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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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look like keyboard warriors are over estimating how good those nato missiles are.

Anyway Russians have little ability to strike these weapon convoys.

They would really have no idea which one of the multitudes of trucks crossing the border into Ukraine everyday is carrying hundreds of these missiles each and anyway their ability to hit these trucks so far from their front lines seems to be around zero.
Wow you are out of touch Russia can’t bomb western Ukraine ???
You declared Azov group a terrorist organization on your own; you equated it with Al-Qaeda Network on your own. You declared people who volunteered to fight for Ukraine as terrorists on your own. You are overreaching in your critic here. Your post was removed on the grounds of being unproductive.

Check information in following posts:

Post in thread 'Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/russia-ukraine-war-news-and-developments.706984/post-13596480

Post in thread 'Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/russia-ukraine-war-news-and-developments.706984/post-13608691

Post in thread 'Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/russia-ukraine-war-news-and-developments.706984/post-13621199

Post in thread 'Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments' https://defence.pk/pdf/threads/russia-ukraine-war-news-and-developments.706984/post-13624243

Nobody here is a fan of Azov and the sort but you need to get a grip on yourself and try to be sensible and fair in your critic and judgements.

So what if I declare they are terrorists, its my opinion isn't that the point of a forum rather than peddling the same view. I'm not the only one, Democrats within the US house of representatives wanted them labelled as terrorists in 2019.

I never said everyone going to fight for Ukraine are terrorists you made that up. The alqueda comparison was based on how extremist all over the world are going to ukraine to join them.

Anyway delete as you like if it doesnt suit your narrative.
I still don’t understand why the Russians don’t secure the Ukrainian border with Poland , hungry and others since all sorts of resupply is flowing from there. At least fly air strikes on the resupply route

What "free society"?
Your media is free as far as I can tell. Have seen documentaries in DW that are critical of German government. You can vote and replace your head of state if the majority of your electorate so desires. I consider these as traits of free society :cheers:
It is US/NATO label as how the Soviets uses airpower. Imagine Soviet airpower consists mostly of AC-130s with the Soviet Army about 24-48 hrs behind, hence 'Airborne Artillery'. It is a rather limited perspective of airpower.

Soviet jets are known to be less technologically sophisticated than Western jets. Part of that is access to technology and part from doctrine. Being less technologically sophisticated allows the jet to be closer to the front line operating from austere airfields almost close to what helos use, and ease of maintenance by -- shall we say kindly -- less educated/trained troops. When I was active duty, it took a long time for the DoD to declassify some materials gained from our brief examination of the MIG-25 defected by Viktor Belenko, and our squadron had a chance to see some of that material as part of a motivational tour. Our F-15s were using solid state electronics but their MIG-25s had vacuum tubes. The popular defense is that tubes are immune from EMP which our engineers laughed at. Steel is easier to find than composites, so if a MIG-25, and others of that series, is damaged, steel from tanks or APCs can be used to patch up the body and even repair some critical airframe sub-structures, if a competent welder is available.

So if we extrapolate this upward, it is reasonable to assume that the Soviets had this limited perspective of its airpower and developed a war time doctrine appropriately. Then forward to today, it seems the VKS deviated little from that perspective and combat doctrine, hence, not much air presence except for where Russian ground troops are fighting, and even then, the VKS is not that impressive compared against the perception that we developed. It seems we continually overestimate the VKS. Maybe it is an intellectual 'better safe than sorry' safety margin on our part.

For us, Airborne Artillery is the AC-130 :)

Anyway, we were taught the thought of "Air Support or Artillery support are for you to use, but you do not own them" In the Army, we called them organic unit. The reason why it is organic is because they can be used not just by one unit, and not just by one AO. Take a M777 Battery for an example. You have a support radius of 25km, that mean it can be used in a circle within 50km, that can easily be 3 or 4 AO worth of area. So for me, I am in charge of 1 AO, if I was up to me, that M777 Battery would have just serve my AO,

That is the reason why support are detached. The commander of that battery in charge of his own battery, and I can use it if I want, but then ultimately, it's their job to do what they want with their artillery battery.

So if we go by what you are saying on the ground, then no wonder the VKS commander is sitting on his butt. I think the local air commander is doing the best he can, but if the ground commander is unable to accomplish his goals for any reason, from enemy resistance to weather, then the air commander will be equally shorted on what he is allowed to do. The more I look at this, the more it is likely the VKS is staying with Soviet air doctrine. I somewhat feel a little sorry for the guy as I bet he is being pulled three different directions.

If the Russian Army is going to lay siege on the major cities...

As can be seen by any Google image search of Raqqa, moreover, the employment of airpower in cities has been accompanied by great destruction.

Regardless of function, role, or mission, the application of airpower in cities for strategic effect is tremendously challenging, even with advanced precision weapons and sensors. The Air Force must move beyond tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) to consider broader solutions at the operational and strategic levels because even the best TTPs will not guarantee victory in urban environments.

