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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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How's the Russian economy going Russian Trolls on here haha

Be honest russian trolls have RT news detailed all the sanctions by the EU, USA, Swiss!!!! (Yes even the Swiss have sanctioned russian assets) and UK etc detailing the Multimillion boats, villas, cash and assets frozen by the west? Come I bet they wouldnt dare publish a full list of trillions of US dollars worth of assets!

China seen how quickly the Sanctions on Russia bit in. China has not worked so hard to be the supplier to the world, to lose everything overnight due to Sanctions on them. They need the West more than Russia. On balance, China couldn't support Russia.

India haha if india doesnt do it, cancel 1,000 visas for starters

Says a brown western cheerleader troll. Since page 1 u been killing ur throat and cheerleading ur western masters. Its not easy to just take away wealth of russia. In return russia will confiscate any western assets in russia, they will also not pay their debt, which is higher than their assets that are frozen or confiscated.
I am waiting for the day when Pakistan goes full anti west and ppl like u come in the open and cheerlead for ur western masters.
Before the "You have to pay in ruble" special operation. Gazprom needed to exchange 80% of their euro into ruble, so de facto nothing has changed. :P

btw. Officialy, Rubel is kinda pagged now to Gold with a target exchange rate of ~ 81

I have to agree the from a ecnomic point of view the people in Russian goverment are not so stupid. When they emigrate, Goldman Sachs will probably hire them :P

I don't think you understand what is being agreed here. This agreement also protects Gazprombank from sanctions, if Europe wants to keep the gas flowing from sanctions. The EU will have to make sure that they protect Gazprombank from sanctions.

Remember the Rubble is now tied to the gold, so any exchange rate will depend upon the gold standard. Another way that Putin is inflicting pain on the fiat money while EU is continuing the trade with Russia.

Nobody believes these stories any more. Bring proof or it is just a rehashed propaganda.
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East Germany was hell. My father told ne what shit he went through as a kid. The entire nation was like a sad dystopia.

The country did not allow to dissolve, the leadership simply collapsed. The soldiers laughed in their face. Having a dumb construction worker as state leaer did not help either.

My father wanted study at university and was not allowed to because political reasons, they put him as apprentice in a pathetic cheese factory. You know what he did? He blew their storage up by igniting chemical fertilizer. They did not know who it was.

Thats how one deals with such shit regimes, destroy from inside what they hold dear.

I would never submit under such a regime.

Not your father again. I am happy to talk to him directly but not like this. Your fascist way of thinking is evident "dumb construction worker".

Yea your father was an arsonist - so what? aren't there arsonists in other countries?.

BTW it wasn't one way migration, Between 1951-55 almost 300,000 germans migrated from west to east. Look east Germany was poor to begin with, on top of it it had to face relentless hostility in the name of cold war. And second - by definition they are standing for the weak and poor - so it takes a lot more nurturing. Considering all this it they did pretty well. Definitely not what you are portraying. There are thousands of germans right now who long for what east offered. You can dismiss them as old or whatever.

Fun fact, as shitty as Eastern Germany was...it was still lightyears better than USSR by any standard. Shows that it is a cultural thing. No matter what circumstances, Germans always make best out of it.

Yea right "light years ahead" - that's why they lost the war to USSR and had their country ripped in to two.
BTW if its cultural - how come east germans continue to be significantly poor than west germans even 30 years after unification ?
East Germany was hell. My father told ne what shit he went through as a kid. The entire nation was like a sad dystopia.

The country did not allow to dissolve, the leadership simply collapsed. The soldiers laughed in their face. Having a dumb construction worker as state leaer did not help either.

My father wanted study at university and was not allowed to because political reasons, they put him as apprentice in a pathetic cheese factory. You know what he did? He blew their storage up by igniting chemical fertilizer. They did not know who it was.

Thats how one deals with such shit regimes, destroy from inside what they hold dear.

I would never submit under such a regime.

