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How Syria can gain from Russo-Ukrainian war​

Syria has stood out as a key player in undermining the success of the US-led campaign to isolate Russia on the world stage

by Amalendu Misra March 24, 2022

Syrian soldiers are battle-hardened. Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The Russo-Ukrainian war has provided the regime in Damascus, once considered a political pariah in the region, much-needed respectability on the regional and world stages.
Syria was one of the handful of countries to support Vladimir Putin’s unprovoked attack on Ukraine. Apart from this moral support, the Russian military campaign in Ukraine has provided an opportunity for the regime to send its paramilitary forces to fight for its old ally and return the favor it received all these years.
There are two concrete issues that need evaluating regarding Syria’s position vis-à-vis the Russo-Ukrainian war. The first is military and the second is political. On both of these, Syria appears to be making a significant contribution to the war as well as the larger geopolitical context.

Syrian contribution to the war​

It is now established that Russia is recruiting Syrian paramilitaries and serving soldiers to fight under its flag in Ukraine. Rather than a conscription drive, there appears to be genuine support for Russia in Syria at the moment. Tens of thousands of Syrians have shown readiness to sign up to fight in Ukraine for Russia in at least 14 recruitment centers across the country.
Going by the current scenario on the ground, the Kremlin’s military campaign in Ukraine is likely to be a long-drawn-out one. From the earlier conventional war, the Russians are facing what may be called an insurrectional war in Ukraine.
Such wars require irregulars capable of adapting to complex dynamics on the ground. Consequently, if the war strategies employed by Moscow in the besieged cities of Mariupol and Kharkiv are anything to go by, we are in for protracted urban warfare. This involves encirclement and hammering of cities resisting Russian advances with a special kind of armament and soldiers.
What can the Syrian recruits to the Russian campaign bring that the Russian soldiers cannot? First, the Syrian recruits are battle-hardened and come with plenty of war experience under their belt.
Second, some of these recruits are ideologically driven and want to bring success to the Kremlin’s campaign in Ukraine and make good on the support they received from Russia in the past.

Third, these soldiers and paramilitaries are extremely adaptable in urban combat – they bring to the war a special kind of skill that the conscript Russian army lacks.

National Defense Forces​

Of all the Syrian recruits, it is the National Defense Forces that are likely to prove crucial in this war. Arguably, the NDF militia has the best battle experience in contemporary Middle Eastern warfare. They have been fighting relentlessly in Syria’s civil war since 2012.
At a time when the Syrian Armed Forces were struggling with defections, reliability, and trust among their ranks, it was the NDF that demonstrated the most motivated, loyal, and effective infantry in the ruling regime’s power consolidation campaigns.
The NDF have proved their mettle while acting in an infantry role, while directly engaged in combat with rebels on the ground. More important, they have proved to be exceptionally successful in running counterinsurgency operations. Being well versed in urban warfare and constant battle readiness has made NDF recruits an extremely potent military asset.
The NDF’s deployment in Ukraine under the Russian flag may be the beginning of the militia’s transformation from a national infantry division to an international armed brigade.

It is worth mentioning that Syrian fighters have been deployed in foreign theaters before, by both Russia and Turkey in Libya, and by Turkey in Nagorno-Karabakh to help Ankara’s ally Azerbaijan.
With the retreating US security guarantees in the Middle East, there is a real possibility of local regimes exploring indigenous safety mechanisms to address their internal security needs. If the NDF militia makes a good name for itself, in securing vital successes for Putin in the battlefields of Ukraine, it will significantly increase its profile as an effective force that could be called upon for deployment at short notice beyond Syria.
Syria’s growing rapprochement with the United Arab Emirates and beginning of the end of the ruling regime’s pariah status may open possibilities for other authoritarian regimes in the region to take a leaf from President Bashar al-Assad’s war manual and hire NDF recruits in their dissent-suppressing initiatives.
Syria has stood out as one key player in undermining the success of the US-led campaign to isolate Russia on the world stage. Its actions may have made a small dent, but it is a dent nonetheless. As days and weeks pass and we see an increase in Russia’s gains on the Ukrainian war front, this outcome is likely to embolden the Assad regime further.
Amalendu Misra is professor of international politics at Lancaster University in England. Follow him on Twitter @MisraAmalendu
Vse indiyskiye studenty vernulis' v Indiyu
Nyet. Tay bresh. Yest ishio ve sumi

