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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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He also has family in Venezuela. An international man of mystery he is.
Dude, how is it a surprise for a Latino person who have relative living all over Latin America countries??

My next door neighbour is an Aussie, he have relative in the UK, US, Canada and South Africa.....You say that like this is exclusively applies to me.
The system which generates more high tech and wealth will ultimately win. We shall see one day who is right
No, I'll bet that free societies will eventually outlive authoritarian regimes in one form or other. It is simply difficult to keep the mind control going through generations. Eventually the system will relax its restrictions at some time and that will result in a breakdown. Soviet Union is a good example.

Technical supremacy or wealth is not specifically tied to system of government. Germans had good tech. under Hitler and they have it now as a free society as well. :cheers:
1. What are the contexts of these pictures ?

2. And @Amliunion posted a vid of a Russian unit who captured Ukranian soldiers who wore female clothing, so such a situation is not inconceivable.
That woman was latter found to be alive and collecting food rations from Russians.
So the context is fake news being spread by the usual suspects.
Man same thing happened to me and I was banned. I complained but no replies there as well. Maybe it is time to seek alternative forums. Unilateral removal of post which don't fit a certain narrative is going on here a lot but yea not much can be done regarding that. As per forum rules you should not complain here but complain at General Headquarters. Good Luck

1. I removed your one post for being off-topic in this thread and you started to question Moderation decisions here. The first thing to do when you join a Forum is to check its stated Forum Rules. Your off-topic post is not found to be of much value to this thread and otherwise; information in your post can be refuted - I can restore your post and do this myself, but this might lead to further derailing of this thread. There comes a time when an off-topic conversation must be stopped for good.

I offered you to discuss your problem with me (in a separate conversation) in good faith but you did not pay heed to my proposition; you wanted to create a scene here instead. You forced my hand to take action in spite of repeated reminders to STOP violating Forum Rules in this thread.

Now let me tell you something more. I can defend my decision to remove your off-topic post in this thread if called upon. I have done my homework in this regard. I also have the power to restore posts and remove strikes. For perspective, I issued a strike to a senior member for violating a Forum Rule in another thread and he apologized to me in return; I removed his Strike afterwards. Your behavior counts.

2. The member you chose to address this time - his post was removed due to following reason:

You can see his idea of productive conversations; blanket-branding people and groups as terrorists by himself.

These are the type of people you want to associate with here? Are you new to cyberspace? You have difficulty understanding statements?

I have posted in many forums and I can tell you from experience that Mods will intervene in view of complaints or when they notice Forum Rules being violated in a thread. Have a look at the quality of Moderation in Indian forums for a change - you will come to respect PDF much more in fact.

If you want to discuss this matter with me then request separate conversation. My offer still stands.


French were mulling over selling Rafale to Ukraine just a year ago, I am pretty sure they would also consider to part way with some Exocets. But then strangely they are very quiet on sending arms to Ukraine....


French were mulling over selling Rafale to Ukraine just a year ago, I am pretty sure they would also consider to part way with some Exocets. But then strangely they are very quiet on sending arms to Ukraine....

French might send now under 1 billion euro arms support which was agreed last night. I meant not fighter but other lethal arms.

US and Nato leaders in talks to send Ukraine anti-ship missiles​

James Politi in Brussels

US president Joe Biden and Nato leaders are in talks to send anti-ship missiles to Ukraine to help it fend off Russian attacks from the sea, said a senior Biden administration official on Thursday, as members of the western alliance held a summit to discuss their response to the war.

Source - Financial times

French were mulling over selling Rafale to Ukraine just a year ago, I am pretty sure they would also consider to part way with some Exocets. But then strangely they are very quiet on sending arms to Ukraine....

France has taken a much more intelligent approach by not officially revealing what was sent to Ukraine and on what scale.

What's confirmed (visually confirmed) is that we sent helmets,body armors and anti tank missiles. (MILAN and ERYX)
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Transferring heavier equipment would result in a spin that may force Russia to use less restraints in its weapon arsenal. At least an option of ceasefire should be offered with weapon supplies( atgms manpads as well) paused to Ukraine in return Russia stopping fire and returning to negotiations. Additionally maybe Mariopol evacuation can be planned with Un if ceasefire holds for some time. Otherwise ceasefire efforts will not be possible with continious weapon transfers feeding the conflict. If offer is rejected by Russia then it will further prove that Putin wants things to escalate and prove that it is not European Nato member countries that want escalation.
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@jhungary, what do you say now ?
I will say show proof.

Propaganda hit like this, they wanted people to know, not hid it some where. So if this is true, there are bound to be photo.

Also, which woman you are talking about? The first one or the second one?
That woman was latter found to be alive and collecting food rations from Russians.
So the context is fake news being spread by the usual suspects.
She was not found alive there was only a twett with video with someone similar :-) Looks like you guys having hard time to distinguishing slavs :-)
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