Fun fact, as shitty as Eastern Germany was...it was still lightyears better than USSR by any standard. Shows that it is a cultural thing. No matter what circumstances, Germans always make best out of it.
I visited Berlin in 2009 and went to see Checkpoint Charlie , took some photos with the guys in uniform there and looked across to the "otherside". I looked at the West side and then the East side and was gob smacked as to the difference even well after the Unification of Germany. The Eastside roads were dirty, with graffiti on walls , run down apartment blocks with clothes being dried from the balconies, police buses parked on the streets , and the West side was clean and shiny with trams and spacious well laid out shops and roads.
Before the "You have to pay in ruble" special operation. Gazprom needed to exchange 80% of their euro into ruble, so de facto nothing has changed. :P

btw. Officialy, Rubel is kinda pagged now to Gold with a target exchange rate of ~ 81

I have to agree the from a ecnomic point of view the people in Russian goverment are not so stupid. When they emigrate, Goldman Sachs will probably hire them :P

Having your currency tied to the gold means you don't hold the "fraudulent" fiat money. It doesn't matter how much they can exchange between the Rubble and Gold now. Putin and Russians are playing the long game of making sure the gold standard is accepted, while they beat the sanctions and protect their interest.

Some of the EU states are having separate discussions with the Russians. As you can see Chancellor Scholtz is already looking out what is good for Germany and how they can bypass the unilateral sanctions from the West against Russia. If anything, we can see the cracks opening up between the coalition that was supposed to sanction Russia.
Nobody believes these stories any more. Bring proof or it is just a rehashed propaganda.


Like man 90% of your twetts are not tru so :woot:

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Unlike you, I use official sources. 👇👇

MoD Russia, [3/30/2022 4:00 PM]
🗓 Top News Today

▫️All the main tasks of the Russian Armed Forces in Kiev and Chernigov directions have been completed. The objective of the regrouping of the Russian Armed Forces is to intensify action in priority areas and, above all, to complete the operation for the total liberation of Donbass.

▫️ The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, developing an offensive, have broken through the heavily fortified defences of the enemy, crossed the Shaitanka River and are fighting with units of the 53rd Mechanised Brigade on the approaches to Velikaya Novoselka.

❗️Kiev regime uses places of worship and any other places of public worship as collection and transfer points for weapons and Nazis to take part in hostilities.

☣️ Kiev regime was seriously considering the use of biological weapons against the population of Donbass, and the Russian Federation.

📹 The Russian Defence Ministry has published footage of destroyed Ukrainian S-300 position, footage of the destruction of UJ-22 Airborne drone by Pantsir missile system and work of Orlan-10 multi-functional unmanned aerial vehicle crews against Ukrainian nationalists.

🚛 14 humanitarian actions are being held in the Donetsk and Lugansk people's republics, Kiev and Kherson regions, during which 308 tons of basic necessities and food are being transferred to the population.

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine
When CNN-Fox etc reporters could not get any results from the first wave of unfounded S-400 allegations, they started to agitate.

"How dificult is it to look into President Zelensky's eyes and saying, no we wont send you S-400?" That is hilarious.

Ibrahim Kalin briefly summarizes Turkey's position, listen carefully.
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I visited Berlin in 2009 and went to see Checkpoint Charlie , took some photos with the guys in uniform there and looked across to the "otherside". I looked at the West side and then the East side and was gob smacked as to the difference even well after the Unification of Germany. The Eastside roads were dirty, with graffiti on walls , run down apartment blocks with clothes being dried from the balconies, police buses parked on the streets , and the West side was clean and shiny with trams and spacious well laid out shops and roads.

The west side you were referring to was always a small enclave surrounded completely by east Germany. It was well maintained before too as it was a small area with lot of diplomatic and military presence. The fact that soviet allowed this little enclave on basis of some legal arguments despite being victors shows they weren't some monsters as portrayed.
When CNN-Fox etc reporters could not get any results from the first wave of unfounded S-400 allegations, they started to agitate.

"How dificult is it to look into President Zelensky's eyes and saying, no we wont send you S-400?" That is hilarious.