And what does "mainstream media" mean ? And if you are the long-time member @Michael Corleone as you claim then you will know that I don't accept information as is.

@Amliunion says you don't speak Russian either.


Amliunion, why is Elon that way in your profile picture ? o_O
Yeah you just cherry pick what suits your narrative. It’s called confirmation bias. Now still to kashmir or Hyderabad. Worry about your girls getting married to hindu boys at home
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Back to the topic:

Breaking: Ukraine has asked NATO for 200 tanks.
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lol, no, just no. Some critical thought is required here. If the average Joe can access these women through prostitution, so can the police agencies. Of course if you believe in the cabal of elites that facilitate all this, then nothing can be said.
And the police often arrest whole organisations that are doing this. In what world do you live in?

I'm not talking about "cabal of elites",I'm talking about mafia and small criminals. Of course there are bigger criminal organisations that offer such women to richer people too,but women trafficking has been going on for decades. I'm surprised this is the first time you hear about it. Ever since the collapse of communism,thousands of women have fallen victim to such criminals. Women from Russia,Ukraine,Moldova,Romania,Bulgaria and other countries.

Where do you live? How come you've never heard of this before? The portrayal of such an organization in the movie "Taken" is accurate of such criminal organisations that are of a higher level.
better ignore and focus on topic
It's just fun to see a guy who go offtopic and then accuse me of going off topic.

I am just amaze, that's all :)
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It's just fun to see a guy who go offtopic and then accuse me of going off topic.

I am just amaze, that's all :)

Around 5.75bn Swiss francs (£4.68bn) worth of Russian assets in Switzerland, the world’s biggest centre for offshore wealth, have been frozen as a result of sanctions, a Swiss government official said.

That figure is likely to rise further, Erwin Hollinger, a senior official at the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) agency overseeing sanctions, told a news conference today
, as cited by Reuters:

Today, for the first time, I can give you an indication of the amount of frozen funds.
To date, SECO has been notified of funds and assets totalling around 5.750 billion Swiss francs.
Until now, the SECO had declined to provide an estimate of the extent of assets frozen or potentially subject to sanctions.

Bollinger added:

The cited number of far over 5 billion francs relates to a snapshot in time.
With further reports coming in and potential additions to EU sanctions lists, which Switzerland would also assume, it is likely this number will rise further.
Switzerland’s secretive banks hold up to $213bn (£161.42bn) of Russian wealth, the country’s financial industry association has estimated.

source https://www.theguardian.com/
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We are talking about a human journalist who you are demonizing for reporting truth so I just gave a comparative example where another journalist also presented truth but wasn't listened to by her government and the government carried on with its terrorism campaign in Libya.

Did the Eastern rebels crucify Ukranians like the Ukranians did with the Russian speakers ?

1. What are the contexts of these pictures ?

2. And it was @Amliunion who posted a vid of a Russian unit who captured Ukranian soldiers who wore female clothing, so such a situation is not inconceivable.
Well, no, you are talking about war crime, while you are doing that, you conveniencely leave out the fact that this is a 2 way street.

They actually do. Read up on the journalist that were covering the Eastern separatist during and after 2014 protest. A lot of them are tortured, one of them is Luhansk Journalist Maria Varfolomeyeva

1.) That picture was taken from inside the hospital
2.) Are you saying that woman is a dude? How about the baby then? Is it old enough to enlist?
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