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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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not sure about the Russian Air Force, but from a ground perspective. The reason behind the downfall of Russian Military might is corruption.

Saw a Pentagon auditor report on Russian ground vehicle. Most of their tire are cheap Chinese Brand. It's nothing wrong with Cheap Chinese Brand, if you maintain it frequently, but then they didn't. Which mean they are overpressure, and started to flake, all those tires got blown up suggest widespread corruption within the rank of Russian Military.

Why? If you want to "Cheap Skate" your equipment and take that cut, you wouldn't go cheap skate important stuff, like the weapon system or armour. But you would cheap skate item such as Engine Oil, Tires, Transmission and so on. The thing is, if you cut corner on weapon system and armour, that can be spotted miles away, tires and transmission is hard to spot, this is where these people will take a cut there and cut corner. I mean, $40,000 for 8 APC Tires and if you are using $20,000 Chinese brand, you pocket $20,000 just 1 APC, think about Russia have around 5000 or more of those, how much money we are talking about?

I don't really know enough on the Air Force to comment on it, but I would assume they will have similar problem with the ground force.
For US, we have these:

Code One: Airplane is clean, no issues, and signed off to be on the mission capable sortie readied list.​
Code Two: Airplane has issues but none serious enough jeopardize critical capabilities such as flight controls, radar, navigation, propulsion, and weapons.​
Code Three: Airplane is grounded due to serious problems that adversely affected critical systems.​

For examples, open the radome automatically make the jet Code Three because that is an adverse condition to the airframe, then the radome has to be closed and its security must be signed off by an authority figure. A single bullet hole anywhere is a Code Three item. A dirty seat is a Code Two item. Mechanical bindings on the rudder pedals is Code Three.

The VKS must have the same criteria and statuses for its jets.

There is no doubt that the Russian military is rife with corruption and inevitably, that WILL creep into Maintenance. There is no way any Russian pilot will fly with a loose control stick and why is it loose? Maybe the mechanics ran out of safety wire that is required to secure the stick? The pilot would immediately put the jet as whatever the VKS version of Code Three. No commander could order me to takeoff. I will take the court martial. Did poor maintenance contributed to the sorry performance of the VKS over Ukraine? Definitely.

Arming Ukrainian is NOT an escalation, Sweden wasn't in NATO either, so what compel the Swede to send NLAW and AT-4? when are Russia going to send some ICBM Swedish way?

Again, you are funny, sending ICBM to some country is NOT an escalation, while sending arms to another country in a hot war is?? I really want to know if you know anything about Logic??
Arming Ukrainian during war is indeed an escalation.. from the perspective of Russia.
Sending ICBM to the country arming your enemy is also a counter escalation, I never said it is not.
Sweden doesn't require ICBM, an SRBM would do? 😀. It won't get the response precisely because it's not in NATO.. Australia may get for the bang will be huge for the buck
not sure about the Russian Air Force, but from a ground perspective. The reason behind the downfall of Russian Military might is corruption.

Saw a Pentagon auditor report on Russian ground vehicle. Most of their tire are cheap Chinese Brand. It's nothing wrong with Cheap Chinese Brand, if you maintain it frequently, but then they didn't. Which mean they are overpressure, and started to flake, all those tires got blown up suggest widespread corruption within the rank of Russian Military.

Why? If you want to "Cheap Skate" your equipment and take that cut, you wouldn't go cheap skate important stuff, like the weapon system or armour. But you would cheap skate item such as Engine Oil, Tires, Transmission and so on. The thing is, if you cut corner on weapon system and armour, that can be spotted miles away, tires and transmission is hard to spot, this is where these people will take a cut there and cut corner. I mean, $40,000 for 8 APC Tires and if you are using $20,000 Chinese brand, you pocket $20,000 just 1 APC, think about Russia have around 5000 or more of those, how much money we are talking about?

I don't really know enough on the Air Force to comment on it, but I would assume they will have similar problem with the ground force.

Arming Ukrainian is NOT an escalation, Sweden wasn't in NATO either, so what compel the Swede to send NLAW and AT-4? when are Russia going to send some ICBM Swedish way?

Again, you are funny, sending ICBM to some country is NOT an escalation, while sending arms to another country in a hot war is?? I really want to know if you know anything about Logic??
I think training has a big impact as well - the tactics and usage of their equipment seemed completely all over the place and not reflective of good use of their firepower nor numbers.

Cheap equipment is just one aspect - well used cheap equipment can still prevail well. More importantly, not studying the combat theatre and providing confusing orders to troops is only adding to that mix of just a poorly planned effort
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Brief extract
Perfectly Lawful and Legal and Unfortunate
By Anna Von Reitz

People keep wondering what to think about the situation in Ukraine. Many are still believing what they hear on the news.