Currently, airpower in the urban environment combat situation produce only one outcome: great destruction. There is a limit on the angle of approach for any PGM and usually it is greater than 45 deg to vertical. We can use PGM against a building but if the bomb miss it will hit the next building, so in an urban environment, there are very little misses. But the VKS have limited PGM usage so far. There is a caveat to this. Just because you have a lot of PGM does not mean all your pilots are qual-ed to use them and use effectively. Combat is no training environment. The VKS may have a lot of PGM, but if insufficient jets/pilots are qual-ed to use, might as well be no PGM, then we will see even more great destruction to those besieged cities.

What you said about the dilution of power is interesting because it is not applicable to airpower. Simply put, we ain't around all the time. If the tank stopped in front of you, the power of the tank is still there, you are just lucky it is not running or shooting. But with the airplane, I have to leave when I reach bingo fuel. So yes, the Russians should have gone all out on one city, then the next, then the next. Maybe Kyiv should have been the first, but if the VKS cannot replicate Desert Storm, then the air commander should have been allowed to focus his jets on one target at a time.

Now comes the horrific part. Under the concept of 'airborne artillery', the combined effects of artillery shells approach on one side of a target, then bombs delivered by jets on the other side, anyone/anything inside that building will die. We WILL see a humanitarian crisis in each besieged city.

The problem for the Russian Air Force is that they do not have a good intelligence arm of operation.

As I said time and time again, the fact that we know about their plan, their date of execution, and how to execute this operation itself is a major intelligence failure on Russian part, and the fact that they attacked as planned, in spite of that leak, is another intelligence failure.

We all wanted to fight war that were clean, a smart bomb dropped from 20,000 ft and hit that vehicle on the move, yes, that is a good capability to have, but not everyone can have that. To do that, you will need a team on the ground and their job is to locate target, and then somehow try to find a way to strike it. it's very easy when I am talking about it here, but when you have to go do it, that's another matter.

My background is an Airborne Pathfinder (Like LRRP back in Vietnam days), what we do is we were inserted ahead of the main event and then chart out what is the defence and what should we target and how do we target, and to do that, you will need to have a certain degree of ground intelligence, I mean, you cannot just flip a coin and go at a random direction, which mean you will need to know where to go and when to go there in order to order a strike. That involved some serious amount of intelligence.

The thing is, I don't think the Russia have this level of operational capability. Sure you can use GPS guided missile or other type of PGM, but without accurate and real time intel, that would not do much, the best you can do is what we called "Chasing Shadow" kind of like wrack-a-mole, you spam your attack and hoping to get a HVT. We see how much of a progress the Russian have during their pre-invasion bombardment, that was not enough at all. And if this is us, we would have more intel than the other side, and then launch an Alpha Strike, map out everything and strike them all at once. So you deal maximum damage, but this capability is lacking for the Russian.

On the other hand, were Russian intelligence agency really that crappy? I would inclined to say no, which left only one logical conclusion, and that is, they do have good intel, but they did not act on it..........
We get allot of stats on russian losses, are there any detailing Ukraine. I would suspect a much bigger difference but havnt seen anything which is cooberated.
Your media is free as far as I can tell. Have seen documentaries in DW that are critical of German government. You can vote and replace your head of state if the majority of your electorate so desires. I consider these as traits of free society :cheers:

:rofl: So India having those traits is a free society then ? Then you know nothing about what democracy is.

That man seems burned. What his captors are doing is torture.

look like keyboard warriors are over estimating how good those nato missiles are.

Wow you are out of touch Russia can’t bomb western Ukraine ???

They can on fixed targets using missiles from air and ground but not on moving targets that they have no idea if it is a weapons shipment or not.

look like keyboard warriors are over estimating how good those nato missiles are.

Wow you are out of touch Russia can’t bomb western Ukraine ???
Some good points. One thing he does not mention is that there is not a single video of a javelin engaging a Russian tank in combat. Not a single one.
So what if I declare they are terrorists, its my opinion isn't that the point of a forum rather than peddling the same view. I'm not the only one, Democrats within the US house of representatives wanted them labelled as terrorists in 2019.

I never said everyone going to fight for Ukraine are terrorists you made that up. The alqueda comparison was based on how extremist all over the world are going to ukraine to join them.

Anyway delete as you like if it doesnt suit your narrative.
Let us see:


"This Avoz battalion sound like a terrorist organisation attracting terrorists from Europe, America and other parts of the world. A european Alqueda."

This is excessive claim and without evidence.

Forum Rules Reminder:

Ethnic / political / nationalistic hate

Needless to say, PDF wishes to be a productive exchange of ideas and not a place of spreading communal, national, political or religiously motivated hatred. Members found involved in such activities would be severely penalized.

You are certainly allowed to critic Ukraine (and Azov Brigade) in your posts but do NOT be excessive in the course (FLAMEBAITING). Do no make claims that are unsubstantiated and make false equivalencies that cast an entire hemisphere in the wrong light. Do not question Moderation decisions as well; unproductive posts are removed to keep discussion atmosphere under control.

Be sensible and fair in jour judgement and critic. This is all.

Zelenskyy administration has created a Foreign Legion for which volunteers are applying from other countries.

These people are terrorists?

What about the humanitarian Russian Wagner Group which also has Neo-Nazi in its ranks and its atrocities are well-documented as well? I presented evidence in my previous post. Do not be selective in your critic.
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