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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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My rubbish? Lol.

The Soviet boogeyman will invade Europe and you're afraid?

Tell me,how many countries has USA invaded since 1991 and how has Russia invaded? And tell me the reasons as well.

I like dates 😎

USA invaed two. Afghanistan and Iraq.

Putin invaded and slaughtered in Chechenya, Georgia, Syria, Ukraine. He did so because imperialistic goals.
My rubbish? Lol.

The Soviet boogeyman will invade Europe and you're afraid?

Tell me,how many countries has USA invaded since 1991 and how has Russia invaded? And tell me the reasons as well.

The wars Russia involved in since 1991 is rather a long list ,and some of them where very brutal

But even if it was not.

How does one wrong justifies another ? If one person decides to kill does this justifies you killing as well ?

The wars Russia involved in since 1991 is rather a long list ,and some of them where very brutal

But even if it was not.

How does one wrong justifies another ? If one person decides to kill does this justifies you killing as well ?


It wasn't just "one" wrong it was 10s of wrongs. So stop with this 1 or 2 wrongs don't make a right bull.
It wasn't just "one" wrong it was 10s of wrongs. So stop with this 1 or 2 wrongs don't make a right bull.
So you are looking for a equity type of right/wrong argument to excuse what Russia is doing. You want to use US as par. Am guessing this will be on a per country basis, meaning Russia now have 10 countries/excuses, China will have 10 countries/excuses, and so on for every country that want to invade neighbors.
The Russian Foreign Minister’s visit comes shortly after India abstained from voting on a Russia-backed resolution in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC). Russia’s resolution was perceived to be critical of Ukraine. The resolution failed to pass as it lacked nine more votes.

USA invaed two. Afghanistan and Iraq.

Putin invaded and slaughtered in Chechenya, Georgia, Syria, Ukraine. He did so because imperialistic goals.
Wrong again:

USA went to war with a Iraq in 1991. You could say it was justified. It was. Continuing to bomb Iraq though and causing thousands of casualties on the civilian population was despicable.

In 1992-1995 they decided to get involved in the Bosnian War.

In 1994-1995 they intervened in Haiti to change the government.

In 1998-1999 they bombed Yugoslavia killing thousands of people and decided to hand over Kosovo to the Albanians

In 2001 they decided to invade Afghanistan using the War on Terror as a pretext to change the regime.

In 2003 they bombed Iraq again and then invaded and occupied it.

In 2011 they replaced the Gaddafi regime.

Before 1991,USA had invade Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1989.

Russia on the contrary,fought a war in Chechnya to stop the Chechens from leaving the Federation. I have to remind you that there were many pro-Russian Chechens and Russians in Chechnya. Putin was involved in the Second Chechen War when radical islamists started an insurgency in Chechnya and Dagestan.

When Russia invaded Georgia,they did it for two reasons: To protect the South Ossetians who wanted to leave Georgia and unite with Russia and because Georgia wanted to become a NATO member and join the EU as well.

In Syria they were invited by the legal government of Syria and fought against terrorist barbarians on the side of their Syrian allies.

As you see,every time Russia intervened it was in their neighborhood and defending their ally in Syria,which provided them with the only naval base they have in the Mediterranean.

On the contrary,the "freedom-loving USA" usually fought in wars far away for control of the oil,strategic points and influence. They engaged in regime changes all the time and destabilized entire regions causing millions of deaths and immigration because of their policies.
It is interesting and sad that intelligent people continues TO THIS DAY believing in the 'All he want is...' argument.

All he wants is to take big chunk of Ukraine , everything else was offered to him long ago.

One look at the Russian deployment map tells you that. Those pretending not to see it are either dumb or playing dumb.

@jamahir @Ich @Vergennes
Do you consider it in german interest to pay money to a regime that wants to destroy germany in the future?
There is no threat to Germany. If Nato had disbanded after the cold war, like the Warsaw pact, this crisis wouldn't have ocurred.

The Europeans sychophancy towards the US, and accepting a junior role has resulted in US interests overiding European interests.
Wrong again:

USA went to war with a Iraq in 1991. You could say it was justified. It was. Continuing to bomb Iraq though and causing thousands of casualties on the civilian population was despicable.

In 1992-1995 they decided to get involved in the Bosnian War.

In 1994-1995 they intervened in Haiti to change the government.