When the old Russian Federation broke up, and Russia released the Ukraine as an independent country it came with the proviso that if there was evidence of criminality, genocide, international threats to Russia on Ukrainian soil, etc. Russia could come back in and secure the situation. This is part of Russia's obligation to the rest of the world as well as a matter of Russian security.

So, Ukraine was free to be its own country, with the understanding that they were going to be good little international citizens. And if they got out of hand, Russia would come back in and clean things up.

Following Ukrainian independence in 1991, the Usual Suspects piled on. It was like a gold rush. Drug smuggling. Human trafficking. Arms sales. Counterfeiting. Organ harvesting. Oil privateering. Every sordid nasty dirty business in the world was imported to Ukraine, by all the Agencies, the "US Corp", the DOD, the Mobs of various nations, and associated corporations like Blackwater and Halliburton and on and on and on. All the Dirty Deal Guys showed up like gangbangers.

And everyone including Russia just shook their heads. It was business as usual for the Ollie Norths of the world.

Predictably, some Ukrainian oligarchs floated to the top of the cesspit and became politicians.

The whole situation took an exponential leap downward during the Obama Administration, when Joe Biden and members of the US CONGRESS got involved in paying the oligarchs tons of helicopter money for their personal support on one hand, and taking billions out of the Ukrainian economy on the other.

It was just a shameless wholesale sell out of Ukraine and the people of Ukraine. Their oil pillaged, their trade policies manipulated, their entire country opened up to every kind of vice, but the final straw was the DOD opening up over a dozen bioweapon laboratories in Ukraine.

So, Russia invoked its treaty proviso and came in to clean the situation up and as Vladimir Putin said, "take the garbage out" --- not because they wanted to spend all that money and risk their lives and take all the abuse that the propaganda machine can throw --- but because otherwise, they'd have all those stockpiles of chemical and biological weapon on their back door step, along with all the other nastiness that was already going on.

We have to note that Ukraine was a backup roosting place for the Vermin in the event that their plans for China didn't work out to their liking, but China woke up and decided not to eat the tapeworm, which took that port in a storm off the table and put the pressure back on Ukraine.

What Russia is doing is perfectly lawful and legal and unfortunate. Nobody wanted it to come to this, but at the same time, the people of Ukraine had lost control and the crime syndicates and NATO idiots were endangering everyone in the region. Russia had the proviso and they exercised it, and nobody can say that all those chemical and bioweapon laboratories and all the rest of it, were not sufficient provocation.

Oh. Except for the feckless News Media in this country and the spokespersons for the Biden Administration. (Think about that as a Career Killer -- spokesperson for the Biden Administration?) They like to endlessly repeat their little catch-phrase about "unprovoked attack by Russia" and shake their heads as if they just can't imagine why Russia would do such a thing?

They know why Russia did it. They are the reason. They created the problem that Russia is stuck cleaning up. Joe and Hunter Biden were in there, as we all know, influence peddling, and threatening, and paying off payola left and right. So was Nancy Pelosi's son. So was Mitt Romney's son. Half a dozen members of Congress were directly up to their tidy whities in it, robbing the people of Ukraine, stealing "foreign aid", etc., etc., etc.

Yet, here are the Arch-Hypocrites, attempting to blame Russia for cleaning up their mess? Rich, isn't it?
It's true the war exposed NATO hyping up Russia as a threat.. it is hardly a threat to anyone. Hence NATO should be dissolved, or atleast drawn down
Not really, NATO will focus on other threats like a future conflict in the middle east or against China. NATO is no longer about “North Atlantic” and more about western civilization power vs the rest of the world
Arming Ukrainian during war is indeed an escalation.. from the perspective of Russia.
Sending ICBM to the country arming your enemy is also a counter escalation, I never said it is not.
lol, arming and training Ukrainian is not an escalation when there is ALREADY a war happening. So does Sanction or economic hostilities. Because what you are essentially referring to as who did what first. And in this case, Australia did not start this war. So whoever is starting this war is the one that first raise the tension and escalated. Without the war, would you think Australia will send those Bushmaster to begin with?? Saying sending weapon is an escalation from the Russian perspective is like the war itself have no implication on the Russian to begin with...

God, is it really that hard to understand?
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People are "just sooo over it" with regards to Ukraine. No more Instagram likes so they're forgotten. Sad for Ukrainians.

Those men look like the DNR militia, who are Pro Russian forces. They live and settle in Eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainians can't go nowhere near the main Russian army.

Video was filmed on northern front. Only Russian army forces,no DNR or LNR.
Those men look like the DNR militia, who are Pro Russian forces. They live and settle in Eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainians can't go nowhere near the main Russian army.

From what i have seen the DNR is seen as worst traitors to Ukraine and gets shot on sight. They arrest russians, asks if any is from donetzk and make short work with those.
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