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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The problem of the Russian tank is their autoloader, which means rounds and charges (they use them separately instead of the one single thing like we do in western tank) Which mean their powder is on the floor and just about everywhere, and we took advantage on that and a penetrating hit would mean it will cook off those charges, which is why you seldom see the turret get separated form the hull when a western tank got destroyed, but you see that a lot in a Russian tank.
That is a problem,yes. A very big problem actually. But there are also Western tanks that have part of their ammo stored in the floor,for example the Leopard 2.

When I saw the crazy losses of the Turkish Leopard 2A4s in Syria I was shocked. Because we also have the same model too.

Of course weapons like the Javelin and the NLAW are changing the battlefield.

The upgraded T-72s in Ukraine have great armor,they are very tough on the frontal and sometimes side armor,but they are usually destroyed from the top and sides or by heavy artillery. All the modern ERA and armor upgrade is useless if they are hit from the top or destroyed by a mine or IED.


French media | Contrepoints | Turkey replaces France.

"It is tragic for Europe that France and the so-called liberal democracies are now replaced by an illiberal regime like Turkey in terms of diplomacy and mediation."

"The talks between Ukraine and Russia were held in Istanbul. Turkey became a de facto mediator in this European conflict. We can be happy to see the two warring sides discuss and use diplomatic avenues. However, we can also regret the loss of diplomatic influence of France and EU countries."
"The Turkish economy has strong relations to the Russian economy, for example, in terms of tourism or hydrocarbons. Erdogan has also grown closer to Zelensky, since Ukranian president came to power. Turkey provided Ukraine with Bayraktar UAVs currently used in conflict."
"This pendulum game gives influence to Turkey and allows Turkey to become more than ever a political, economic and civilizational crossroads, enabling the Turkish leadership to gain and maintain the confidence of its Ukrainian and Russian counterparts."
"Putin also met with Erdogan a few days after the start of the conflict(...) It is not surprising that Turkey serves as a place of discussion and reconciliation."
"The example of Turkey shows that it is possible being a NATO member and to establish strong relations with warring countries such as Ukraine and Russia, same time."
"In fact, France had long occupied this mediation position. But now Turkey is taking the place of France."
When CNN-Fox etc reporters could not get any results from the first wave of unfounded S-400 allegations, they started to agitate.

"How dificult is it to look into President Zelensky's eyes and saying, no we wont send you S-400?" That is hilarious.

Ibrahim Kalin briefly summarizes Turkey's position, listen carefully.

agree - he should have directly mentioned failure of NATO countries to deliver Mig29s to be more specific.


French media | Contrepoints | Turkey replaces France.

"It is tragic for Europe that France and the so-called liberal democracies are now replaced by an illiberal regime like Turkey in terms of diplomacy and mediation."

"The talks between Ukraine and Russia were held in Istanbul. Turkey became a de facto mediator in this European conflict. We can be happy to see the two warring sides discuss and use diplomatic avenues. However, we can also regret the loss of diplomatic influence of France and EU countries."
"The Turkish economy has strong relations to the Russian economy, for example, in terms of tourism or hydrocarbons. Erdogan has also grown closer to Zelensky, since Ukranian president came to power. Turkey provided Ukraine with Bayraktar UAVs currently used in conflict."
"This pendulum game gives influence to Turkey and allows Turkey to become more than ever a political, economic and civilizational crossroads, enabling the Turkish leadership to gain and maintain the confidence of its Ukrainian and Russian counterparts."
"Putin also met with Erdogan a few days after the start of the conflict(...) It is not surprising that Turkey serves as a place of discussion and reconciliation."
"The example of Turkey shows that it is possible being a NATO member and to establish strong relations with warring countries such as Ukraine and Russia, same time."
"In fact, France had long occupied this mediation position. But now Turkey is taking the place of France."
The US doesn’t want peace in Ukraine and never did. The US deep state wants Ukraine to be the Vietnam of Russia and to heighten hostilities between Europe and Russia.
The US doesn’t want peace in Ukraine and never did. The US deep state wants Ukraine to be the Vietnam of Russia and to heighten hostilities between Europe and Russia.
Then your China is equally guilty because Xing told Poutine not to invade until after the Olympics.
Then your China is equally guilty because Xing told Poutine not to invade until after the Olympics.

Reading minds in the White House now:

"Putin is only a lieutenant, his mishap might be a trick. We can only wait for China's surprise attack"

Few acknowledge the glaringly obvious thing: "Russia getting wreckecked, and off the table for 3-4 years actually frees hands to Beijing big time."

Russia will certainly not collapse in just 4 years, and will now be ready to eat from our hands, completely forgetting of their ambitions for Asia. On other hand, Americans, Europeans will be totally preoccupied with them for even longer, and they will be drained of money to spend on the Far East.

I do not preclude somebody pushing Xi to quietly trip Putin, an excellent trade.
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Says a brown western cheerleader troll. Since page 1 u been killing ur throat and cheerleading ur western masters. Its not easy to just take away wealth of russia. In return russia will confiscate any western assets in russia, they will also not pay their debt, which is higher than their assets that are frozen or confiscated.
I am waiting for the day when Pakistan goes full anti west and ppl like u come in the open and cheerlead for ur western masters.

An utterly banal and stupid comment is full of garbage . Why you a Pakistani crying so much over a European land war its got nothing to do with you for your dictators Putin is he your messiah or something to do what For you ? These Russians hate you Muslims so do Ukrainian and Pakistanis here are prostrating themselves if anyone needs to look in the mirror it’s you!
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