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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Them sweater sales will have to wait :p:

I wonder if anyone tells Putin how laughable he has become? Making empty threats and then chicken out. Does he believe anyone takes him serious anymore?
I wonder if anyone tells Putin how laughable he has become? Making empty threats and then chicken out. Does he believe anyone takes him serious anymore?

Canada Goose stock is down today because Putin chickened out :p:
  • Haha
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So your father was a terrorist?

in other news:

Us ramps up imports of "banned" Russian oil . While lecturing Europe about the necessity of commiting economic suicide to stop Russia.

its gotten upto 150k barrels a day lately. They are going all out before the "ban" comes into effect april 21st....
150k is nothing lmao

Canada send 5 mil daily and thats like 5 percent of what usa consume daily. 150k is not even 1 percent of the demand.
As soon as payment is made to Gazprom Bank in Euros, it is immediately converted to Rubble. This means Russia will not be holding Euros. That way, its gas supplies to Europe continue, and they get their money back without holding any of the Euros. Well, the EU will have no choice but to make sure the Gazprom Bank is not sanctioned.

This is a compromise between Scholz and Putin. They're beating the sanctions while they're continuing their trade. That is what should be understood from this compromise.
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So Germany change Euros in Rubles at the gazprom bank and then Gazprom get payed in Rubles for gas. In short: Germany pays russian gas in Rubles.

As usual you understand nothing.

Germany pays Euro like it has always done. What gazprom bank does later is none concern.

In short Germany pays Euro like before.
As soon as payment is made to Gazprom Bank in Euros, it is immediately converted to Euros. This means Russia will not be holding Euros. That way, its gas supplies in Europe continues, and they get their money back without holding any of the Euros. Well, the EU will have no choice but to make sure the Gazprom Bank is not sanctioned.

This is a compromise between Scholz and Putin. They're beating the sanctions while they're continuing their trade. That is what should be understood from this compromise.
Before the "You have to pay in ruble" special operation. Gazprom needed to exchange 80% of their euro into ruble, so de facto nothing has changed. :P

btw. Officialy, Rubel is kinda pagged now to Gold with a target exchange rate of ~ 81

I have to agree the from a ecnomic point of view the people in Russian goverment are not so stupid. When they emigrate, Goldman Sachs will probably hire them :P
The question is who led putin to make such desastrous decissions? And it appears he has a mole in the inner circle, since all his plans get published in short time
Putin’s inner circle is his comrades from the KGB. He distrusts everybody he keeps them in distance. Lavrov, the foreign minister, has no say, is just a coolie. In German: ein Wasserträger. That said virtually the Ukraine foreign minister.

It's become a daily now and it doesn't give off the excitement it used to be, I know, but... Russian Mi-8 wreckage near Kharkiv

Posts like this make me think.

If you out bid other nations for Australian coal then other nations will buy from Russia because Germany is paying a premium for Aussie coal.

If every nation sanctioned Russia then won't be enough coal, gas and oil for everyone. Companies in China and India will have access to cheaper hence become more competitive then German ones.
Cheap energy cant be the only thing that will make india or china competitive. Germany normally sells premium products. U telling me ppl will buy tata lol instead of bmw because indians getting some cheap Russian oil.
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