Ibrahim Kalin briefly summarizes Turkey's position, listen carefully.
It makes absolutely no sense to ask Turkey to supply the S-400 to Ukraine. If Turkey does that, then it would be the worst defense customer in the world.

No country should be expected to do this :disagree:
His tears are delicious

MoD Russia, [3/30/2022 3:53 AM]
🇷🇺🇺🇦Briefing by Russian Defence Ministry

▫️The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation in Ukraine.

▫️High-precision air-based missiles have destroyed large fuel depots in Starokostantinov and Khmelnitskii districts from which fuel had been supplied to Ukrainian forces' armoured vehicles in Donbass.

▫️Iskander operational and tactical missile system has destroyed 2 large missile and artillery weapons depots in Kamenka, Donetsk Region.

▫️During an aerial battle, 1 Ukrainian Air Force Su-24 has been shot down near Tumen, Roven Region, near the Ukrainian-Belarusian border.

▫️Air defenсe means of the Russian Aerospace Forces shot down 10 Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles near Izyum, Novaya Kakhovka, Donetsk, Nikolaev, Berdyansk, Gorlovka, Lugansk and Rubezhnoe.

✈️ 💥During the day, operational-tactical aviation and missile troops hit 64 military assets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Among them: 4 command posts, including the headquarters of the Ukrainian special operations forces near Bereznigovatoe, Nikolaev region, 3 anti–aircraft missile systems - 1 S–300 near Malin cuty, Zhitomir region and 2 Buk-M1 near Ugledar and Slavyansk. 3 multiple launch rocket systems, 2 artillery batteries and 49 areas of concentration of weapons and military equipment and strongholds of the Ukrainian Armed Forces were also destroyed.

💥In total, 124 aircfaft and 77 helicopters, 214 unmanned aerial vehicles, 321 unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,752 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 184 multiple launch rocket systems, 734 field artillery and mortars, as well as 1,640 units of special military vehicles of the Armed Forces of Ukraine were destroyed during the operation.

❗️The Russian Defence Ministry has already repeatedly exposed the cynical lies used by the Kiev nationalist regime to maintain its power in Ukraine and mislead the international community.

▫️On March 20, for example, President Zelensky, in a video address to the Israeli Knesset, accused Russia of allegedly targeting Uman city in Cherkasy region.

▫️To enhance the dramatic effect, Zelensky stated, and I quote, "this is a place visited by tens of thousands of Israelis every year for the pilgrimage of Tzaddik Nachman."

▫️I would like to stress that during the special military operation, the Russian Armed Forces do not strike civilian objects. All the more so when it comes to places of worship and any other places of public worship.

▫️It is the Kiev regime, in violation of international humanitarian law and simply moral norms, that uses such facilities as collection and transfer points for weapons and Nazis to take part in hostilities.

▫️Today we present evidence received from a member of the Uman Jewish community of the use by the Zelensky regime for this purpose of the building of the new city synagogue, located at Shosseiny Lane 1.

▫️Photographs taken on March 21, the day after Zelensky's speech to the Knesset, show the formation of two columns of nationalists on the synagogue grounds.

▫️I would like to point out that the property, weapons and ammunition stored in the synagogue building were first loaded by the nationalists into the backs of dump trucks and then disguised as bags of building rubbish.

▫️At the same time, buses painted as school vehicles with appropriate "Children" signs are being used to transport nationalists and foreign mercenaries from western regions of Ukraine, as can be clearly seen in the photos.

▫️Thus, the building of the Jewish cult in Uman is being deliberately used by the Kiev nationalist regime for military purposes. To provoke conflict and political pressure on Russia by Jewish religious organisations in the event of a strike on it.

#Russia #Ukraine #Briefing

MoD Russia, [3/30/2022 2:31 PM]
[ Photo ]
🇷🇺🇺🇦Statement of the Joint Coordination Headquarters for Humanitarian Response in Ukraine (March 30, 2022)

📑 Full text (https://telegra.ph/Statement-of-the...arian-Response-in-Ukraine-March-30-2022-03-30)

#MoD #Russia #Ukraine #HumanitarianResponse #HumanitarianAid
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