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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The Associated Press reports testimony from a US government source that tends to confirm a hypothesis that was already widely circulated, namely that Putin's advisers deliberately presented him with a glorified picture of how the Russian invasion was unfolding (not only before the outbreak of the conflict but also after the start of the invasion).

For example, Putin was unaware that the military had sent conscripts to Ukraine and that they suffered casualties there. Where it becomes interesting is that Putin is aware of the phenomenon, which causes strong tensions between him and the military high hierarchy.

Nevertheless, his vision of things remains distanced from reality insofar as he would still not have realized (or, more correctly, has not been explained to him) the extent of Western economic sanctions and the effect that they are sure to have in the long run.

The AP source explains this state of affairs by the fear of Putin's subordinates to bring him bad news as well as Putin's growing tendency to refer only to a very small number of people before making a decision.
An utterly banal and stupid comment is full of garbage . Why you a Pakistani crying so much over a European land war its got nothing to do with you for your dictators Putin is he your messiah or something to do what For you ? These Russians hate you Muslims so do Ukrainian and Pakistanis here are prostrating themselves if anyone needs to look in the mirror it’s you!
We have the right to support who ever we feel like. Personal attacks was not needed. I remember some indian dude keep tagging me because i am pro west. As per that dude every brown guy has to support puter.

I tell u what. Russians are same racist as Ukrainian. At the end average Russian will be far nicer to a average Ukrainian then they will be to a African black dude or a brown guy. These ppl should go to Russia and see them self.
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