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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia has only its nukes to hide behind now - it’s pretty much done as a threat to NATO on ANY front and at most can move a little here or there. Putin and his yes men Cabal have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory that they achieved in a Russian resurgence
It's true the war exposed NATO hyping up Russia as a threat.. it is hardly a threat to anyone. Hence NATO should be dissolved, or atleast drawn down
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It's true the war exposed NATO hyping up Russia as a threat.. it is hardly a threat to anyone. Hence NATO should be dissolved, or atleast drawn down

For Russia that is extremly dangerous. Russias power was based on the perception of power. Thats gone now...
That, exactly is the point.
Because Russia cannot deal with the collective might of the NATO, it will be in an " existential crisis" .. which they have openly put as the trigger to go nuclear.
Ukraine can throw a few Tochkas here and there, it's not existential
Dude, it was in your "Scenario" that Russia bomb Australia with ICBM first.

You already escalated, as I said, even without US involvement, and without Australian Air Force going into Russia, it will change the already difficult war into an unwinnable war for Russia. Even if RAAF do not go inside Russia, RAAF with NATO AWACS would basically enforce a no fly zone in Ukraine and every Russian troop concentration and armor will be targeted by RAAF and Ukrainian.

Again, we have F-35, Russian wouldn't know what hit them until they can literally see the bomb on top of their head.
No Gas stop on 31 of March.
As I have stated, speculation. Pretty predictable.

" ein langwieriger Prozess " -> "it`s a long process" -> Another speculation and a way out of the declaration ;)

Russian economy is relatively small and need Euro -> not a speculation :P
Europe is hoping before the Gas is halted the Ukraine issue would have resolved one way or another, that's why the Germans and co will drag their feet on stopping the gas imports from Russia,
Russia cannot claim victory in Ukraine without taking Kiev. At the same time, Ukraine can also not claim a victory without taking back the corridor in southern coast that connects Crimea to Donbas region. :unsure:
Dude, it was in your "Scenario" that Russia bomb Australia with ICBM first.

You already escalated, as I said, even without US involvement, and without Australian Air Force going into Russia, it will change the already difficult war into an unwinnable war for Russia. Even if RAAF do not go inside Russia, RAAF with NATO AWACS would basically enforce a no fly zone in Ukraine and every Russian troop concentration and armor will be targeted by RAAF and Ukrainian.

Again, we have F-35, Russian wouldn't know what hit them until they can literally see the bomb on top of their head.
My " scenario " was based on your
" scenario " of Australia arming a nation ( Ukr) in hot war with another ( Russia). A nation who is not in dispute with you( Aus) on anything. Nor Australia is compelled by any treaty to do so.
Hence the first escalation lies with Australia, the subsequent scenario deriving from this we discussed above

For Russia that is extremly dangerous. Russias power was based on the perception of power. Thats gone now...
A cornered rat also fights back. This rat got 6k ( or 10k) nukes. I suggest you give them a way out.
The biggest disappointment was RuAF - the impression one got from Syria was they were rearmed and getting professionally competent but here it looks like they just had some fancy toys and 5 good pilots. They literally threw away their equipment superiority
not sure about the Russian Air Force, but from a ground perspective. The reason behind the downfall of Russian Military might is corruption.

Saw a Pentagon auditor report on Russian ground vehicle. Most of their tire are cheap Chinese Brand. It's nothing wrong with Cheap Chinese Brand, if you maintain it frequently, but then they didn't. Which mean they are overpressure, and started to flake, all those tires got blown up suggest widespread corruption within the rank of Russian Military.

Why? If you want to "Cheap Skate" your equipment and take that cut, you wouldn't go cheap skate important stuff, like the weapon system or armour. But you would cheap skate item such as Engine Oil, Tires, Transmission and so on. The thing is, if you cut corner on weapon system and armour, that can be spotted miles away, tires and transmission is hard to spot, this is where these people will take a cut there and cut corner. I mean, $40,000 for 8 APC Tires and if you are using $20,000 Chinese brand, you pocket $20,000 just 1 APC, think about Russia have around 5000 or more of those, how much money we are talking about?

I don't really know enough on the Air Force to comment on it, but I would assume they will have similar problem with the ground force.