In 1998-1999 they bombed Yugoslavia killing thousands of people and decided to hand over Kosovo to the Albanians

In 2001 they decided to invade Afghanistan using the War on Terror as a pretext to change the regime.

In 2003 they bombed Iraq again and then invaded and occupied it.

In 2011 they replaced the Gaddafi regime.

Before 1991,USA had invade Grenada in 1983 and Panama in 1989.

Russia on the contrary,fought a war in Chechnya to stop the Chechens from leaving the Federation. I have to remind you that there were many pro-Russian Chechens and Russians in Chechnya. Putin was involved in the Second Chechen War when radical islamists started an insurgency in Chechnya and Dagestan.

When Russia invaded Georgia,they did it for two reasons: To protect the South Ossetians who wanted to leave Georgia and unite with Russia and because Georgia wanted to become a NATO member and join the EU as well.

In Syria they were invited by the legal government of Syria and fought against terrorist barbarians on the side of their Syrian allies.

As you see,every time Russia intervened it was in their neighborhood and defending their ally in Syria,which provided them with the only naval base they have in the Mediterranean.

On the contrary,the "freedom-loving USA" usually fought in wars far away for control of the oil,strategic points and influence. They engaged in regime changes all the time and destabilized entire regions causing millions of deaths and immigration because of their policies.

You are a lost cause buddy, as i said if things heat up more and the times come we will have to deal with you like we did with DSE. We had a russian 5th column before.

There is no threat to Germany. If Nato had disbanded after the cold war, like the Warsaw pact, this crisis wouldn't have ocurred.

The Europeans sychophancy towards the US, and accepting a junior role has resulted in US interests overiding European interests.

European interest is to cull facist russia.

Without NATO, Germany would need nuclear weapons to counter russian agression. Its that simple. Germany and western Europe in general would need to build up its own MAD assembly to counter any russian attempt to invade western europe.
You are a lost cause buddy, as i said if things heat up more and the times come we will have to deal with you like we did with DSE. We had a russian 5th column before.
You dare talk to me about DSE and 5th columns? Because I'm just saying you should see the Western hypocrisy and realize that the conflict isn't black and white? That you fall for American propaganda?

That Russian 5th column that you are talking about was Stalinist. I'm not a communist. And today's Russia is not the Soviet Union.

But the biggest chance is that you will bring the Germans in and rub your hands like a Jewish merchant saying "The Germans came as friends!"
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utterly crap claim...

typical Russian Putin whoreshipper.. with no arguments at all

RUSSIA never self reflect and asked themself why the **** all their SLAVE STATES from the cold war run under the umbrella of the NATO.... simple reason 40years to be Russian slave was enough for them to NEVER AGAIN wanted to be controlled by a brainfucked communist spy dictator.
So they go from Soviet Union yoke to American yoke. Which is leading them to ruin. They should be independent.
Analysis of a Russian state-sourced PSYOP study

In the document published by the Russian defense ministry, it is noted that MotorSich company asked Baykar whether it is possible to equip the UAVs with aerosol spraying systems and mechanisms with a capacity of at least 20 liters.

Russia wants to instrumentalize this document to justify the allegation that Ukraine used chemical weapons.

Let's take a closer look at this attempt, which was caught by Arda Mevlütoğlu's bragging detector:

This document, shared by the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Embassy of the Russian Federation, contains the company's answers to the questions sent by Ukraine's Export Control Office to BaykarTech.

Why were these questions asked to Baykar? The reason is hidden in the "Subject" section of the article. It is about the "MS500", that is, the engine produced by Motor Sich company and to be used in Akıncı UAV system.

Its contract was signed in November 2021.

For the sale of this engine to Baykar, Ukraine's Export Control Authority needs to issue an export license. For this, there are questions that the company needs to answer. Here is the document shared by the Russians, the answers to those questions.

So what is the wisdom of 20 liters of aerosol? Very simple.

Ukrainians have implemented the European Union's drone export control legislation.

In summary, the Ukrainians asked Baykar, "You asked for this engine for the Akıncı UAV, but does this UAV have an aerosol transport and release mechanism of 20 liters or more?" , in accordance with EU legislation.


Here, we have put forward a large number of PSYOP studies originating from Ukraine-side. However, it should not be forgotten that the Russian side is also working on disinformation at least as much as the other side (even more intensely) and is engaged in many manipulation efforts.

So much so that the pro-Russian posters even here are deliberately sharing photoshopped images and many unfounded claims. There is a huge amount of misinformation.
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