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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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lol, now he is an "Russian with Indian origin".......

That's directly contradict to what he said before "If Russia is calling for "INTERNATIONAL" help, he is going to fight for Russia" so suddenly he is now a Russian in a matter of weeks......

That mighty quick if I have to say so...



75 Russian Phrases Every Language Learner Should Know​


When are we sanctioning this impostor ? @LeGenD
Lmao. That's why you are doing here 'Spreading Information WareFare'. However, can't provide links of so called SOF were on Ground calling out strikes in Iraq.:rofl:

Like you I never claimed to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Mars, Jupiter etc..:lol:
First of all, I asked you first, so by courtesy, you need to show proof to me first.

Second of all, as if those Forward Operator video were not at all "All over Youtube" already.

And finally, yes, you are just a Call Center operator, so yes, I expect you have never left India.

Don't assume, I can post Pictures/Videos of this happening in presence of Ukranian Army? This is happening in City of Lviv too, in presence of Police. What's your defense to this?

It is you who have no idea what is behind it so invent stuff cause it suit your agenda.
You are the Keyboard Warrior and support Ukraine. If Russia ask people from across the Globe to fight for her, I will.

The common denomination between Taliban, Alqueda, ISIS-Daesh etc., is also founded by US. :lol:

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75 Russian Phrases Every Language Learner Should Know​


When are we sanctioning this impostor ? @LeGenD
lol, see how he refer himself as "People across the globe" to now being a Russian of Indian Origin??

Am sure you can get Russian citizenship in just 4 days.....
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Dont know why the mod is trigger happy deleting my post under a false accusation. The avoz funding by US/NATO and weapons supply is documented and available for everyone to read online.

Also I gave my opinion on what I have come across and read so no idea what your talking about lying etc.

Man same thing happened to me and I was banned. I complained but no replies there as well. Maybe it is time to seek alternative forums. Unilateral removal of post which don't fit a certain narrative is going on here a lot but yea not much can be done regarding that. As per forum rules you should not complain here but complain at General Headquarters. Good Luck
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Lmao. That's what you are doing here 'Spreading US information WareFare'. However, can't provide links of so called SOF were on Ground calling out strikes in Iraq.:rofl:

Like you I never claimed to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Mars, Jupiter etc..:lol:

Every other post he puts on here is attempting to belittle or disrespect fellow members. You would think he was solely responsible for every war the Americans have created or been involved with. Remember all armies need pawns and yes men. People like him suck up to big wigs just to get that precious "pat on the back". Sharing knowledge and opinion respectfully and showing respect doesnt cost. By the way his grasp of the English knowledge is similar to my 7 year old. Shockingly poor.

Let me give you my 2 cents for what its worth.

Before the war commenced - Zelensky was proven to be as corrupt as those he replaced by shifting billions of his acquired personal wealth off shore just like the oligarths.
He has literally banned or removes all opposition from parliament - yet allows the Nazi element to thrive - not banning them but allowing them to thrive. Let that sink in.
Incorporating them into the army by giving them their own battalion. Allowing them to incorporate their Nazi insignia to shine brightly on their chests.
Aligning with Nazis in Ukraine is as ridiculous as like aligning with ISIS in Syria to defeat Assad.

I - like any normal friend of this earth want peace - and like most on here believe Putin is ruthless and no angel - however lets look at this objectively. Zelensky aint to innocent party.
He needs to get off his high horse and stop being a drummer boy trying to beg bully and shout at the west to do more and create potentially a third world war. Accept the terms and conditions stipulated and back down. Compromise and move on. If he doesnt - there is no winners and more lives will be lost.

By the way lets not forget - how foreign students with brown skin were treated. I will not forget those Indian students being refused entry into Poland and treated by Ukranian officials like dirt on their shoes. We must not forget.
He has literally banned or removes all opposition from parliament - yet allows the Nazi element to thrive - not banning them but allowing them to thrive. Let that sink in.
Incorporating them into the army by giving them their own battalion. Allowing them to incorporate their Nazi insignia to shine brightly on their chests.
Aligning with Nazis in Ukraine is as ridiculous as like aligning with ISIS in Syria to defeat Assad.
Its obvius why he ban them and who
"The National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine decided to ban the activity of Opposition Party — For Life, Shariy Party, Nashi, Opposition Bloc, Left Opposition, Union of Left Forces, State, Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialist Party of Ukraine, Socialists Party and Volodymyr Saldo Bloc, Zelensky said"

And you had to be a moron to disolve azow when a potencial invasion of russia is real ... like those nuts will fight to death of course he will not get ride of them...

Azow only exist thx to russia
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Lmao. That's what you are doing here 'Spreading US information WareFare'. However, can't provide links of so called SOF were on Ground calling out strikes in Iraq.:rofl:

Like you I never claimed to fight in Afghanistan, Libya, Mars, Jupiter etc..:lol:
Sometimes I have a feeling that behind his nick there are multiple users... or he himself has this Multiple Personality Disorder, :-D

Each one living in his own imaginary world. So depending on which one is currently logged on, he becomes "intelligence officer", "astronaut", "marine", "economist", "medical doctor" and what not, LOL.

In the meanwhile, the Ruble has gone up against $.

In other developments, Germany says Russia is violating the contract by asking to pay in Ruble. What will be the possible outcome of this?
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