My " scenario " was based on your
" scenario " of Australia arming a nation ( Ukr) in hot war with another ( Russia). A nation who is not in dispute with you( Aus) on anything. Nor Australia is compelled by any treaty to do so.
Hence the first escalation lies with Australia, the subsequent scenario deriving from this we discussed above

A cornered rat also fights back. This rat got 6k ( or 10k) nukes. I suggest you give them a way out.
Arming Ukrainian is NOT an escalation, Sweden wasn't in NATO either, so what compel the Swede to send NLAW and AT-4? when are Russia going to send some ICBM Swedish way?

Again, you are funny, sending ICBM to some country is NOT an escalation, while sending arms to another country in a hot war is?? I really want to know if you know anything about Logic??
So your father was a terrorist?

in other news:

Us ramps up imports of "banned" Russian oil . While lecturing Europe about the necessity of commiting economic suicide to stop Russia.

its gotten upto 150k barrels a day lately. They are going all out before the "ban" comes into effect april 21st....
Just saw a video of the Indian External affairs minister. Lunatic Liz Truss, UK's excuse for a foreign secretary, went to India to tell them to cut back on Russian oil. Indian minister informed her that European imports of oil from Russia increased 15% in march.:p:
not sure about the Russian Air Force, but from a ground perspective. The reason behind the downfall of Russian Military might is corruption.

Saw a Pentagon auditor report on Russian ground vehicle. Most of their tire are cheap Chinese Brand. It's nothing wrong with Cheap Chinese Brand, if you maintain it frequently, but then they didn't. Which mean they are overpressure, and started to flake, all those tires got blown up suggest widespread corruption within the rank of Russian Military.

Why? If you want to "Cheap Skate" your equipment and take that cut, you wouldn't go cheap skate important stuff, like the weapon system or armour. But you would cheap skate item such as Engine Oil, Tires, Transmission and so on. The thing is, if you cut corner on weapon system and armour, that can be spotted miles away, tires and transmission is hard to spot, this is where these people will take a cut there and cut corner. I mean, $40,000 for 8 APC Tires and if you are using $20,000 Chinese brand, you pocket $20,000 just 1 APC, think about Russia have around 5000 or more of those, how much money we are talking about?

I don't really know enough on the Air Force to comment on it, but I would assume they will have similar problem with the ground force.

Arming Ukrainian is NOT an escalation, Sweden wasn't in NATO either, so what compel the Swede to send NLAW and AT-4? when are Russia going to send some ICBM Swedish way?

Again, you are funny, sending ICBM to some country is NOT an escalation, while sending arms to another country in a hot war is?? I really want to know if you know anything about Logic??

We had a convo among contractors how in the world does it happen.

It's the military procurement fraud which mirrors what we see all across ex-USSR states for govt suppliy tenders.

  1. Bosses put up govt tender buying some rare spare parts, or components
  2. Parts are taken off existing equipment, construction sites, and sold to itself through fake businesses
  3. Instead 1 broken vehicle/project site, now you have two, while the government's ballance sheet grows
  4. Rinse, and repeat
  5. Find out you have a whole tank army worth of refurbisheshed vehicles without spare parts, or a 500km railroad with only 50km of functioning singalling pathways.
We had a convo among contractors how in the world does it happen.

It's the military procurement fraud which mirrors what we see all across ex-USSR states for govt suppliy tenders.

  1. Bosses put up govt tender buying some rare spare parts, or components
  2. Parts are taken off existing equipment, construction sites, and sold to itself through fake businesses
  3. Instead 1 broken vehicle/project site, now you have two, while the government's ballance sheet grows
  4. Rinse, and repeat
  5. Find out you have a whole tank army worth of refurbisheshed vehicles without spare parts, or a 500km railroad with only 50km of functioning singalling pathways.
lol the good ol' you need a crime to coverup another crime......

Well, it is more inline with our "Bradley IFV" debacle back in the 70s. This is the stuff I know too well, I was one of the dude who drive a Bradley IFV....

My " scenario " was based on your
" scenario " of Australia arming a nation ( Ukr) in hot war with another ( Russia). A nation who is not in dispute with you( Aus) on anything. Nor Australia is compelled by any treaty to do so.
Hence the first escalation lies with Australia, the subsequent scenario deriving from this we discussed above

A cornered rat also fights back. This rat got 6k ( or 10k) nukes. I suggest you give them a way out.

We give them a way out. As you see they are systematicly pushed out Ukraine,
Good film
Funny and Sad at the same time.

Funny because almost all of what happened in the film happened to the real Bradley test back in the 70s and 80s. And Sad because well, there aren't much of a change from the Bradley we used and the Bradley portrayed in the film
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