from NATO nations (mostly retired volunteers) are capable of slowing down over 120 Russian BTGs. You're basically calling the Russians incompetent, which I agree they are, but I don't think you meant it that way.

5) a war crime, nice. But once again, not true. The Ukrainian military has suffered, but it's not being devastated. The fact they've been able to launch outer offensives against Russia and force a massive retreat is evidence they're doing a good job. Not to mention that Ukrainian military has huge morale. The ONLY place the Russians seem to be making any legitimate headway is Mariupol and some eastern areas, and even then the Russians have spent too many resources into Mariupol to the point that they're close to exhaustion. The soldiers that fought in Mariupol will be too exhausted to participate effectively in other battlefields after Mariupol falls, if it falls.

@LeGenD @RescueRanger @Wood @mmr
What was the word the Americans used to label resistance fighters during US's Global War of Terror .. ..... Illegal Combatant. Guess the Russians can use the same label.
Actually, no.

First, you must present the Geneva Convention of what make a LEGAL combatant.

Then, you must show how the Ukrainian Army and Ukrainian resistance fighters DO NOT conform to the Geneva Convention standards.

We did not simply called any resistance fighter 'illegal combatant'.
Aren't soldiers that fuel wars?

No, i believe Not.
Wars are just continuation of politics, so the real culprits are politicians.

Politicians create nations, groups, identities and needs. Politicians also split nations, and if neccesary send people to war.
To avoid a war and the destruction of their country.

Ukraine war has no sense for common Ukrainian people, it has only sense for corrupt Kiev elite who take bribes from the West.

Ukraine had a normal life under Russian rule until 2014.

But now, they will never rise economically again, the economic damage will last decades.
This is interesting. We can use this argument to take over Mexico and Cuba, then maybe even Venezuela.
The Germans withheld aid and had to be shamed into taking action. Some forget, the Germans told Zelensky Ukraine would be taken over with a week as an excuse to not give initial support to Ukraine.

The Germans are STILL reluctant to give aid.

The Ukrainians have every reason to be mad.

Germans are trying to o
prevent a new great war ok European continent. I support them and the French in their approach.

Its the US and UK that wants this war to escalate. This is a boon for US weapon manufacturers. The war also keeps Russia and Western Europe bogged down, while creating a second iron curtain that prevents Chinese Belt and Roads route via Russia-Eastern Europe.

Ukrainian leadership is a US installed puppet regime and dosent represent its people. Ukrainians are a splitted people but most of them want a good relationship with both their neighbor Russia and western Europe.
Ukrainian leadership is a US installed puppet regime and dosent represent its people.
This war pretty much killed that argument. That the Urkainians continues to fight means finally they do not care.

Ukrainians are a splitted people but most of them want a good relationship with both their neighbor Russia and western Europe.
What is that 'good' relationship? To Russia, it means a subordinate posture. To the EU, it means at least a contributor to economic prosperity to all members.
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The Germans withheld aid and had to be shamed into taking action. Some forget, the Germans told Zelensky Ukraine would be taken over with a week as an excuse to not give initial support to Ukraine.

The Germans are STILL reluctant to give aid.

The Ukrainians have every reason to be mad.

The Ukranian are to serve the role of a meat grinder for MATO and the Western powers. This has to be long stretched out war campaign with the goal to degrade Russia militarily and economically..
And of course to make $$$ for the war profiteers in the process
This has to be one of the most pointless wars in history. Undoubtedly there are too many regimes with dark ages mentality with so much paranoia. NATO will never intentionally start a war with Russia unless they are forced to by Russian actions but Russia just cannot see or believe this. Until their regime wake up to reality and embrace the 21st century we will sadly witness further unnecessary threats and violence from Russia

You live in fantasy land.... Ask an Iraqi, Yemeni, Palestinian, Yemeni, Libyan, Kashmiri, Bosnian, Syrian, about this illusionary fantastically evolved 21st century humanity...

I say... We are still the savages we always were.

As Einstein said, "I do not know what [destructive] weapons WW III will be fought with, but WW IV will be fought with sticks and stones".
1) True, which is why this invasion was such a foolish idea.

2) the fact that Mariupol has been devastated, including residential areas from Russian strikes just shows that no, you're wrong.

3) Russia tried to go in guns blazing, they simply didnt have the logistics and support systems in place, not to mention experience needed to launch such a large scale operation. This is why Russia failed to take Kyiv and a vast majority of major cities.

4) that's Russia's problem, not Ukraines. If anything, it just proves that the Russians simply are nowhere near the level of NATO, if a few embedded soldiers from NATO nations (mostly retired volunteers) are capable of slowing down over 120 Russian BTGs. You're basically calling the Russians incompetent, which I agree they are, but I don't think you meant it that way.

5) a war crime, nice. But once again, not true. The Ukrainian military has suffered, but it's not being devastated. The fact they've been able to launch outer offensives against Russia and force a massive retreat is evidence they're doing a good job. Not to mention that Ukrainian military has huge morale. The ONLY place the Russians seem to be making any legitimate headway is Mariupol and some eastern areas, and even then the Russians have spent too many resources into Mariupol to the point that they're close to exhaustion. The soldiers that fought in Mariupol will be too exhausted to participate effectively in other battlefields after Mariupol falls, if it falls.

@LeGenD @RescueRanger @Wood @mmr

Respectfully, I disagree. Please listen to respected US General (retd) Douglas Mcgregor for unbiased view. In the next few weeks we are going to see destruction of Ukrainian Military on the scale only seen in WW2.

To avoid a war and the destruction of their country.

Ukraine war has no sense for common Ukrainian people, it has only sense for corrupt Kiev elite who take bribes from the West.

Ukraine had a normal life under Russian rule until 2014.

But now, they will never rise economically again, the economic damage will last decades.

Russia is poor and offers only brutalism and poverty. Thats the thing, Ukraine under Russia was always opressed, poor and without any hope to develop. Thats why they fight and why its so important for them.
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