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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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NATO's illtelligence services also failed or they stayed quite until it was too late. NATO had been doing a lot of exercises and Russia called their bluff by executing a real one. Looking at the quick deployment of weapons and propaganda it seems the trap for the demise of Russia was pre-planned.

The question is who led putin to make such desastrous decissions? And it appears he has a mole in the inner circle, since all his plans get published in short time
NATO's illtelligence services also failed or they stayed quite until it was too late. NATO had been doing a lot of exercises and Russia called their bluff by executing a real one. Looking at the quick deployment of weapons and propaganda it seems the trap for the demise of Russia was pre-planned.
I don't buy the sinister notion that Russia (Putin) was trapped like a baby by big bully NATO. Forgive me :laugh:

If anything, the Europeans (especially Germany) had a foreign policy idea of peace through mutual trade dependence. It has now failed spectacularly.
yes it was so good that people risked their life to get out. border guards shot on sight anyone trying to leave east Germany.

Its was poorer than Yugoslavia. In east Germany you had to wait 15 or 20 years to get a car from the day you ordered one.

My Bosnian parents and grandparents would go all over Eastern Europe on holidays and if you be so cheap and run down, it was like Americans going to Vietnam. Of course if anyone went to holidays to Hungary or east Germany the whole class wold laugh at you for going to such poor looser countries. such was the effect of Russian rule over these places.

Now that these people are free of Russians you can see the wealth and development they enjoy.

I remember ordinary Romanians could afford to eat meat once 1 week under Russian rule. Now, after russia is gone, they have salary 3 times that of russia.
yea ..nice story bruh. They were a few such things no doubt but you are vastly misrepresenting the issue. People who left east germany are white collars not poor or working men who were better off in a socialist country. And the reasons are obvious why they would go - just like engineers or surgeons queue up for us even from western european countries. us is the most highly capitalized and wages will be higher.
Fighting in Mariupol as per ISW

Mariupol Battle Map Draft March 29,2022.png

Not much of an actual gain since March 20

Mariupol Battle Map Draft March 20, 2022.png
yea ..nice story bruh. They were a few such things no doubt but you are vastly misrepresenting the issue. People who left east germany are white collars not poor or working men who were better off in a socialist country. And the reasons are obvious why they would go - just like engineers or surgeons queue up for us even from western european countries. us is the most highly capitalized and wages will be higher.

You talk only absolute bullshit. Its amazing.

Eastern Germany lost 1/6th of its population and had to wall itself and kill people to stop them running away. Nobody was well off in Eastern Germany. You got a crappy flat, could go nowhere and food was abysmal.

The entire circus crashed because eastern germans finally wanted to be free of this bullshit. Western german relatives send choclate and other basic things that were impossible to get otherwise.
I agree with all you've said but also nothing is written in stone. Germany will not become reliant on Russian gas again, but once the conflict is over and a friendly govt is in place, I believe gas will flow again at Germany's convenience.
The damage is done by Putin. Nobody in the west trusts him, even if he goes nobody trusts Russia. I am an optimistic person however be very hard to return to the days before the war.
You talk only absolute bullshit. Its amazing.

Eastern Germany lost 1/6th of its population and had to wall itself and kill people to stop them running away. Nobody was well off in Eastern Germany. You got a crappy flat, could go nowhere and food was abysmal.

The entire circus crashed because eastern germans finally wanted to be free of this bullshit. Western german relatives send choclate and other basic things that were impossible to get otherwise.

Your rhetoric is as persuasive as uyghur massacre has been for arab and muslim countries.
Your rhetoric is as persuasive as uyghur massacre has been for arab and muslim countries.

Millions went on the streets, ripped the wall and fences down and run to the west to at least get choclate and banana. That shows how great eastern germany was.

A country that needs a wall to keep its people in, is shit. Its that simple. The germans are hard working and want always perfection. They despised that regime.
The most significant Ukrainian forces were in the east. To destroy Ukraine's military capability, these are forces that have to be destroyed. That task is virtually finished.

100% false. Ukraines military is nowhere near being destroyed. Not even close

I think the Russian goal was de-Nazification of the Ukrainian Military.

So what % of Ukrainian Military was Nazified?

How much of that Nazified Military still exists?
When this Russia-Ukraine war is over, the world's militaries will face only one source of their defense: the US. And not everyone will be in our favor. Russia's economy will be depressed for some yrs and that mean no or at best little progress for defense investments. For all those countries that relied on Russia for their defense hardware, as the jets and the tanks get worn down and parts get less and less available, their national defense will get weaker. China's defense industry is not par to the US, no matter how much China's MIC may tout its products, but countries that relied on Russia will have no choice but to buy Chinese, and they WILL get inferior products.

The result? Do not pissed US off because your military will be even less able to take on US now, not that your Russian hardware were as capable in the first place. The USAF is considering retiring a couple squadrons of F-22 to make budget and basing for the coming 6th gen fighter. Our airspace is anywhere we feel like it. :enjoy:

Apart from SAMS, Chinese products are now actually superior.

1. There is no fighter that Russia can sell that can match the J-10CE.

2. Chinese tanks are probably better than anything that Russia has bar the Armata which is not really in mass production yet.

3. In the naval area, Chinese ships are way ahead of the Russians.
Millions went on the streets, ripped the wall and fences down and run to the west to at least get choclate and banana. That shows how great eastern germany was.

A country that needs a wall to keep its people in, is shit. Its that simple. The germans are hard working and want always perfection. They despised that regime.

lets first go back a little and see why this mini-thread of east germany started. it started because you loudly speculated if at all Russia ruled Germany then some hell scaped would result as if you were never aware of east Germany. I pointed out no need to speculate as something of the sort already happened - and there was no hell scape - Germans are PEACEFULLY united now.

Then you started going all crazy with gazillion Germans shot by east Germany authorities, tremendous walls bla bla. Mysteriously the same country allowed to be dissolved without a single shot being fired. The same country was a sporting champ, made prolific and some gems of movies and were on the side of resource poor workers against well capitalized entities.

Give it a break now.
Key Goals in Kiev and Chernigov Directions Have Been Accomplished, Russian MoD Says

-Russia's Defence Ministry pointed out that Russia was conducting a planned redeployment of forces on Kiev and Chernigov directions, and that all goals there have been accomplished.
-The major goal of the redeployment is to start advancing more actively in key directions - first of all to complete the liberation of Donbass, the ministry added.
-On Wednesday, Russian Forces Destroy 69 Ukrainian Military Objects

I think the Russian goal was de-Nazification of the Ukrainian Military.

So what % of Ukrainian Military was Nazified?

How much of that Nazified Military still exists?
There was an announcement by the Russians that some marine brigade had been 'de-nazified'. I assume going through debriefing pow's.

'De-nazifying' the Ukraine is different. I assume that anti-nazi laws have to be promulgated in the Ukrainian legal system and enforced. That can only happen with a compliant Ukrainian government.
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